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  #21 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
Join Date: March 14th, 2004
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Unhappy Since ~3.9.7

On startup, LW often lingers for a few minutes at Quality: Poor. A glimse at the Connections window reveals only one or two connections to other peers and leaves.

If I disconnect and connect, within a flash the Connections window is flooded with connects and within ~20 seconds at least a dozen connections have been established and Quality: Turbo is displayed .

This seems to have been introduced with the defaualt list of GWebCaches introduced in 3.9.7 but I am not sure about this.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Unhappy 3.9.12 grabbing CPU

After running 3.9.12 ~30 hours, it has started grabbing >95% CPU time after running ~60 seconds. This is AFTER shared files have been scanned, AFTER the connections have been established.

I have backed down to earlier versions, even rebooted, yet it now occurs with 3.9.12 every time I run it. It isn't at all obvious what it can be because it isn't caused by any user interaction, but if I had to GUESS, I'd wonder if it didn have something to do with the regular out-of-memory messages I have been getting.

Last edited by Matamoros; May 15th, 2004 at 05:44 AM.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Default Re: 3.9.12 grabbing CPU

Originally posted by Matamoros
After running 3.9.12 ~30 hours, it has started grabbing >95% CPU time after running ~60 seconds. This is AFTER shared files have been scanned, AFTER the connections have been established.

I have backed down to earlier versions, even rebooted, yet it now occurs with 3.9.12 every time I run it. It isn't at all obvious what it can be because it isn't caused by any user interaction, but if I had to GUESS, I'd wonder if it didn have something to do with the regular out-of-memory messages I have been getting.
Such message won't be very helpful if you don't specify your system settings (use the "generate error" menu option to list all relevant information).

I have run this version since several days without such problems (on Windows XP, with both Java 1.4.1-04 and 1.5.0-Beta1).

Also it would be helpful to know if this occurs while the GUI is displayed or when it is running in the system tray or iconified.
If this occurs with the GUI displayed, which panel is active?

If this is caused by a file recently downloaded, it would be helpful to determine which (We have seen some occurences of MP3 files that caused such behavior in previous betas, but it's possible that there exists similar problems, caused by some strange ID3v2 tag formats which may let the code allocate excessive buffers for parsing it.)
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Default Re: Since ~3.9.7

Originally posted by Matamoros
On startup, LW often lingers for a few minutes at Quality: Poor. A glimse at the Connections window reveals only one or two connections to other peers and leaves.

If I disconnect and connect, within a flash the Connections window is flooded with connects and within ~20 seconds at least a dozen connections have been established and Quality: Turbo is displayed .

This seems to have been introduced with the defaualt list of GWebCaches introduced in 3.9.7 but I am not sure about this.
I don't think so. Disconnecting and reconnecting will just attempt to reuse the same existing list of peers that existed before disconnecting. At startup, there's lot of things to do in LimeWire, so connections may be slower. Once all gets in place, things go faster.

LimeWire has worked a lot to optimize the init phase and reduce its power up time (including reducing the time to process list of Gwebcaches).

Just disconnecting/reconnecting will not trigger new accesses to Gwebcaches.

What may happen is that your last saved list of peers was outdated (because you had not run it for some time), so LimeWire will first attempt to connect to them before querying Gwebcaches if this list is exhausted.

Other sources of peers comes from attempts to connect to busy hosts with no more connection slot (they report other peers they know in a X-Try-UltraPeer header). This minimizes accesses to Gwebcaches.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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The problem of Matamoros is that he is on os/2 and there is no LW devs including open sourcers that test LW on that OS... (Never seen myself an os/2 OS except in screenshots).

  #26 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Originally posted by verdyp
With my bottom desktop toolbar, this hides about 4 lines of the tooltip text.
This happens on OS 10.3.3 too, but the tooltip window correctly remains within the bounds of the LW Window on the right (which is where I usually have my Dock).

However, when resuming a download or trying to use the scroll bar, several clicks may be required. Could the tooltip window be made 'transparent' for mouseclicks?
  #27 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Default Re: Re: 3.9.12 grabbing CPU

Originally posted by verdyp
Such message won't be very helpful if you don't specify your system settings (use the "generate error" menu option to list all relevant information).
Where is this menu option? I don 't see it anywhere.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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options->bug reports->view example
  #29 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
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Are upstream stats reliable? This is an old problem, but just in case it's more than a GUI problem, here's a screenshot. (14 hrs uptime; uploads throttled to 101.25 KB/s on a 1 mbps cable connection)
Attached Images
File Type: png upstream.png (46.1 KB, 134 views)
  #30 (permalink)  
Old May 15th, 2004
Join Date: March 14th, 2004
Location: Amsterdam
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Matamoros is flying high

Originally posted by stief
options->bug reports->view example
Ah, right. But I don't see anything about "generating an error message" that Verdyp is referring to. This panel is referring to the errors messages that LW generates , no?
Attached Thumbnails
LimeWire 3.9.10-options-bugs.jpg  

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