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NPS January 14th, 2008 09:12 PM

Windows Aero Theme (LimeWire Pro 4.16.2)
3 Attachment(s)
Sup all! Just wanted to introduce myself a bit. I've been reading these forums for awhile now but this my first post. Instead of posting a useless first comment I figured I share a theme I've been working on the last couple days!

I made it using LimeWire Pro 4.16.2. It has Windows Aero style colors and new images for folders, buttons, media player, search, ect. and the menu is a lot more visible. Basically anything editable was changed a bit. Hope you like it and any comments on things you like/dislike are welcome!

Note: I haven't tested this skin on older versions of LimeWire but I do know you need a Pro version for this skin work correctly. I tested this skin on a regular version, old and new, and it simply does not work unless your using a Pro version.


*How to install with Windows Vista:

-Unzip the file into C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Roaming/LimeWire/themes/

If you do not see the AppData folder you have to unhide hidden folders.

Follow these quick steps: How to see hidden files in Windows Vista

-Once you have the files extracted in the the themes folder restart LimeWire and refresh the skins folder by clicking View>Apply Skins>Refresh Skins on the LimeWire Menu

-Then select the theme! If the theme does not enable the first time then reselect it!


*How to install with Windows XP:

-Unzip the file into C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Limewire\themes

If you do not see the ApplicationData folder you have to unhide hidden folders. Open up Windows Explorer (click 'Start', point to 'All Programs', and then click 'Windows Explorer') On the Tools menu in Windows Explorer, click Folder Options then click the View tab. Under 'Hidden files and folders', click 'Show hidden files and folders'.

-Once you have the files extracted in the the themes folder restart LimeWire and refresh the skins folder by clicking View>Apply Skins>Refresh Skins on the LimeWire Menu

-Then select the theme! If the theme does not enable the first time then reselect it!

spunky2093 January 14th, 2008 11:51 PM

can't download skin
it says that i can download it and when i do it comes up as a htm. is there any way that i can still get this skin of yours? it's cool! good idea for vista too but it will not let me download it as is. thanks.

tonay123 January 19th, 2008 07:20 PM

i cant find C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Limewire\themes

there is no "UserName" or "ApplicationData" or "themes"

i need help i only no where "Documents and Settings" is.

NPS January 19th, 2008 10:23 PM

Well assuming your username would be Tonay123 the path would be C:/Documents and Settings/Tonay123/ApplicationData/Limewire/themes.

If you don't have a user account yourself then you may be logging in as the administrator, so it would then be C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/ApplicationData/Limewire/themes.

Remember that if you can't find the ApplicationData folder it's because it's hidden. You have to select 'show hidden files' option in the Control Panel.

tonay123 January 20th, 2008 08:23 AM

thank u very much.

tonay123 January 20th, 2008 08:34 AM

ok so i went to C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/
but i couldnt find application data, i also checked hp_adminstrator but i could only find .limewire i couldnt find themes.

my version of limewire is LimeWire PRO 4.16.2

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 10:41 AM

windows areo theme
well i found where i am supposed to extract windows areo theme but when i do my limewire asks if it wants to copy and or replace limewirePro_theme.lwtp i tried both and all it does is come up (in the skins section) come up as limewire pro (2) and i see no change. is there something i'm missing? thanks.

NPS January 20th, 2008 10:57 AM

Tonay, you almost there! C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator is the right one for ya but you can't the 'ApplicationData' folder because it is hidden.

Open up Windows Explorer (click 'Start', point to 'All Programs', and then click 'Windows Explorer') On the Tools menu in Windows Explorer, click Folder Options then click the View tab. Under 'Hidden files and folders', click 'Show hidden files and folders'.

Now that you can view hidden files you should be able to find the right path!

C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/ApplicationData/Limewire/themes

NPS January 20th, 2008 11:02 AM

Spunky, make sure your using a Pro version of LimeWire! Make a backup copy of the LimewirePro theme and move or delete it from the directory. Then extract the LimewireAero theme into the folder.

