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Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 08:09 AM

Limewire pro
There's something i'm rather curious about involving the pro version of limewire. I downloaded it a while back and thought it was a good client for the Gnutelle network... but then i used a free version of a Gnutella client at a friends house and on various other PC's, it retrieved a hell of alot more search results, and that goes for many other free Gnutella clients i tried after that. It looks rather obvious the pro version of Limewire is a rip-off and shows alot less of what's actually on the Gnutella network.

Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 08:14 AM

'' A hell of alot more less'' sorry for missing the key word out, word being ''less'':p

ultracross July 4th, 2005 10:17 AM

Re: Limewire pro

Originally posted by Cybergenetic
There's something i'm rather curious about involving the pro version of limewire. I downloaded it a while back and thought it was a good client for the Gnutelle network... but then i used a free version of a Gnutella client at a friends house and on various other PC's, it retrieved a hell of alot more search results, and that goes for many other free Gnutella clients i tried after that. It looks rather obvious the pro version of Limewire is a rip-off and shows alot less of what's actually on the Gnutella network.
"how the hell" is it a rip-off when they offer you the free version to try out forever? and "what the hell" does this have to do with the beta version? get your facts straight, post in the right forum, and dont come back until then.

Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 10:48 AM

Are you feeling alright today? maybe i'll have to elaberate for the 'hard of understanding'... It's got everything to do with the beta program becuase it's the one i've tried, aswell as others (i implied the fact i used it by saying i had used earlier versions), including the latest. Secondly, so what if you get to use later versions of it life ( everyone get's it seeing though it's widley avaailable to practically everyone, maybe you think your special, i don't know), big deal, i'm cumming in my pants. (why the hell would you emphisise that, when clearly it's about performance, not if you get a life times supply of programs off them) and above all, as if that's got anything to do with how a program works (which obviosuly is my i posted my comment in here in the first place) all you mentioned was a contradiction of what i meant, implied and stated, the fact the new Limewire pro, and indeed earlier versions of it don't retrieve the full selection of files on the Gnutella network like other free Gnutella clients out there, get a grip and don't contradict my intelligent critisism, you very rude :p

Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 10:52 AM

your* sorry for the incorrect spelling.

Lord of the Rings July 4th, 2005 11:07 AM

There seems to be some lack of understanding, comprehension & skill here. Both in knowing where & what to post, & probably with using LW also. Forum Rules (click here) These posts had nothing what so ever to do with the working thread of the Beta Testers.

Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 11:29 AM

You seem so sure don't you. Well... i posted my post due to my critisism of the beta version, being pro (the pst was thread was clealry named ''beta''). it wasn't a out right dislike of Limewire, as you or soemone has named the post, if people don't like Limewire then post it in the dislike section, but i have no disklike about it, i have a natural crititism of the beta pro version, and that critisism being the very few search results from other free Gnutela clients, that doens't mean i want to give it a bad name, obviously. I'm mearly suggesting and implying it was and is a rip-off for buying the pro version due ot the lack of results compared to other free versions of Gnutella clients, Ones again for the 'hard of understanding' my comment on the beta version of pro is not a dislike, it is a natural critisism

Cybergenetic July 4th, 2005 12:33 PM

And clealry, i have to emphisise that being a so called beta testing I iwas very much so pointing out somethign to do with beta, in this case the pro version, i think some people round here are being very careless on what i've said from my first post.

Lord of the Rings July 4th, 2005 07:23 PM


Originally posted by Cybergenetic
... but then i used a free version of a Gnutella client at a friends house and on various other PC's, it retrieved a hell of alot more search results, and that goes for many other free Gnutella clients i tried after that.
Probably if your friend used LW Pro they'd also get very good results.

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
There seems to be some lack of understanding, comprehension & skill ... & probably with using LW also.
Didn't it occur to you that it might be a difference of your friend's set up, how they have it configured, & how they use it. There's lots of threads throughout the forum that discuss how to do these things. Other things you should be able to pick up on through experience.

The Beta thread in question is a problem observation & problem solving thread. People who post there are experienced users who are already aware how to maximise their use of LW. ;) :)

todzuallen July 4th, 2005 09:19 PM

really who cares how many search results you get. I always get around 500 for anything be it a band name or a specific song by a band. You don't need 10000 search results just learn to be a bit more accurate with your searches. I've used a lot of P2P programs on Win and Linux and gotta say I chose limewire.

Grandpa1 July 4th, 2005 10:46 PM

Well I would like to know what other version of Gnutella client software you are using that gives you better results than LW. Because for one I thought that I had an do use them all and I continueally get better results with LW than any other. As for the free version getting better results than Pro it is pretty well known that LW Pro and the free version are pretty much the same. I use Pro and do get slightly better results with it than I do on the free version. The reason for buying the Pro version is pretty simple since if you read the reviews and post in the forums you would know that the free vesion and the Pro version are virtually the same with Pro you get 5 connectons instead of 4 when connecting in Leaf mode. So why buy Pro unless you want slightly better results and to support the LW staff who are working all the time on fixing bugs and upgradeing LW I guess they should do it because you want them to. I myself appriciate the work they do. My guess is you either do not have LW configured right or you dont have as good of internet service as your friends do. Why dont you compare LW Pro and the free version on your computer and see what the results are and while you are at it go ahead and try BS, W/MX,SHREZA,Etc rember to remove the spyware when you finsh, Remember these progrms have to be paid for somehow.

Latter Grandpa1 also know as Grandpa

Cybergenetic July 5th, 2005 08:50 AM

For crying out loud, i'm not bitching nor am i complaining. I must emphisise fully, I am well aware of my PC and internet configuration aswell as my friends. I know of the turbo charged issue, (obviously) what i'm saying is even with the pro version, which your saying techically provides more search results, considering it's connected to more, let me say that again, I KNOW OF THE ISSUE. What i'm saying is that even in so called ''turbo charged'' status it's retrieving alot less than any other Gnutella client that i have tried, (nothing to do with my connection) (working great) (2mb symetrical bandwidth) PC- (64-bit Athlon Winchester 1.8ghz 512kb catche, 512mb of Geil ram) my friends is the same because I built the thing. Try it and find out instead of not really understanding my critisism.

Grandpa1 July 5th, 2005 07:29 PM

I have tried it and they are all loaded on my system,I have the ability to run 3 diffrent clients at once and 75% of the time LW will come up with more results than the others. When running in ultrapper mode when I get above 40 connections no other client can compare it will usually take a hour or so to get to that point and there are times that it will not get that high.So I know what each of them will do. Like I said try it out on your computer and compare them sids by side I think you will find the same thing that I did there are times the others will show more results but I have found that even at these times I will get more connections from LW and will download at more KBs most of the time.

AMD 64 Athlon SanDieago overclocked 2.3GHz
ASUS A8V Deluxe
EVGA e-GeForce Nvidia 6600
1GB corsair PC3200
2-Fujitsu 74GB 15,000 RPM Ultra 320 SCSI hard drives 0-Raid
1-Western Digital 120 GB
C:/ Windows XP PRO
D:/ Windows XP Pro 64bit

Latter Grandpa

mupet0000 July 14th, 2005 07:17 AM

HEY, W/MX & Shareaza DO NOT have spyware! just wanted to point that out to you.

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