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![]() All comments based on a G3 iBook running OS 10.3.9. I've updated the CVS each evening this past week, and run as an Ultrapeer. I know Tiger has fixed quite a few java bugs on OS X (like the Vmem problem), but here are some notes. Good to see Clear History implemented, though it would look less odd as a standard "Clear Menu" item menu, rather than the button. I like the "Search More." Woud prefer the keyword to be sent to the search box (for editing before searching), though. I hope the repeat search "search for keyword" will be extended to files in the download pane too. Better yet--implement "send to search box" for creating a slight variation of the search. Download pane--hope to see the tooltip extended to show truncated text in Name and Status columns. Actually, it would be nice if any truncated text could be shown in tooltips, no matter what Pane is being viewed. Copying entries: Like in a spreadsheet, allow a way to only copy the "cell(s)" selected, or the entire row(s). Monitor Pane: Pulsing blue bars should stop pulsing for complete uploads (as they do for 100% complete progress bars) All Panes: discontinuous selects should toggle the status of the command-clicked item. Currently, select-all and command-clicking an item to deselect it will deselt all the others and select the one that should be deselected. Search Pane: trying to close a search tab when several are open is often not immediate: several clicks and pauses may be needed. In general, closing search tabs has responded inconsistenty for a while Hope to see truncation of the text details for Direct Connect (overflow could be shown in tooltip). On a small size window, it can look really ugly. |
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![]() Terminal fills up with "gnutella.ConnectionWatchdog.run - Potential dud: CONNECTION: host=<IP:Port> I get batches of 20 or so of these every minute or less (>1200/hour). Just wondering how these are triggered. |
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![]() LimeWire version @version@ Java version 1.4.2_05 from Apple Computer, Inc. Mac OS X v. 10.3.9 on ppc Free/total memory: 7249536/25591808 java.lang.Error: java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument at sun.nio.ch.Net.localAddress(Net.java:127) at sun.nio.ch.SocketChannelImpl.localAddress(SocketCh annelImpl.java:390) at sun.nio.ch.SocketAdaptor.getLocalAddress(SocketAda ptor.java:142) at com.limegroup.gnutella.io.NIOSocket.getLocalAddres s(NIOSocket.java:380) at com.limegroup.gnutella.Acceptor.run(Acceptor.java: 577) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:552) at com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread.managedR un(ManagedThread.java:60) at com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread.run(Mana gedThread.java:49) Caused by: java.net.SocketException: Invalid argument at sun.nio.ch.Net.localInetAddress(Native Method) at sun.nio.ch.Net.localAddress(Net.java:124) ... 7 more |
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![]() after running overnight, several times the quit menu item is disabled. Quitting from the dock or Activity Monitor doesn't work either, even after waiting several minutes. Force-quit works. Connections Pane: Rarely see 30 leaves any more--often for hours there are less than a dozen leaves connected. |
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![]() This is as good a place as any for CVS notes. Hopefully we can figure out some way to distinguish between different days of CVS builds. Re: 'Clear History' -- my thought was that making it a menu item would confuse people because the actual entries are menu items. What happens if someone actually searches for "Clear History" -- then you see two menu items with that title. How do you distinguish between them? Re: 'Search More' -- perhaps below 'Repeat Search' there could be an option to 'Send To Search Box' which could be checked? Re: 'Search More in Downloads' -- Yup, that'll come. It was on our wishlist page and someone asked to collect the bounty on it, so we didn't implement it to give them a chance. I believe the patch is pending, we delayed a bit in order for the existing 'Search More' stuff to get merged in, and still are waiting on some changes to the downloader code, at which point we'll be ready to merge it in. Re: 'Truncated Text' -- It already does that. ![]() Re: 'Copying Entries' -- It doesn't make much sense in LimeWire to select single cells, or whole columns. Although the info is displayed as a table, we're trying to get away from the "spreadsheet" look. Unfortunately, because selecting cells/columns really only makes sense for copying the information, we've disabled it (because it simplifies many other things and makes LimeWire overall easier to use). I believe you already can copy an entire row by selecting it and using your OS's copy shortcut (Ctrl-C on windows, Command-C on OSX). Re: 'Pulsing bars on Uploads' -- I don't believe Apple offers a way to do that for individual progressbars. It seems like they pulse if the status isn't 100%. Would setting all complete uploads to 100% work? Re: 'Discontinuous selects' -- Interesting. Not sure what's causing that. We'll take a look into it. Re: 'Odd Search Close Behaviour' -- I've noticed that on OSX also. I