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  #91 (permalink)  
Old July 10th, 2005
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sberlin is flying high

I would like to think that by 2010, LimeWire will have continued to evolve to fit the needs of a 2010 computer. As it stands, it isn't 2010, so there's no reason to fit the needs of a hypothetical future.

You're welcome to contribute futuristic code, though. Take a look at .
  #92 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Posts: n/a

It's now been more than a week since the Tuesday the changelog was supposed to be updated. I still don't see any sign of an update.
  #93 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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Default Won't downld after selecting

Again, I don't know if this is Beta related. This happened a couple of times in the past 2 days now that I clicked on a downld & nothing happened. This was after a browse. Control-clicking options also had no effect. Same user as here. But the 1st time it happened with a LW user. I restarted LW after it happened the 1st time. I was able to select to downld others from that user. And also 3 of the X_MY ones. Not that it actually started to downld but allowed me to choose it to downld.
Attached Thumbnails
LimeWire 4.9.0 Beta-beta-downld.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 26th, 2005 at 01:17 PM.
  #94 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Sneak Attack
Posts: n/a
Default Weird hang with beta 4.9.1

This morning I restarted limewire and let it settle down, then attempted to do some searches.

I put in one search term, hit enter, and my leaf promptly dropped one of its ultrapeer connections and then locked up. After several minutes, it recovered -- UI responsive again, etc. -- and I aborted the search (it had found nothing, unsurprising since it got launched with less than all green bars). I went to run the search again once LW recovered its missing connection, and LW froze again, but only for ~20 seconds this time. When it recovered it still showed all green bars, so I launched a couple more searches. After the second there was another pause, closer to 30 seconds; it still had all green connection bars at this point, so I launched a third. This time it seized for well over a minute. When it recovered, still all green bars, but the first search was well over half done and the second was approaching half, and none of the three had found a single file. And this was with queries that normally return 100+ each.

I contemplated aborting the searches, convinced that something had gone badly wrong somewhere, but before I actually touched the Limewire UI again, it dropped every single connection -- all of them, simultaneously as near as I could tell.

Needless to say I aborted all three searches.

It took nearly 5 minutes for it to recover to a status of all green bars. When I then went to relaunch the searches, there was a brief pause after launching the first, maybe 20 seconds in duration, but everything worked normally. The searches generated results, but maybe a quarter as many as expected for each. A repeat of the searches after harvesting the files I wanted that showed up in the first batch of results produced completely normal sized result sets.

What the hell is going on under the hood here guys? What caused this ... crash, or whatever it was? Why did it apparently not forward my searches to any ultrapeers initially -- and then later, drop all of its connections without my say-so? It had to be a problem at my end, since otherwise there had to be independent, simultaneous failures at each of several remote machines. But it wasn't a network problem -- and here's the evidence.
  • It didn't simply show "disconnected" the whole time. It would have if there'd been no functioning network connectiom.
  • Other network-utilizing apps, such as my Web browser, were functioning normally.
  • I had some old downloads waiting in line or for busy hosts, which wouldn't be possible with no functioning network connection. They'd have shown "need more sources".

So it wasn't the network, from the API between Limewire and the OS on down to my ISP's gateway. It wasn't the remote hosts. That only leaves the Limewire. And it is a beta. Obviously, what we have here is a bug. Unfortunately, it may prove elusive and difficult to reproduce.

Also, I'm experiencing a weird problem with this BB site and Firefox 1.0.4. If I post, or even preview or something and then decide not to, that Firefox window will no longer load anything from -- it will just spin, or pop up a timeout error, or otherwise behave incorrectly instead. If I close the affected window, open a new one, and navigate to the site again, it works fine again -- until the next time I submit or preview a reply, and then it does the same thing again. This started this AM sometime -- everything worked normally yesterday. Clearing the cache doesn't help. Restarting the window or the entire browser process does. Other sites, including very similar looking forum sites, are not affected. I haven't changed anything at my end. I think this is at your end, and suspect a cookie handling problem.
  #95 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Exclamation Severe bug in beta 4.9.1

Here's a doozy. "Error: Filesystem error. Could not set file location due to an error in the filesystem." Windows XP home SP2, filesystem is working perfectly as far as any other applications are concerned, gigs of free disk space and the file I went to download was only tens or hundreds of K ... in short, there's no rational explanation for this error.

This never happened before and I've used limewire for years. It must be the beta.

On top of that, there's another serious bug that completely prevents me from downloading these files even using an alternate name -- the file browser will not navigate to subfolders of Limewire's own folder. It comes up in My Documents instead of the download directory, and when I try to navigate to the latter, I get to Program Files, double click Limewire, and it consistently just redraws the list of folders in Program Files. There's no way to get to Limewire\Shared! It simply isn't possible!

I know this is a beta, but don't they at least do some alpha testing to eliminate blatant showstoppers like this before releasing a beta? Sheesh!
  #96 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down dialogs

RETRY -- it seemed to post OK, but when I refreshed the thread page a bit later, my reply didn't appear -- Severance's post still showed as the newest (and no page 9 had appeared either)...
See dialogs Problems (click on link)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Edited to comply with the House Rules.
Multiple copies of the same post will not be tolerated. Forum Rules (click here)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 12th, 2005 at 08:44 AM.
  #97 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Sneak Attack the forum went down for about 8 or 9 hrs earlier that's why you couldn't get back into the forum. It had nothing whatsoever to do with LW!

