May 23rd, 2004
incomplete downloads hi,
i'm downloading movies once in a while, but i only have cable/dsl, so it sometimes happens that the peer i'm downloading from disconnects or shuts limewire down. since some of the stuff is kinda rare in best quality, i experrience problemsfinding other users with the same file. that's why some of my incomplete downloads are inactive for a couple days. but after a while, limewire seems to delete automatically the downloaded data of an epsode. that's frustrating of course, especially if you have a 95% complete file, 340mb downloaded, but all of a sudden, the whole download is erased.
is this a limewire bug, or why was this feature added? is there a way to change this and keep the downloaded data for longer, hoping that the one user one started downloading from will reconnect in tnear future?
thx for your help!
ben |