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Keita January 14th, 2005 08:43 AM

I'm Japanese. I'm fifteen.
ƒ‰ƒCƒ€ƒ?ƒCƒ„?[‚Ì?Vƒo?[ƒWƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì4.2.8‚É‚µ‚½‚ç?C•¶Žš‰»‚¯‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚é‚à‚Ì‚ðƒ_ƒEƒ “ƒ??[ƒh‚Å‚«‚È‚_‚È‚è‚Ü‚µ‚½?E?E?E?E?E?E?B‚Ç‚¤‚·‚ê‚΂¢‚¢‚Å ‚µ‚傤?H

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 08:55 AM

Unfortunately I don't speak Japanese unless you can read Chinese. I can't read your text. What's the problem?

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 09:31 AM

As I initially thought, a practical joke. You can type in english text using great grammar. I have Japanese font enabled & still can't get the text to show in Japanese. Yet I can get other asian text to show when needed.

I'm the Lord of the Rings & I'm from the middle of the ocean. If you need help ask in english, otherwise I'll consider this post as a prank.

trap_jaw4 January 14th, 2005 11:53 AM

No, LOTR, that's japanese, - maybe you haven't got japanese fonts for the proper charset enabled. -

Unfortunately, I picked up the only japanese I know from subtitled hentai animes, however if is correct, he is trying to say that he updated to LimeWire 4.2.8 (? I think that should be 4.2.6) and now he's having problems with characters of some kind. Apparently there is a problem with the transformation of unicode Strings in search results, - it's hard to tell from the gibberish Babelfish returns.

Keita, my advice would be to update to LimeWire 4.3.1 ( ) which, IIRC, had a ICU4j fix of some kind.

EDIT: Also, asking in English is a really good idea, - or maybe there are enough japanese users on these boards to open up a japanese language forum? I don't mind continuing using Babelfish, OTOH.

sberlin January 14th, 2005 11:54 AM

Just FYI -- the ICU4J fix will be in 4.3.2, due out soon....

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 12:23 PM

Apologies! I obviously set something up incorrectly. I did restart my browser, perhaps I need to restart my comp. Oh well. I don't speak Japanese anyway, though depending on which text they're using I can often get the jist of what's said if it's using the (mind block) Japanese version of Chinese. I just don't understand it word by word.

trap_jaw4 the translation services like babelfish & systram are word by word & often miss an accurate translation if it's a greater than simple sentence. I use it myself & found the same.

我 幫助 您 怎麼 它?

试 4.3.1 它!

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 01:35 PM

LOL This is the Japanese translation I get & I have not a clue how right or wrong it is! :D

私はいかにcn 助けるか?

試み 4.3.1 これ

trap_jaw4 January 14th, 2005 02:59 PM

LotR, you must not make the mistake of expecting Babelfish to translate from one language into another. Babelfish translates everything to Babelfish and offers versions of that translation in various languages.

Lord of the Rings January 14th, 2005 03:06 PM

Fair enough! Are you saying you can't read my chinese or japanese or both. I got lazy. For a start I wanted to translate chinese into traditional chinese not simplified chinese. Then I wanted it to translate to japanese as an after thought. I didn't use Babelfish, I used systram b/c I think it's better. I suspect my chinese grammar for japanese shouldn't be too far off, since they do use similar ... no I'll leave that up to Verdyp to answer. lol :D OK perhaps I shouldn't have even started.!

I knew it wouldn't be exact but 'perhaps' more understandable.

With a later overview I think I should stay off the la er this time of day. lol I didn't start off too well! But oh well, this person may never return to see it anyway. Rusty by any standards. I'm tired! But rust never sleeps!

Keita January 14th, 2005 10:25 PM

It translated into English.
I am using the English translation software.
Because I am a junior high school student, English can be understood only a little.
The problem was not able to download the garble of the retrieval result when the version improved.
It becomes impossible able to download and why to have done nevertheless at LimeWire4.0.8.?H

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