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BearShare March 17th, 2011 09:20 PM

Can't connect? Fresh webcache here
Here I'll always post a fresh webcache file "connect.txt"
The file will be updated monthly

Just use BearShare 5.1 beta, and place "connect.txt" into:
c\Program Files\BearShare\db

Still confused? read this one:

and you'll be able to connect.
we have to keep that great program on!
connect.txt 04-August-2016

BearShare January 19th, 2013 12:12 PM

2013 Update :)

Mopsmaster June 29th, 2016 08:22 PM

got new one?

BearShare July 29th, 2016 02:36 PM

I am no longer using BS, you'll never find any file you want!
Very few still use it.
If you still want a fresh one, tell me, and I'll prepare one for you! :)

Lord of the Rings July 30th, 2016 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by BearShare (Post 377425)
...Very few still use it.

Yes I noticed the same thing. Less than 15 that connect as ultrapeers over an entire week and the BS leaf population is now also much smaller than it used to be.

This is problematic for BS because when it connects as an ultrapeer it reserves 18 slots (out of 26) just for BS peers. That means you are only connecting to half the number of peers than BS should.

That's the reason I became lazy to update the BS connection installers, there just aren't enough BS ultrapeers around. And generally half (or more) of them are using BS 5.1 beta and half to three-quarters of those are firewalled and should not be ultrapeers in the first place. A firewalled ultrapeer is of no help to anyone. Laziness or ignorance on their part to port-forward their routers so they would not be firewalled.

The other reason for my laziness is a relatively high percentage of BS hosts use dynamic ip address ranges that either change daily or every few months.

BearShare also needs its GWC file updated. I created a read-only version for reasons explained near bottom of my post here If you are new to BearShare, read that entire linked thread from the beginning on the first page!

I had not seen Mopsmaster's post until now, or left it. :o

BearShare August 1st, 2016 02:08 AM

You're right LOTR!
Actually, right now I am with eMule!
And I find it the only p2p that is still alive, many users, and millions of files.

BearShare August 3rd, 2016 04:32 AM

Well, I am back using BearShare :)
Later today I'll upload a fresh webcache..

Lord of the Rings August 12th, 2016 08:50 AM

You might want to consider another upload site such as MediaFire or ezfile (or another.) I've strayed away from 4Shared somewhat over past 2 years since they are struggling because banks were forced to ban them from credit card transactions (due to pressures from the music & film industries.) So as a result 4Shared are relying desperately on any advertising they can find. Most of their advertisements are spyware/virus spam downloads. I've been tricked myself with their download buttons. :o
Also people must be members of 4Shared to download the files. Also, even free members need to wait 60 seconds to download. Neither of these things are true with the hosting sites I suggested. Though ezfile does require a very simple reCaptcha.

BearShare August 20th, 2016 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Lord of the Rings (Post 377462)
You might want to consider another upload site such as MediaFire or ezfile (or another.) I've strayed away from 4Shared somewhat over past 2 years since they are struggling because banks were forced to ban them from credit card transactions (due to pressures from the music & film industries.) So as a result 4Shared are relying desperately on any advertising they can find. Most of their advertisements are spyware/virus spam downloads. I've been tricked myself with their download buttons. :o
Also people must be members of 4Shared to download the files. Also, even free members need to wait 60 seconds to download. Neither of these things are true with the hosting sites I suggested. Though ezfile does require a very simple reCaptcha.

Done ;)
But anyway... I have to say, eMule is the last working P2P.:wasntme:

Lord of the Rings August 20th, 2016 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by BearShare (Post 362401)
... Just use BearShare 5.1 beta, ...

Thanks, but this link seems to be broken. In any case they can obtain a BS-Beta download link via the second link you gave.

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