don't think there's anyway around it. On Windows, closing a tab works immediately when you click the 'X'. On OSX, the tab needs to be selected first. Re: 'Direct Connect Overflow' -- I've only noticed that when you make the app unbearably small. There are some things which we just can't support, because the app itself is pretty useless at that size anyway. If, however, it happens on a normal resolution like 800x600, then we could make the text scrollable. Re: 'Potential dud warning' -- That's just a message saying that a connection hasn't sent a message in awhile. LimeWire will send them a heartbeat ping to see if they're alive, and if there's no further messages sent from that host, we kill them (which will have a different message printed out). Re: 'Lots of java.lang.Errors' -- That's a bug in OSX's NIO implementation. It kinda sucks, but I'm not sure what to do. It's an error retrieving the localhost address. Are you able to maintain any connections or start any downloads when this happens? Can anyone connect to you? Re: 'Quit menu item disabled' -- That's odd. Does the UI refresh itself, or is everything frozen? Can you post the stacktrace printed out by 'kill -QUIT <pid>' on LimeWire (where <pid> is the process ID of LimeWire). Re: 'Not many leaves' -- How long have you been seeing little leaves? Thanks. |
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![]() Thanks for the comments Sam. for CVS builds, I log the terminal's date and time of the update. e.g "Sun Jun 5 10:48:01." Better yet, can the sample bug report add a line "last updated"? Re: 'Clear History', the standard in OSX works well across all the apps that use a menu clear: the "Clear Recent" or "Clear Menu" item is alway at the bottom and separated by a line (I think it's called a menu divider). This should work for LW, and should be always available, but greyed out if no entries are available as a confirmation that the history has been cleared. Re: 'Search More', the checkmark item for sending the term to the search box would be useful. good to see the bounty program working, though I can see the politics could be a bit tricky ![]() Re: 'Truncated Text' -- thanks for the tip about extended tooltips overriding truncated tips. What about just having the extended info display over one of the default columns, like "Status" for the downloads, monitor, and connection panes, and truncated tips for the others? Re: 'Copying Entries' --sorry to hear about moving away from the spreadsheet look. As a new user, leveraging spreadsheets experience helped me get going with LW. iTunes uses it successfully too, so there's more leverage. The keyboard copying works, but I have to dump the rows into a spreadsheet to get the info, and edit out the unnecessary cells like the icon info. I was just looking to save a few steps, like when I wanted to copy just a filename to paste and edit in the keyword search box (especially when results are in Asian scripts). Re: 'Pulsing bars on Uploads' -- keep the current behaviour: I find it useful to see that some uploads are complete, yet not 100%.This gives a quick sense of what files swarmed, and which ones are unique or uploaded through browse-host. Well worth the minor irritation of the pulsing. Re: 'Odd Search Close Behaviour' -- Like Windows, closing a window works immediately when I click the red dot in Safari and other apps like the Finder. Just not in LW, but I haven't checked if it's the same with other java apps. Re: 'Lots of java.lang.Errors' -- I can maintain connections, and transfers continue when this happens. The connections Pane shows others connecting too. However, the dialog prevents switching panes or using any menu items. Re: 'Quit menu item disabled' -- The UI refreshes (Connection info updates, IIRC)and I'll post the stacktrace printed out by 'kill -QUIT <pid>' the next time it happens. I suspect it's a low hard drive space condition,since it hasn't happened with this last session. BTW, I noticed inconsistent greying menu behaviour is similar when Help->Generate Error is chosen. Re: 'Not many leaves' -- Not sure how long I have have been seeing fewer leaves. A few weeks at least, especially since I hadn't run LW's for a couple of weeks. Still, this last session (18 hrs), I never saw more than 29 leaves. cheers. |
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![]() The past two evenings I haven't been able to run the CVS version after updating. Here's the error Quote:
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![]() Thanks. Did that, ran into java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError, but after another update a few hours later, it's now working. btw--I ran the release version yesterday, saw few leafs there too for the several hours. After 8 hours, 28 leafs were active, but it took quite a while. Also, I switched skins to the default for the purposes of a screenshot, but when I switched back to the OS X Pinstripes, the search tabs remained in the Windows mode. I couldn't get them to back to the Pinstripe tabs before I had to shut down. |
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
WEBMASTER: 4.10.0 Release Notes??? | Dustyn | General Windows Support | 1 | January 4th, 2006 04:34 PM |
notes sharing software using Limewire code | rajat | Open Discussion topics | 1 | December 17th, 2002 05:23 PM |