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Unregistered July 22nd, 2002 09:11 AM

incomplete downloads problem
Dear limewire,

I had gone back to the 1.8 system after 2.4 did not resume incomplete downloads
which is a very important function to lose in fact the software is useless
after losing a connection who wants to restart from 0 all the time? I have a lot
of trouble with 1.8 keeping a good connection though which the newer software
does better and I was heartened to read the 2.5 was good at resuming incompletes
so I tried it. And at first it was great my downloads resumed the connection was
strong I thought I could ditch 1.8, but then the problems started . When I resumed a
download it seemed fine the percentage on the screen was going up but I noticed the
refresh button in the incompletel files wasnt working all the gain I was making wasnt
showng up, and when I restarted the computer thinking it would help all the gain I had
main showed up underneath the download in a new download . I dont understand how
you could allow something as important as the ability to resume incomplete downloads
to be lost? Aren't upgrades supposed to be improvements? Fixing this problem is the most
important thing you can do for this software.


Krieger88 July 22nd, 2002 11:05 AM

LimeWire does resume incomplete files, - however if you are downloading a file with multiple locations, the file names and sizes may differ, so not all of those locations will resume the same incomplete file.

As you probably already have noticed, LimeWire will every now and then multiple incomplete files for the same download. That's because results are grouped even if the file isn't exactly the same. If you find the same file someplace else (same size & file name), LimeWire will resume a file without any problems.

I'm about to create a version of LimeWire that will only group results with the same hash. You can download it very soon here:

(The previous version also had a problem with the xml docs which I forgot to include in the package.)

Krieger88 July 22nd, 2002 11:46 AM

okay, - it's online. When using that version, no download will resume at 0% anymore if you have already downloaded a part of the file.

Unregistered July 25th, 2002 12:19 AM

new limewire download
Dear krieger,
Your software sounds great but I need to know 2 things first your site seems
to be German is this a German version of Limewire not American? I dont
speak the language so downloading German versions of things would not be
good for me . I also want to know if you have a mac compatible version ?


Krieger88 July 25th, 2002 01:38 AM

The version is in English, - but it won't work on Mac that easily.

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