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  #21 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by sberlin
You didn't download the beta, you downloaded the last stable version. Betas are available under: .
I found that out later. Originally I clicked on the link from Afisk? in the first posting. After I posted I went and found the beta link and got it installed.

Really, I can't see much difference.


  #22 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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And in the latest build I just did (269) I also increased the number of preferred connections for leaves to 6, just like the pro build (in the CVS it is only 4). This way one gets TurboCharged connections more easily. :-)
  #23 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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I have DSL with and more often than not my d/l speeds are still in the 3 - 5 kb/s range. Sometimes I will get a fast one ... what *I* consider fast - 20 - 30 kb/s but it is an ocassion for great end zone celebration.



  #24 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by THE Old Man
I have DSL with and more often than not my d/l speeds are still in the 3 - 5 kb/s range. Sometimes I will get a fast one ... what *I* consider fast - 20 - 30 kb/s but it is an ocassion for great end zone celebration.
I would say speeds in the 3-5 kb/s range are pretty normal. It mostly depends upon the bandwith available you are downloading from. I use an ADSL connection for example, and altough I can download very quickly I have only about 128 kbit/s upload bandwidth. If two users download from me you pretty much reach about 6 kb/s as I limit my upload bandwith to 12 kb/s and max 2 uploads. Probably the speed indication in the search results does not indicate reality any more since the advent of asymmetric DSL connections.
  #25 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by stief
@trap_jaw: I've decided to continue my little support to the LW project, but I'll recommend the jum builds to OSX users irritated by LimeShop. Do you know of a similar link for users of other platforms?
The LimeWire internation installer for windows. There is no LimeShop for Linux, AFAIK.

Seems to me that the some of the open source spirit can be preserved that way and support for the developers (rather than the business office) can limp along with the voluntary model then.
What open source spirit are you talking about? People who are downloading the source code anyway won't install LimeShop. LimeWire is really easy to compile even for newbies.

The introduction of a LimeShop that is not as easily uninstalled is a bad move.
That's true, it can be a bitch to uninstall on any system...
  #26 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by trap_jaw4 What open source spirit are you talking about? People who are downloading the source code anyway won't install LimeShop. LimeWire is really easy to compile even for newbies.
The spirit? The kind of help you and many others have given through these forums and the opensource page. I understood you did that for something besides the financial reward.
Gnutella has always been a network by the people and for the people. Only the combined public efforts of noble individuals can keep Gnutella a virtuous public network.
Sounds better than bitchy consumers who expect service because they "paid". LOL--I'm souding stuffy: sorry if I misunderstood the tone of your question!

Still don't know of any newbies who know how to compile, though.

So--will a gnutella connection quality tester be on your list of projects?
  #27 (permalink)  
Old January 18th, 2004
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Originally posted by stief
The spirit? The kind of help you and many others have given through these forums and the opensource page. I understood you did that for something besides the financial reward. Sounds better than bitchy consumers who expect service because they "paid". LOL--I'm souding stuffy: sorry if I misunderstood the tone of your question!
Oh, now I understand. I wouldn't call that open-source spirit though, - I know a lot of programs with a good community that aren't necessarily open-source. Overnet to name just one.

I have no idea about LimeWire's financial situation so I can't really comment on how necessary it is for them to bundle LimeShop / TopMoxie.

Btw. if you want to see the budget of an average file-sharing company, take a look at the official soulseek budget:

If LimeWire had similar expenses, they'd have to pay easily 20,000 dollars/month for booze and hookers.

Considering that they're lucky if they break even.

Still don't know of any newbies who know how to compile, though.
You just need one to compile it and put it online. You don't really have to know java to do that.

So--will a gnutella connection quality tester be on your list of projects?
Not on mine. But I understand that the LimeWire developers are focussing a little more on connection issues.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old January 19th, 2004
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Default No help

I've switched over to 3.7.7 as was recommended in a different thread, however, my problems still persist.(See my recent thread if you can help)
  #29 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2004
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Default Two other bugs in 3.7.8

1) when two search tabs are open if you do the repeat search on the left tab, the search is initiated on the right tab.

2)vendors ID are still sometimes random symbols (and yes they are really Limewires)

-as usual you can't browse other vendor in upload window apart LW even if acquisitions and bearshare support it
-when switching back to osx theme after using another one, fonts are still smaller

Old feature requestL limit the number of simulataneous uploads of one file (to keep your slots open for other files less popular)

  #30 (permalink)  
Old January 21st, 2004
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Default Re: Two other bugs in 3.7.8

Originally posted by et voilà
1) when two search tabs are open if you do the repeat search on the left tab, the search is initiated on the right tab.
I noticed this as well while working on my changed repeat search logic and it should be fixed in the jum version. I never submitted a patch, I feared that the official Gnutella protocol gurus would grill me to death.

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