Click on the links Murderous_Rage. Don't test my patience! Read the forum rules! Your post is in the 1st link which is where you posted it originally. duh! (And you're not even a forum member, you're a visitor. So play by the rules. You had your say & it will be seen!)
And Murderous_Rage i have explained what & why I did what I did. I am a forum moderator & any other moderators online would do exactly the same thing. You continue to post repeat posts & I will continue to delete them. What's more, I will report your behaviour to have your ip permanently banned from this forum. Read what I said above. Your original post still stands. And you obviously still haven't read the forum rules. The forum rules count here. Get it!
Severance I'm not going to specially post in this thread just to continually discuss this issue. The person is not banned. It was a warning. I suspect I know what happened initially.

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; July 12th, 2005 at 12:26 PM.
  #98 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Severe bug in beta 4.9.1

Originally posted by Severance
Here's a doozy. "Error: Filesystem error. Could not set file location due to an error in the filesystem." Windows XP home SP2, filesystem is working perfectly as far as any other applications are concerned, gigs of free disk space and the file I went to download was only tens or hundreds of K ... in short, there's no rational explanation for this error.
A filesystem error can also occur when the filename of the file to download is invalid with regard to your filesystem, e.g. a filename such as "../text.txt" exposes such an error.

On top of that, there's another serious bug that completely prevents me from downloading these files even using an alternate name -- the file browser will not navigate to subfolders of Limewire's own folder. It comes up in My Documents instead of the download directory, and when I try to navigate to the latter, I get to Program Files, double click Limewire, and it consistently just redraws the list of folders in Program Files. There's no way to get to Limewire\Shared! It simply isn't possible!
When you choose to download a file by clicking the "Download As..." menu item, a filechooser pops up, proposing to save the file in the download folder for its mediatype or the default download folder.

I tried reproducing your actions and had no problems navigating into the C:\Program Files\LimeWire\ folder.

Please make sure the LimeWire folder is readable and accessible and also writable in case you want to download files to it.
  #99 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Posts: n/a

A filesystem error can also occur when the filename of the file to download is invalid with regard to your filesystem, e.g. a filename such as "../text.txt" exposes such an error.
Eh -- a filename with slashes? Shouldn't occur.

Anyway, it should just block out any characters that were acceptable on the source filesystem but aren't on the destination one, replacing them with something standard, perhaps a dot or a dash or an underscore automatically, instead of making you go to the bother of trying to navigate to the shared dir from My Documents only to then NOT BLOODY WORK ANYWAY. :P

I tried reproducing your actions and had no problems navigating into the C:\Program Files\LimeWire\ folder.

Please make sure the LimeWire folder is readable and accessible and also writable in case you want to download files to it.
It is. And when I navigated there with the file chooser from My Documents, I got to Program Files, double-clicked the Limewire folder, and the following occurred -- the directory name above the file list changed to say Limewire and the file list redrew itself and returned to the upper left corner from having been scrolled some distance to the right, but it still showed the contents of the Program Files directory.

While I may have been able to save to C:\Program Files\Limewire if I'd then hit Save (depending on whether the file got saved to where the file list showed, or to the directory named above that area, which had become inconsistent with each other due to this bug), I would not have been able to save to C:\Program Files\Limewire\Shared. I could not navigate to the Shared folder to double click it, because the file list still showed the subfolders of Program Files. And I very much doubt typing "Shared" in the filename box and hitting enter would have worked. Most likely I'd have ended up with a file named "Shared" in C:\Program Files for my effort, or else a complaint that the file name was already in use ...

LOTR: I think what's happened between you and Murderous Rage is a colossal misunderstanding. I see you've edited some posts, but he was probably expecting to see a new post with anything you had to say to him. Seeing nothing new after the "system was down earlier" post would drive me nuts if I kept trying to post new stuff and nothing appeared, neither my own nor an explanation why, below the last posting in the thread. I think it would be best if you unbanned him (if you banned him in the first place) and deleted anything nasty you said about him anywhere, put his posting replying to me here in this thread where it belongs, and deleted the duplicate. And yes, investigating how the original posting got mislaid would probably be a good idea too. Obviously, there are still residual problems after the morning's downtime, and it really is not fair to blame one of the glitch's unfortunate victims, if that is indeed what has happened here. I've arrived a little late to have seen whatever messages he posted that are gone, but the original posting seems to be perfectly innocuous to me, and I doubt he had any ill intent, or indeed any intent except to see that posting appear beneath mine in this thread, and to see it stay there. There really is no reason it can't be the other copy that gets trashed, is there? Of course it's probably too late anyway -- if it were me, and I posted and everything kept disappearing, I'd give up and surf elsewhere and not come back, but there's no harm trying.
  #100 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
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--magnets incorrectly format with the internal IP when on a LAN.

--UPnP doesn't allow direct connect, even though the proper port was forwarded, "received incoming this session =TRUE" and no firewall was being used on a wireless (Airport) network. workaround was to set LW firewall prefs to manual.

btw--the firewall indicator in 4.9.2 Pro correctly responded when the Airport opened or closed the port.

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