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  #41 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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I really don't know that much applescript, just enough to like, read a bit, and make backup scripts and stuff, but I don't *think* (emphasis on think) that this would be hard to port to LW. However, looking at the comments in it, whoever made it recognized that it wouldn't work whenever someone used a web proxy, some of it won't work. And it also relies a bit on the public IP address displayed from some website being correcet, which as I mentioned, would be fooled by a web proxy. That's really all I can tell. As I said, don't rely on me, if applescript were a real language, I would know how to say "where's the bathroom" and "hello", but from what I grasp, it looks like it wouldn't be too hard to configure it for LW.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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Interesting--thanks for the replies. Yet this might be just the sort of situation osu_uma is talking about: letting the user (and whomever is trying to help) know that all is OK or not. Didn't the LW homepage once have such a link that checked the user's ability to function on gnutella? It would sure help eliminate some of the doubt and uncertainty.

@jum--thanks again. Having a version of 3 trusted by an OSX coder really helps me eliminate setup/platform problems. I had some notes on the differences between LW and LWj, but this thread is going in a different direction. If you don't mind, I'll just email them.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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Originally posted by stief

@jum--thanks again. Having a version of 3 trusted by an OSX coder really helps me eliminate setup/platform problems. I had some notes on the differences between LW and LWj, but this thread is going in a different direction. If you don't mind, I'll just email them.
You can email it or discuss it here - either way should be fine.
  #44 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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just some notes on using LWj3--

LWj is stable--it connected as an UP while behind the gateway without crashing. After a few minutes the connections were all lost (this usually results in a crash for me; NAT software related), so I waited a few minutes and quit. Rerouted the 1 Mbit/s cable modem to connect directly (no firewall on) and restarted. OS 10.2.6; ibook G3 700 384 RAM 11GB free sharing 158 files 2GB.

After restarting (prefs set to not connect automatically) and curiously--while disconnected, noted CPU was just as high as when connected. (50-70%). I had no searches going, so what's using all the CPU? Uploads trying to connect? btw--CPU usage as a leaf shows~ 25% open or hidden.

Took this as a chance to see if I could get et voilą's reported uploads at a steady 7k--mine usually show a steady 0k. I was watching the 3-5 uploads which started very quickly to see if they'd be steadier. They weren't: same initial burst of ~30KB/s (the initial burst doesn't show in the average reported on the Monitor pane, only in the stats) and then nothing--the uploads usually end up as "interrupted." Why should the uploads stutter? Something is breaking the connection, right? If this is not LW related, then I need to get my cablemodem replaced. (LW is sure good for testing equipment limits! )

tried trap_jaw's magnet when disconnected---didn't show in the downloads pane, so chose connect, but then LWj wouldn't hide (kept coming to the front) and wouldn't allow any other window to be foremost. Had to quit. This happened when connected directly or behind the NAT.

Console entries are a bit different. Under the previous LW3, console would report
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : CGTranslateCTM is obsolete; use CGContextTranslateCTM instead
The similar message in LWj3 is much more specific:
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : *** Parser error line 1, character position 52

Is this related to my setup compatibility issue or do other OSX users see this too?

Here's one I've never seen before:
2003-06-08 13:22:09.154 LimeWire[942] Warning: Font LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance!

So, just some notes on the little I've seen so far. Thanks again for making the CVS build available. I owe you and others--can I send you a drink?

  #45 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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To make the "now what" less of a problem, a few suggestions are in order. First, fix the closing the pro box on foreign language versions, that'll weed out a whole list of problems.

After that, maybe pop up a box that says something like "Are you new? If so, click here to learn how to get started.". Link to an html page. Get someone to write a short, updated explanation of how LW works. That would solve SOOOO many problems. Get someone to explain each basic statistic, problems, and all the associated messages you get when a download fails, etc., etc. It would take a developer an hour to write something like that, and I can't imagine it would be hard to write the code for the pop up.

Also, change the messages to make them more user friendly. Someone already posted above to do things like change the awaiting sources method to "Can't connect for download, try searching again". If you can include real SOLUTIONS to problems when they occur, than the user won't bother with support, and the user will be immediately happy, and not be frustrated.

Your whole support philosophy shouldn't be to have threads and threads of lists of solutions to problems. It should be that the program, Limewire, will have the solutions built into it. Think about how the user feels. He/she/it(hey, it could happen) feels that their problem is common, and easily fixed. And if the problem is fixed, than the user is happy immediately, and begins using the program right away. For instance, if LW remains unconnected for more than two or three minutes, a popup could come and says "Having trouble connectigs? Click here for a list of common connection problems and their solutions." Link to html page. List of problems and solutions. Think about how much more convienant it all seems to the user. It's a whole different philosophy. It saves the support forums for major, complex problems. It saves the developers from having to address these issues, and it saves you guys from having to hire customer support people.

Last edited by Blackbird; June 8th, 2003 at 04:03 PM.
  #46 (permalink)  
Old June 8th, 2003
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Originally posted by stief
just some notes on using LWj3--

LWj is stable--it connected as an UP while behind the gateway without crashing. After a few minutes the connections were all lost (this usually results in a crash for me; NAT software related), so I waited a few minutes and quit. Rerouted the 1 Mbit/s cable modem to connect directly (no firewall on) and restarted. OS 10.2.6; ibook G3 700 384 RAM 11GB free sharing 158 files 2GB.
I do not know what is crashing in that case (OS X,, your router?), but LimeWire with Force IP enabled is supposed to survive these routing changes.

