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  #41 (permalink)  
Old May 23rd, 2004
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Philippe--it's in the menu (and in the ~/Library/Preferences/LimeWire/Themes folder), but choosing it gives the "out-of-date" message and the link to update. I used your link, but for OSX I had to change the extension to zip, unzip it, and add the folder to /Themes. Looks like OSX needed the lwtp file and the unzipped folder to work. The lwtp file alone wasn't enough.

swimkid--the Pro theme uses a faint green and the LW plug rather than lime (I don't really notice much else different). You should donate to Pro anyway
Mail me I'll send you the lwtp (if no one objects) or a magnet of a screenshot. Just curious--why wouldn't you get a Pro? You are interested in p2p, and LW development is the most active and interesting as you've seen.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2004
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sberlin is flying high

LimeWire 4.0.5 is released, as a service release for 4.0.4. The following changes have been made:

- Fixed some cases where scanning for old files could cause errors if a file was deleted at the wrong time.
- Ignore even more UDP sending errors.
- Stronger validation of many string parsing routines to catch more faulty network data.
- Fixed issue where reloading shared files could cause uploading routines to temporarily fail.
- Fixed TigerTree retrieval to never download the tree twice from the same host during the same connection, and to allow all trees greater than or equal our preferred depth.
- Fixed downloading themes within LimeWire to correctly expand the downloaded theme.
- Fixed creating the TigerTree of a shared file to properly close the file when finished.
- Fixed corruption checking of downloading to use the smaller depth of our created TigerTree and the downloaded TigerTree.
- Ignore more errors caused by corrupted data when loading annotations.
- Ignore more internal errors related to Java on OSX.
- Fixed rare case of Tips of The Day going out of synch.
- Fixed resuming of downloaded files to not fail in some rare conditions where the list of downloading items changes unexpectedly.

The LimeWire Team
  #43 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2004
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Thanks Sam.

In hindsight, where should I have looked to catch those bugs (at least the OSX ones)? I'm just wondering what clues I missed testing the last betas. Any tips?

Sorry about that. Will try harder
  #44 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2004
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sberlin is flying high

There are no more common easy-to-find bugs to be fixed -- we've fixed them all. These service releases are mainly to clean up rarer problems that can cause LimeWire to act less-than-perfect. None of the bugs are showstoppers, but a combination of them can lead to consuming too many resources, or not being to see XML, etc...

We have a 'console' tab planned that can list out problematic things that aren't necessarily errors, but are indicative of something going wrong. Until that's added, there's absolutely no way anyone could have found these bugs prior to them being reported as bugs.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by et voil?
Oui Stief that's what happens. Mozilla shows that correctly so I assume something is missing in the khtml safari core. Why isn't Aubrey working on a mac?
Doubtful that it's a problem with Safari or khtml so much as one of the almost 300 errors in HTML on the home page that are reported by the HTML validator.
Safari tries to do things correctly, and is (rightfully so) slightly intolerant of non-standard markup and scripting.
  #46 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
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sberlin is flying high

Uh, the problem with the links was because of caching stylesheets. Refreshing the browser forces it to retrieve the newest files. People's browsers still had a cached version of the older style.

Also, as far as the 300 errors go, it is actually 237, and about 50 of them are because the "alt" tag on images wasn't included (so there's no text to use in place of an image while it loads), about 100 of them were an ampersand in a link was used instead of an &amp (which cause a ton of cascading parsing errors with the validator), and some minor nuances with whether or not the word 'STRICT' or 'TRANSITIONAL' is used as the document type.

Last edited by sberlin; May 28th, 2004 at 09:03 PM.
  #47 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
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Uh, Sam, can we have another beta to play with? Philippe's new optimizations sound really impressive (might this mean java will begin to lose its "slow" rep?), and I'm curious what zab and Roger have been doing with meta-editors (?).

Maybe we're getting bored here so we'll pick on the web site: 4.0.5 isn't generating enough problems to keep the forum busy.

Ah! The sweet sounds of silence in the forums!

Congrats--sure is sweet to watch the netsize grow (dang--just about hit 300,00 tonight before 'Safari' stopped showing the daily graph).

Hey--I keep hitting refresh, but still won't update and show the new opensource credits. Will Mozilla help?
  #48 (permalink)  
Old May 28th, 2004
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sberlin is flying high

A new beta is coming soon... we're making sure that everything is stable and deciding on what new features should be initially included.

The program that generates the crawler numbers & images sometimes fails -- it has nothing to do with Safari. On all browsers the # of hosts is sometimes not displayed, and the image graph sometimes fails to load. has not been updated yet. It will be.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old May 29th, 2004
Join Date: February 12th, 2004
Posts: 39
Zaggar is flying high

sberlin, why has Limewire blocked Morpheus? Isn't that abit stupid? (he prob wont answer this anyway)
  #50 (permalink)  
Old May 29th, 2004
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He probably won't answer (most probably heard your question far too often), but I will: Morpheus didn't give anything back and harmed the network by being to greedy (connecting to too many hosts, etc, which slowed down the whole network).

Read the past GDF-messages about that subject, and you'll see, why they decided to do it. A cooperative Network needs to shun out overly greedy "members", because else all would pay dearly for the greed of a few (or those few would manage to take down the network). That's how cooperation works: As long as all abide the rules, the network runs fine, but as soon as someone begins to exploit the network, others need to shut him (or her or it) out or have the whole system degrade (from which the cooperative ones would suffer first, the leeches only later, but they'd suffer still).

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