December 4th, 2004
Gnutella Muse | | Join Date: December 19th, 2001
Posts: 173
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throttle invalid searches? I'm running LW 4.2.4 Pro as an Ultrapeer and, just for kicks, I decided to watch what kind of searches people are doing. Frankly, I think the vast majority of them are fakes, i.e., junk requests submitted by the RIAA or MPAA or somebody. I mean, what in the heck is "super my like piano, in old" supposed to be searching for? Almost every single search request appears to be a random assortment of words thrown together.
Does Limewire (and the current Gnutella spec, in general) provide for any protection from this? Say, throttling requests from leaves? It's probably not as simple as that, of course.
Or, are there plans to draw-up a set of Good Gnutella Citizen rules that could then be used to ban/block "bad citizens"?
And while we're on the subject, how about setting-up a black-list of IPs? I know a simple technique for spotting fake peers (but I don't want to post it since "they" couldn't easily change their tactics). We'd have to have some sort of trustworthiness metric so that the bad guys couldn't get away with blacklisting regular people.
Last edited by sdsalsero; December 4th, 2004 at 12:26 PM.