If you've done this restart LimeWire or refresh the skins folder in the program and select the theme. If the skin doesn't change then select it once more! Remember it will only work with a Pro version!

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 11:49 AM

i just tried to delete the pro skin and it worked. but when i extracted the windowsAreo_theme, no change. i extracted the areo theme to the directory (the folder) and with it, right underneith of it is the limewirePro.lwpt itself. there is no lwpt that says windows areo theme.iwpt. it wont let me change the skin because the areo one doesnt even come up in the skins section in limewire. it only says limewire pro theme under skins and goes back to looking like the original limewire pro skin.

Lord of the Rings January 20th, 2008 11:59 AM

Did you try selecting the pro theme from the menu to see if that's it? After all, the file is called limewirePro_theme.lwtp
Though I'd have thought the file could be renamed to Aero. ;)

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 12:01 PM

is there anyway limewire will be using your skin in the near furture to where all i can do is download it from limewire then just go ahead and with one click use this skin? i am missing something. i dont know. ive done all that you said too but when i try to extract the zip folder to the themes folder a folder labled windowsAreo_theme shows up in the directory but then also underneither that folder still comes up limewirePro_theme.lwpt. and yes i have tried that and it looks like the limwire pro skin that comes with limewire pro.

Lord of the Rings January 20th, 2008 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by NPS (Post 304639)
-Once you have the files extracted in the the themes folder restart LimeWire and refresh the skins folder by clicking View>Apply Skins>Refresh Skins on the LimeWire Menu

-Then select the theme. If the theme does not enable the first time then reselect it!

Refresh. And Try changing the skin to another, not the pro skin then back again.

After you closed LW, make sure it had sufficient time to close. Sometimes LW continues to linger even when it's out of view. Control-Alt-Del & make sure LW is not listed in active programs.

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 12:09 PM

still no change. ill restart my computer. maybe that might do something.

NPS January 20th, 2008 12:18 PM

Spunky, you were right! I updated the attachment and direct link so you'll have to redownload it! Sorry for your headaches this morning, I'm glad someone pointed that out!!

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 12:25 PM

can you please resend the link to me if it isnt to much trouble? or repost it in the thread? thank you very much.

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 12:34 PM

still no change. the lwpt is still saying limewirePro_theme.lwpt the the skin is still appearing as limewire pro theme and when i click on it it is the same as the limewire pro theme that comes with limewire pro. no change. im sorry.....

NPS January 20th, 2008 12:39 PM

Delete any themes you have now and download the new attachment or redownload it from the direct link. The file size is 52KB!! If you have that zip file it contains the right files: windowsAero_theme (folder) and windowsAero_theme.lwtp!

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 01:36 PM

again, i deleted ALL the themes in the theme folder and i extracted to aero theme to this folder. as soon as i open up limewire all the sudden the limewirepro theme folder appears and so does the limewirePro_theme.lwpt. and it appears as the limewire pro skin. and in the apply skins, all i see is limewire pro, metal and windows classic. by the way the metal and windows classic skins do not work at all. they are not found anywhere but yet they are listed. so as of now the only one that is being used at the moment is the limewire pro skin even though i have the aero extracted in the themes folder. its just not listed in the limewire itself so i cant change the skin from pro to aero skin. help!

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 01:42 PM

nps i think i found an error on your zip i think. the limewirePro_theme.lwtp is named differently then your windowsAero_theme.iwpt...shouldnt thwindowsAero_theme.lwpt be named as windowsAero_theme.lwtp????

spunky2093 January 20th, 2008 01:49 PM

i took a chance and it worked. all i did was rename the windowsAero_theme.lwpt to windowsAero_theme.lwtp. like the other themes were labled at the end. all you needed to do was switch the t and p around. thats why it wasnt working. thank you for all your help. thank you once again!!! hey is there anyways you might be coming out with a skin for windows transparancy? (windows vista premium)? thanks a bunch!!!! this skin of yours looks great!

