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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: December 19th, 2001
Posts: 173
sdsalsero is flying high
Angry what's new in 2.79?

My 6-mo subscription is about to expire and, frankly, I'm considering *not* re-upping. The reason is because Limewire STILL doesn't maintain a changelog or post info about the updates. I know I'm not alone in complaining about this. It's very inconsiderate of them and suggests that they're not organized enough to do this most-basic bit of documentation.

So, for the Nth time -- what's different in 2.79?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
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Location: Aachen
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trap_jaw is flying high

bug fixes. Most of the minor releases are bug fixes. Major releases contain new features, - LimeWire usually posts the list of new changes in the beta forum for every major release.

For longer changelog, you can simply subscribe to the and mailinglist, - but honestly - most users do not seem to care about it and I don't remember anyone - except for you and maybe one or two others in the forum - complaining about LimeWire's changelogs.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
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rutro is flying high
Exclamation WOW...

Originally posted by trap_jaw
... - but honestly - most users do not seem to care about it...
I find that rather surprising!

I, personally am usually curious to hear the bug fixes of even the "minor" releases. I thought others would be curious as well... but maybe I'm just too geeky!
  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by trap_jaw
- but honestly - most users do not seem to care about it
This is daft, of course people want to know what has changed. If a program has lots of bugs people will download the latest version without knowing what has changed. Once it has got to a point where it works pretty well, virtually all of the time; users are left wondering, why do I want to upgrade ?

Have I ever suffered from any of the bugs that have been fixed since 2.7.3 ?
  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
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trap_jaw is flying high

This is daft, of course people want to know what has changed. If a program has lots of bugs people will download the latest version without knowing what has changed. Once it has got to a point where it works pretty well, virtually all of the time; users are left wondering, why do I want to upgrade ?

Have I ever suffered from any of the bugs that have been fixed since 2.7.3 ?
It's not like a security update. Most of it are installer issues anyway or some compatibility problems / minor inconviniences (weird behaviour). - If something is working, why would anybody want to upgrade unless it brings new features and that is not the case with minor releases.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: December 19th, 2001
Posts: 173
sdsalsero is flying high

That's the whole point -- you know what the changes are but we (the unbathed masses) don't. And, now that you mention it, I've tried twice to subscribe to the mailing-list and it keeps failing. It sends me the initial "Please reply to this" message but then, no matter how I do the reply, it always comes back "invalid account."

And, Yes, I have seen many many many other complaints posted here about the lack of info re version changes. I've even complained via the LimeWire-Pro tech support email, so they know that their paying supporters want it... they just can't manage to get it together.

I just tried it again (3rd time now) using my home email instead of my office. In response to my confirmation/reply message it says, "Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the mailing list. Oops, that confirmation number appears to be invalid."

Christ, I tried replying to the "invalid" message and now it worked! So, now the question becomes: Are the changes (and new sub-version releases) announced on the Announce list?

Last edited by sdsalsero; November 19th, 2002 at 06:45 PM.
  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 19th, 2002
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Join Date: September 21st, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 733
trap_jaw is flying high

They list has not been used for months. The only truly active lists are as far as I know dev@[core/gui] and the cvs lists mentioned above. But the developers often post a short notice somewhere in the forum (not necessarily in a new thread) when they are releasing a new version.

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