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ElllisD July 17th, 2004 03:27 AM

I've got the changelog page bookmarked, and I don't see anything about 412 on there yet. I can tell the GUI's more refined, and it's pretty, and I want to know if the searches I just put into it just happened to be faster or if there's a design change that allowed it to speed up. What's up w/ the internals?
I did notice that I still can't select more than one file in my library, tho- o- well... thx for the update nonetheless. It's great to see my (few) dollars at work! :D

sberlin July 17th, 2004 08:21 AM

Changelog will be arriving shortly... our apologies for the delay.

ElllisD July 17th, 2004 05:44 PM

No worries. I figured you were on it. I'd rather you be working on 0's & 1's anyway. Thank you for the quick reply.

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