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  #11 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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Join Date: September 21st, 2002
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trap_jaw is flying high

Originally posted by stief
The ethernet connect worked very well, but then killed all my host connections on both machines. I quit both Limewires; mail client were able to reconnect several minutes later. Installation wasn't trouble free on both Macs (OS 10.2.4).

lookupd[273]: msg_send failed ((ipc/send) invalid destination port)
You mean to say that LimeWire killed your internet connection - so you weren't able to use it after the ethernet download?

That's fairly strange.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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All hosts were disconnected on both machines, and the OSX couldn't connect. Both Limewires, when restarted, recovered quite nicely and resumed downloading (even before any connections were displayed!). I'm just going to try to reproduce this crash again before the others on my LAN start screaming at me.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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sberlin is flying high

hi stief,

what is it that you do to trigger the crash / network meltdown?

  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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trap_jaw is flying high

Originally posted by stief
I'm just going to try to reproduce this crash again before the others on my LAN start screaming at me.
Once I wrote a multi-threaded port scanner in java and left it running over the week-end - a few weeks later my internet connection at my dormitory was cancelled forever... Good thing I had planned to move anyway.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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I wish I knew. Just tried again, but all seems fine with one to four small files.
-check mail to validate internet access in both clients
-wait for "stable" connections in LW Connections pane (>8 mins, besides self) in both clients (each shared folder only has 5 files)
-new search for "canon" [Pachelbel--it's not a popular mp3] on the G4 Mac or v.v
-download the 4 ethernet listed files
-check connections pane on the G4; Monitor pane on the G3
-check mail to confirm internet access.

btw, the speeds are great (I read the tooltip reports as estimates). The G3 reported the four 4.5MB files uploaded @236-467 KB/s; the G4 said 192-316 KB/s
The Process Viewer on the G3 did occasionally show some unusual activity--??? user with a process name in oriental-like characters. Console Log hasn't entered anything since the first crash, and the loss of connections could just be the usual.

I'll try again with some new, unhashed files later. The disable untrapeer settings are different in both, too

sorry trap_jaw--I missed your post. Yeah, and my kids aren't going to like that I can search their shared files!

Last edited by stief; March 8th, 2003 at 09:35 AM.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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sberlin is flying high

cool, i'm glad it works.

just fyi -- you don't need 'stable' connections for the ethernet listings to work. due to some quirks in the way LimeWire handles connections, it won't let you search until you have an active connection. but technically, you don't need any connections at all -- the queries are sent directly to others on the network that have requested to listen for them.

i imagine you have the new limewire beta installed on the other computers in the network also?
  #17 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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sweeppicker is flying high
Question Search Question

OK, I have 2.9 now. Its too early to make an assessment. I ll have to wait till it propogates.
But, I m wondering when LW is going to fix the inaccuracy of the search filters. For example, when u do a search of say "pink floyd" "320kbs" and you get a bunch of unrelated search results.

BTW, did LW abandon GUESS? I heard it wasnt gonna be used anymore duie to technical reasons.

Keep up the good work.
  #18 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Hello again Sam
thanks for the info on connections--makes more sense now.
Looks like my previous crash is related to my IPNet Router software, but it will take quite a while to be certain. My ISP was able to confirm that the DNS servers, the neighbourhood cable network, and my modem have run uninterrupted for the past 10 hours, yet all three of our machines suddenly couldn't connect again [hmm--LimeWire just unexpectedly quit on this machine G3/ OK on the other--lots of JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry in the crash log. Anyone want it?]

As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted, suddenly all three machine couldn't connect, two of them showed Console entries of
lookupd[291]: DNSAgent: dns_send_query_server - send failed. Two of them were running the beta; the other wasn't. For some reason, the G3 has been trying to maintain 15 host connections (often an additional 6 or so are trying to connect); the G4 tries to keep 3 over and above the local IP. Does that make any sense to you?

IPNet Router runs on an old Mac IIci that controls the two ethernet cards. I haven't touched it for two or more years, other than to push the power button after an outage. Before I look at it, I'll have to drag out an old monitor/keyboard/ etc and see if there are some settings to play with. That's a job for next weekend, but by then 2.9.0 will probably change.

Cheers--and by the way, the autocomplete search feature is a nice touch.
  #19 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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sberlin is flying high

hmm, if the logs aren't too large, could you post them here? (or just a few samples if they're all repetitive.)

also, this just happened once, right? it hasn't been a consistent thing?

trying to maintain 15 connections probably means the g3 is being promoted to an ultrapeer. the g4 having 3 probably means it's a leaf.

the autocomplete was surprisingly easy to add -- all the tools already existed for checking incoming searches against the library filenames/metadata. so this was just extended to store inputted searches & retrieve them when something you're typing matches. you may also notice that when you succesfully make an outgoing connection (seen in the connections tab), that iport will be stored in the autocomplete memory for that textbox. so if you succesfully connect to, then if you happen to type in '1', it will fill it with '.2.3.4:6346'. (and the port there will override the other port-specific textbox.)
  #20 (permalink)  
Old March 8th, 2003
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Sorry about the delay. Ironically, I just set up a temporary .Mac iDisk account to post the logs, notes, and a screen shot in its Public folder. You can access it under username "stief1". has FAQ's on accessing iDisks . P2P can be a chore!

I was able to trigger the home network locking again, only the Limewires didn't crash. I had to quit them both manually, and a few minutes later regained internet access. If the G3 thought that the speeds to the G4 made it qualify for an Ultrapeer, I'm guessing the poor little Mac IIci wasn't able to handle the shock and something there overloaded.

Adding the IP to the search box is a great idea. Now if only we could copy and paste them . . .

iDisks are webdav volumes, which probably means more to you than me. Do let me know which entries were important.
temp account:

Last edited by stief; March 8th, 2003 at 02:00 PM.

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