September 7th, 2001
 | LimeWire Developer | | Join Date: May 30th, 2001
Posts: 166
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LimeWire 1.7 beta available The <a href="http://www.limewire.com/index.jsp/download_beta">beta version of LimeWire 1.7</a> is now available for download. New features in this release include
<li>Ability to chat with other LimeWire users who are downloading or uploading from you, or returning search results.
<li>Fixed major performance bug involving DNS lookup. This is especially important for Mac users.
<li>Option to filter low-quality search results
<li>Redesigned options window
<li>Quicker auto-connect
<li>Support for incoming Gnutella 0.6 connections with headers. This will allow for painless future protocol changes.
<li>More robust downloading in the presence of obscure HTTP error codes.
Please let us know of any problems. Thanks for your help.
LimeWire team |