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Unregistered November 10th, 2002 06:30 PM

GUESS arrival date
Any idea when GUESS will be available for at least public beta testing?

trap_jaw November 10th, 2002 11:24 PM

Re: GUESS arrival date

Originally posted by Unregistered
Any idea when GUESS will be available for at least public beta testing?
LimeWire's Adam Fisk said "fairly soon".

trap_jaw November 10th, 2002 11:52 PM

Well at the heart it is the same what seems to be behind Gnutella2. - It's a search mechanism not relying on broadcast searches but using an iterative walker approach to search Ultrapeers one by one via UDP and stopping once it has found enough results.

rutro November 11th, 2002 02:56 AM

No need to Guess any longer....

Originally posted by bpmax
So do the rest of us have to guess what GUESS is trap_jaw ?
trap-jaw said it well... The acronym "GUESS," actually stands for Gnutella UDP Extension for Scalable Searches.

afisk November 27th, 2002 08:08 PM

GUESS is a fairly big change to the way searching works on Gnutella. As such, we're working hard to make sure it works right. This means we'll be introducing it incrementally over the next 3 or 4 months, with the first phase starting in a week or so.

You should start to see the initial benefits of GUESS around the middle of January. We wish it could be sooner, but realistically that's about when it will be.

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