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  #21 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2005
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Doh! Found it, it works, and is perfectly clear enough.

btw, do you look after magnets too? I wondered if MagnetClipboardListener could be easily enabled for OSX and Windows, as a way of testing magnets with the CVS versions.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old June 10th, 2005
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sberlin is flying high

Felix is fixing up a lot of magnet stuff.
  #23 (permalink)  
Old June 11th, 2005
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Default QUIT/ Library

Sam, the OS X "Quit" menu problem didn't show up today, though the conditions were similar to before. Just wondering if it was fixed, or if I should continue trying to repeat it.

a few Library notes:
--I assume DnDing a file from one Library folder to another isn't enabled, and that command-clicking a file among a selection still deselects all the others instead of the expected file. (just checking).

--it would be good if the virtual media folders were also created in the OS. That would make the Explore button more functional.

--I REALLY like the fact that individual files can be shared or unshared without losing all the hits/locations data.

--adding a Shared/Unshared column to the Library would help check which files need to be added. A "Date Modified" (or Added) column, as in iTunes or Finder windows would also be useful.

--when sharing a group of unshared files, any already shared files among the selection end up with all their hits/locations data reset. Would be nice if already shared files were ignored in this minor case.

-the duplicate files handling on the Search pane is a very welcome addition. The dialog L&F is relatively cluttered on OSX, and perhaps default settings could be optimized with automatic defaults.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2005
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Default LAN transfers/connections

Any chance LAN transfers can be fixed for this setup? I realize the upload limits, which are set for uploads to external clients on both machines is the problem.

-IBook G3 and an iMac G4; both running 10.3.9; both have separate static local IP's to enable uploads; both can accept incoming; both have upload bandwidth set at 90KB/s--about 85%
-G3 has a static IP of and is running as an UP with the CVS version
-G4 is, running LW 4.8.1 Pro as a leaf.

Search results from either machine only sometime show the other's files as blue stars, so that part works OK, but when I started LW in a different user account on the G4, the results just showed as the regular T1 speed on the G3, but the G4's search for "stief" quickly showed blue files.

Searching with the G3 for the name of the G4's user account quickly returns a list of shared files. Grr Please remove user account names from the keywords advertised in the path.

When the G4 downloaded a video from the G3, the screenshot taken from the G3's monitor pane shows the upload split between the router's static local IP and the proper static IP of the server. Any chance such transfers could bypass the upload controls, and be shown as a single transfer?

Sorry I can't explain this more clearly, but I hope LAN transfers can be revisited before LW 5

Attached Images
File Type: png ethernet transfers.png (11.3 KB, 205 views)
  #25 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2005
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Default bug report streamlined?

--is there an automatic limit to max of three "internal error" dialogs? When LW is the foremost window, I get a bug dialog every few minutes, but overnight I've never had to get rid of more than three.

--If the preference for Bug Reports is set to "Always Review", could LW just skip the initial dialog and just pop up the review window with the Discard button (and Send button, for regular release versions)? This would be easier, and would help ensure that I didn't review the same error report more than once


[edit--overly large "discard button example" removed to save thread space]

Last edited by stief; June 18th, 2005 at 06:46 PM.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
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sberlin is flying high

The bug report dialog was limited two three at once since its inception.

The problem with popping up the 'Review' dialog immediately is that it is very ugly and filled with information that most users don't care about. It's useful for us, and for beta testers / CVS users, but that's about it. Also, 'Always Review' is the default option.
  #27 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
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Thanks again for the info. Makes sense.

Either adding the discard button to the reviewed report, or adding the exception type to the initial dialog would be welcome.

I forgot to say earlier that I like the Help->Generate Error menu item, and hope it makes it to the release version (or something similar that can be copied and posted easily in the forums).
  #28 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2005
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sberlin is flying high

"Generate Error Report" is never going to be in a released version. It's there for debugging. We could, however, have something that generates the sample information from the bottom.

We'll look into adding the exception type to the initial dialog as well as the discard button to the review window. Both are good ideas.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2005
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Default updated CVS Fri Jun 17 16-02-26

re the generated bug report, thought you might be interested to know that under low HD conditions, it did not pop up a window (but the terminal recorded the info). LW quit just fine.

--this CVS now refreshes all the Library when the refresh button is used. With only the Incomplete folder selected, that was, previously, the only Library refreshed. Actually, I miss that, but if that's the price of having the new dynamic updating of the Shared Library whenever a file is added from the Finder, that's fine by me.

--I LIKE the option to choose the download folder for individual files from the Downloads Panel. Nice!

--Glad to see the bounty for client side queuing: I hope LW'll also consider Pipes rather than slots?
I'm happily wasting so much time downloading picture collections from single hosts Most only allow me to download three pics at a time, so it's too easy to gas hours on a single collection. I wonder if "pipes" might be more efficient than "slots". I.E, once I've opened a pipe to a host, the bitstream can be maintained irrespective of the number of files that make up that bitstream. My upstream bandwidth is greatly under-utilized given the kinds of files I share, but even so I've seen a few banned greedy clients who really aren't and wish I could allow their client a "download pipe" (timed?) rather than a three file slot limit. Just wishing and dreaming

--re the gui slowdown for closing search tabs:
it looks like it is proportionate to the number of entries under that tab. Closing a browsed host tab with 8000 entries can lock up the gui for quite a while, but a tab with just a few entries closes quickly. Can the 'clearing' of entries (or whatever is going on) be deferred to the background, so the active window can respond without waiting for the clearing?

--this gui lockup also happens while waiting for a browsed host's results to show and sort for the first time. i.e, a gui lock happens while, say, 8,000 files show in the browsed host tab; another lock when I filter for Images, and then another while sorting by size. Other tabs or panes are completey unresponsive until the results are displayed several minutes later. However, uploads, connections and downloads are still progressing (seen in Activity Monitor), althought the GUI shows them frozen.

lastly, this latest CVS is just as stable here as the regular release. IMHO, it's past beta already, although I am hoping the spam filters make it to the beta first.

Cheers. btw, I noticed acqx has released a beta that sounds like it has tapped into all the countless hours Sam and Justin have done (without mentioning them specifically, of course)
No doubt many more contributors are also finding their work quietly appearing elsewhere. Well, I know congrats aren't $, but congrats and appreciation anyway

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