After restarting (prefs set to not connect automatically) and curiously--while disconnected, noted CPU was just as high as when connected. (50-70%). I had no searches going, so what's using all the CPU? Uploads trying to connect? btw--CPU usage as a leaf shows~ 25% open or hidden.
Upon startup LimeWire normally does eat CPU for rescanning the library. The CPU should return to normal after the counting stops in the lower left corner.

Took this as a chance to see if I could get et voilą's reported uploads at a steady 7k--mine usually show a steady 0k. I was watching the 3-5 uploads which started very quickly to see if they'd be steadier. They weren't: same initial burst of ~30KB/s (the initial burst doesn't show in the average reported on the Monitor pane, only in the stats) and then nothing--the uploads usually end up as "interrupted." Why should the uploads stutter? Something is breaking the connection, right? If this is not LW related, then I need to get my cablemodem replaced. (LW is sure good for testing equipment limits! )
It is definitely not supposed to stutter, and does not for example on my Mac. I have one additional idea what might induce stutter in the display: if the destination node is much slower than your connection it could be possible that your LimeWire process is sending the data quickly out to the network and the routers on the way to the destination buffer the data. As the destination node is slow it does slowly drain the routers buffers. After that your LimeWire again sends a big chunk and so on.

As far as I understand the situation TCP is supposed to fix this by adapting the window size and send fewer data. But only a network sniffer trace could reveal what is happening here and who is the culprit.

tried trap_jaw's magnet when disconnected---didn't show in the downloads pane, so chose connect, but then LWj wouldn't hide (kept coming to the front) and wouldn't allow any other window to be foremost. Had to quit. This happened when connected directly or behind the NAT.
This is a rather unfortunate problem. The Apple Java 1.4 implementation does not support AppleEvents from Java any more as the 1.3 implementation did (the JDirect subsystem is no longer available). I have no idea yet how to do AppleEvents from Java 1.4, so if anybody has any enlighting ideas I am all ears.

Console entries are a bit different. Under the previous LW3, console would report
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : CGTranslateCTM is obsolete; use CGContextTranslateCTM instead
The similar message in LWj3 is much more specific:
/Applications/LimeWire/ kCGErrorFailure : *** Parser error line 1, character position 52

Is this related to my setup compatibility issue or do other OSX users see this too?

Here's one I've never seen before:
2003-06-08 13:22:09.154 LimeWire[942] Warning: Font LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance!

So, just some notes on the little I've seen so far. Thanks again for making the CVS build available. I owe you and others--can I send you a drink?

The console differences are due to the fact that all of the Java engine is different in 1.4 than it was with 1.3. I do not see these on my Mac, so I what suspect that these are dependent upon installed video card and fonts.

Do not send a drink to me - just support your local neighbourhood instead.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2003
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2) fully agree with your suggestion regarding 'awaiting new sources'. Users should be told that they can manually re-search.

on the same issue: what does limewire do if it's waiting in more than one queue? it doesn't seem to allow to see the hosts you're trying to download from, with individual queue position. i always found it reassuring to know that i was queued with more than one host.

5) while I personally like the connections window I see your point. If it disappears, we even more ned a status bar that communicates whether
-limewire is attempting to connect
-failed (suggestions howto fix or link to faq)
-is connected
-is connected behind firewall (suggestionshow to improve, link to faq)

otherwise we have nothing but the red dot.

7) the faq. it doesn't have a 'last updated' and i don't think it reflects issues of newer versions like no more automated requeries. Who's in charge of that faq and does he/she update it regularly?


the interactive introduction and help system you suggested is a great idea. it would take a lot of redundant questions off the forum.

Why not add a help button to each window, options window, etc, that leads to a specific help page, either online or file? A lot easier than wading through the FAQ and also more likely users find what theyre looking for.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2003
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That's another great idea. The developers should really begin implementing or at least seriously considering such an idea.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2003
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Thanks to Roger Kapsi the magnet URL stuff does work again. Also the 3.0.1 version contains more fixes regarding long run stability, I hope that the unexpected quits are now finally a thing of the past.
  #50 (permalink)  
Old June 9th, 2003
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thanks jum (& Roger)--the magnet worked to get as far as queued (once I placed the LWj3 alone on the desktop--MSIE couldn't find it otherwise).

Replaced the LANCity modem today and still see the upload stutter. The ISP tech thought the uploads were odd but we couldn't find any buffering between my machine and the ISP's servers (usual speeds are 100-110 KB/s). I'll have to try to find how to do a "network sniffer trace" (google points me to PC apps). Thanks for that tip--I'd never considered a "too fast" possibility. He also recommended trying the T1 setting and reducing the upload limit to 100 KB/s (800 Kb) in the LWj prefs. Doesn't seem to make much difference yet.

the LimeWire[578] Warning: Font LucidaSans-TypewriterBold claims fixed-pitch with 0 max advance! is triggered by choosing "About Limewire," and that font is not installed on my system (stock--did an erase and install of the OSX partition 2 weeks ago). There are similar fonts in the java frameworks installations (and a few from MS Office X). Perhaps the DP of java installs it?

LWj3.0.1 is stable so far. I've disabled UP until I figure out the router losing all connections and the UL stutter. I've tried a few traceroutes on uploaders but hit a proxy on the way. I need to do more yet.

Cheers all--hope the help links can work.

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