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Norm October 29th, 2002 05:43 AM

Any idea what the changes are? I imagine small bug fixes.


spearson October 29th, 2002 05:48 AM

I think so Norm. ;)

rutro October 29th, 2002 06:25 AM

I'm think'in.....

Originally posted by crohrs
LimeWire 2.7.2 beta is now available. This fixes a number of bugs. I think this will fix Treatid's performance problems.

Unfortunately, there are already two known issues with this version. First, "mpg" files are not shared by default, unless your old settings are used. Secondly, the international version of LimeWire may start in English on the Macintosh. The first issue was a simple oversight and has been fixed internally. We're still investigating the second.

My guess is.... these are at least some of the issues addressed in 2.7.3

Can the LimeWire Team fill us in? :)

crohrs October 29th, 2002 07:04 AM

Yes, 2.7.3 just fixes the shared 'mpg' problem and the Mac internationalization issue.

afisk October 29th, 2002 09:06 AM

2.7.3 also fixes the problem that some of your have seen where the Mac OS 9.x and below installer records an error. This error would also mean that international versions would not install correctly. This is fixed in 2.7.3.

Thanks, everyone.

rutro October 29th, 2002 09:26 AM

Thanks guys
Thank you Chris and Adam for the info on 2.7.3 :)

Much appreciated... Great work guys.

spearson October 29th, 2002 03:08 PM

Thanks guys
Thank you Chris and Adam for all that you have done. LimeWire is a great program. Great work guys. :D

afisk October 29th, 2002 03:44 PM

You are very welcome. LimeWire is a lot of fun to work on. Thanks to you all for your invaluable help in tracking down bugs.

As you may have noticed, we officially released 2.7.3 earlier today.

Thanks again.

suIre October 29th, 2002 06:39 PM


Originally posted by LimeDude
LimeWire version 2.7.3 beta is out. Download it here.
As a clarification, this link does download version 2.7.3 However, it downloads the UNREGISTERED VERSION. If you want to download the registered version of 2.7.3 (Ad-Free) continue to log in to the limewire site as usual.

spearson October 30th, 2002 04:43 PM

Problem with version 2.7.3 of LimeWire
When I opened LimeWire version 2.7.3 I noticed that it did not connect to the server right away. It just said disconnected / no files available. Then it connected. Is this normal? Adam, other than that, LimeWire works very well. The LimeWire Installer installed with no problems. With earlier versions of LimeWire and the end of the installation it said there was a error with the installation but now no problems with the installation. :D

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