NPS January 20th, 2008 01:50 PM

Windows Aero v1.0.1
I uploaded a new copy of the theme as an attachment. This should take care of any issues!


*How to install with Windows Vista:

-Unzip the file into C:/Users/UserName/AppData/Roaming/LimeWire/themes/

If you do not see the AppData folder you have to unhide hidden folders.

Follow these quick steps: How to see hidden files in Windows Vista

-Once you have the files extracted in the the themes folder restart LimeWire and refresh the skins folder by clicking View>Apply Skins>Refresh Skins on the LimeWire Menu

-Then select the theme! If the theme does not enable the first time then reselect it!


*How to install with Windows XP:

-Unzip the file into C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Limewire\themes

If you do not see the ApplicationData folder you have to unhide hidden folders. Open up Windows Explorer (click 'Start', point to 'All Programs', and then click 'Windows Explorer') On the Tools menu in Windows Explorer, click Folder Options then click the View tab. Under 'Hidden files and folders', click 'Show hidden files and folders'.

-Once you have the files extracted in the the themes folder restart LimeWire and refresh the skins folder by clicking View>Apply Skins>Refresh Skins on the LimeWire Menu

-Then select the theme! If the theme does not enable the first time then reselect it!

NPS January 20th, 2008 01:57 PM

Thanks Spunky! I'm glad it worked for you and you like it! Sorry for all the small mistakes that caused so much trouble! I uploaded a final version that corrects all these mistakes so anyone else who downloads this won't have any issues.

I'm not sure how deep skinning goes with LimeWire. They have to fully support Vista transparency in order for us to make use of it. I'm not sure what language LimeWire is programmed in but for now all we have is a transparent title bar! Hopefully they'll change this so we can design real Vista themes in the future!

tonay123 January 21st, 2008 08:12 PM

i...i got it, thank you for ur help!

Atreyuu2003 March 4th, 2008 07:58 AM

I was having the recent connection problem, and got rid of my .limewire folder which fixed the problem. However, now I have downloaded the themes I used to have and reinstalled them but they won't show up no matter what I do. Also, I don't have Windows Explorer anywhere in my Programs area. Additionally, I had all the themes working just fifteen minutes ago, so I doubt it has anything to do with having a "show hidden folders" square ticked. What is the problem? I have clicked on "Apply skins" at least forty-three times. I have started and re-started the limewire program and still nothing mon! All I get is Metal, Windows Classic, and Windows Theme.

Atreyuu2003 March 10th, 2008 01:40 PM

Nevermind my previous post. After lots of tooling around I finally figured it all out!
Troy :idea:

spunky2093 May 22nd, 2009 08:37 PM

hi say i can't download the windows areo skin at all anymore. it says there is nothing there. can someone help?

Lord of the Rings May 22nd, 2009 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by spunky2093 (Post 343605)
hi say i can't download the windows areo skin at all anymore. it says there is nothing there. can someone help?

It downloaded fine for me. Click on the attachment in the first post. Perhaps even try a different browser. Hope you're not using M$'s silly IE. :)

spunky2093 May 22nd, 2009 09:33 PM

is there any other way i can get this folder? like thru windows live messenger from someone? i tried to download it using internet explorer 8 and before that i use msn explorer software too. still nothing. it say that the folder is empty.

Lord of the Rings May 22nd, 2009 09:51 PM

Do you have your system set to auto unzip downloads? The file should be zipped.

I am wondering however, if the file is for 32 bit & you are using a 64 bit computer whether that would make any difference.

Try this: click on Request Download Ticket link, then on next page click on Download link at top left. Ignore the advert below.

spunky2093 May 22nd, 2009 09:54 PM

i have windows vista 32 bit and i just save as then i unzip/extract it myself.

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