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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 1st, 2004
Software Developer
Join Date: November 4th, 2002
Location: New York
Posts: 1,366
sberlin is flying high
Default LimeWire 4.2.4

Hi Folks,

LimeWire 4.2.4 is out. This is a service release in the 4.2 series which has some significant bugfixes. If you're running an earlier 4.2 version, you may want to consider upgrading. The free version is available from the LimeWire Download Page, and the pro is available on your personalized Pro page.

LimeWire 4.2.4 fixes the following:
- TCP ConnectBack requests now correctly establish a connection, allowing LimeWires to detect if they are firewalled. This change will require many people upgrading to the newer version in order to be useful.
- Various handshaking bugs are fixed. You can no longer maintain a connection between two leaves, and the first few connections attempts as a leaf will require a LimeWire Ultrapeer.
- Metadata wasn't being saved properly upon LimeWire's exit, causing LimeWire to rescan all shared files for metadata. With this fixed, LimeWire should use much less resources starting up and will share files with their metadata sooner.
- LimeWire would respond to multiple of the same push request if it received it from more than one location (push proxies or directly). This is corrected so that now LimeWire will only make one outgoing connection and discard the extra push messages.
- The method for LimeWire to distribute newer properties to the network was broken. This is now fixed. This will become effective when a large amount of users upgrade.
- If LimeWire attempted a firewall-to-firewall transfer and the other side was unable to request a file (but was able to connect), the connection would stall forever. This is now fixed to disconnect after an appropriate amount of time.
- Pongs that are from a UDP Host Cache can now have any ip address (even an invalid one) in the pong itself, so long as their is a valid DNS name of the UDP Host Cache in the pong.
- If someone attempted a Browse Host but did not indicate they can accept serialized gnutella messages, the response LimeWire gave was invalid. This is now corrected.
- The OSX installer is fixed to use the correct permissions (with much help from Roger Kapsi).

The LimeWire Team

Last edited by sberlin; December 1st, 2004 at 05:43 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 6th, 2004
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: December 19th, 2001
Posts: 173
sdsalsero is flying high
Default minor changes in 4.2.5

(from changelog)

v4.2.5 (12.06.2004)
- Minor fixes to firewall-firewall transfers.
- Brand new Russian translation (thanks to Eugene Romanenko).
  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2004
Join Date: July 11th, 2003
Posts: 46
limenut is flying high

In LimeWire 4.2.5, with "Uploads per person" set to 3 and "Max Upload slots" set to 20, when any limewire user downloads from me, even though the download completes fine, it says "Upload Limit Reached" on a 2nd connection done by those limewire clients after the client is done downloading. Any ideas why it says upload limit reached if only one person is downloading and they are downloading only one file?
  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 15th, 2004
Posts: n/a

like all the old problems fixed, but new bugs has arised. The % number when d/ling is not alinged. It is almost trying to hide away or something.

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