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smegma July 5th, 2005 12:57 AM

Bugs in beta 4.9.0
Here's two bugs in the beta, one minor and one serious.

Minor: sometimes a download hits 100% and just stops. It doesn't go to "complete" or anything; just shows "downloading", 100% progress, 0kb/s throughput. If you pause and resume the download it will sit forever "queued" showing 100% progress. When you restart Limewire it will show up as corrupt.

Major: I just tried to get a particular file. It downloaded quickly, and then the status showed "Disk Problem". The file did not appear in the download directory where it should have. I canceled the download and retried from the search result. This time it instantly went from "Queued" to "Disk Problem" and 0 to 100%, without any downloading. Several further attempts produced identical results.

What could cause this? There is plenty of free disk space on the filesystem with the download directory -- 2GB give or take a few meg, so it's not a disk full error, or if it is, it's spurious.

ultracross July 5th, 2005 08:25 AM

thanks for confirming those bugs posted in:

as for the reason this happens? its unknown, thats why they are bugs lol.

Scrum July 5th, 2005 09:46 PM

Well, here's two longstanding ones that are still unfixed in the 4.9.1 beta...

#1 -- Files with the "File Corrupt" or "Waiting in Line" status seem to stop other files from downloading. If I have a corrupt file I haven't removed and four files waiting in line, and have the default five download slots, nothing will download -- everything will stay queued. Only "connecting..." and "downloading" items should count towards those slots.

#2 -- Typing underscores into the search box produces a beep instead of inserting an underscore. Given how common underscores are in filenames, and therefore how useful they can be in narrowing a search for specific files, this is a serious problem. The search box should accept any character that's legal in filenames -- on any filesystem. So, just about any printable character whatever.

Also, searching still makes the GUI freeze for several seconds. It has done since version 3.something. If it's the first search in a while. Sometimes if you launch several searches, the GUI freezes only after you hit enter for the first one.

TeH_sPaZzMeIsTeR July 5th, 2005 11:28 PM

Sometimes 4.9.1 beta gets stuck "connecting" -- the connection quality goes all red and stays that way. Looking at the connections tab you see it trying to make connections, but it never actually succeeds. And telling LW to disconnect and then to try connecting again doesn't fix it. It seems to require restarting LW to get it to connect to ultrapeers again.

Slick01 July 5th, 2005 11:50 PM

Is it me, or are requeries a lot less effective at locating files in the beta?

Requery (over time!) about 400 files in 4.8.1, get maybe 10 of them. Same in 4.9.1 you're lucky to get even 1.

Spudzie July 6th, 2005 03:38 AM

If you're looking for long-standing bugs still not fixed in the beta, how about this one -- the number in a search tab that counts up is still much higher than the actual number of items. I think it's counting every separate source for an item, instead of just every distinct item. It can still rapidly rise to 40 or even 50, and when you look at the tab in excitement all you see is

**** 46 Y_O_U_R_ _S_E_A_R_C_H_.wmv 106.3Kb T1

i.e. just that f*@!ing spammer...

deacon72 July 9th, 2005 05:24 AM

Let see, I know this has been brought up but I need to post it too. I have several d/l's in progress with LimeWire Pro 4.8.1 when I converted to the LimeWire BETA. My d/l's were picked up by the BETA and continued to 100% where they died. They did not transfer to library after doddling in the bin for several hours. I shut LimeWire down and restarted the computer, then restarted LimeWire. A popup came onscreen saying the previous lownloads could not be restarted and poof * they were gone...all of them...completed....inprogress..all....gone.

Is it possible the BETA has a confusional migraine that will not relate to the 4.8.1 program and that others may have had the same problem with the same circumstances.

The BETA seems to be running fine now. I restarted all my lost d/l's..big deal what do I want for free....and am seeing better speeds than ever before.

The team has outsurpassed itself in bringing us a better product and I do want to thank you and congratulate all the boys and girls involved in the effort to enhance P2P sharing. Pat on the back all around.

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