October 1st, 2002
Things I've Noticed A couple of things I have noticed when using LimeWire..
All versions I have used, currently 2.63, seem to have a habit of "forgetting" the list of downloads. This usually happens if a force quit is neccasry or if it crashes. I have had to make copies of download.dat now to ensure that I won't have to worry about that. However, it has happened even if it quits nicely.
I've also seen comments about it using a LOT of processor time. I myself have noticed this also with Jaguar. EVERYTHING I may have running at the same time runs dreadfully slow. And tests my patience badly.
Searches, I have had the software lock up when doing searches. It used to happen if I had several going (around 10) when I was using 9.2. However I have had it happen with 2 searches going. I get the spinning ball of death as one person put it. I have also had it ask me to redo the settings as I noticed one other person said they have had to do.
I have had the software lock up and/or crash when using the resume download option in all versions I have used. While running under 9.2 and 10.2. I have also had the same problem when refreshing the list in the Incomplete downloads. Under both OS's, and all versions I have used. |