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Grandpa July 24th, 2005 02:53 PM

Hey Shawn how long did you run in Ultrapper mode and how many connections did you have when you did the search. I have found that if I have 40 conections I get better search results running in Ultrapper. I have also found that sometimes I can not get that many connections. If i run for a coupple of hours and only have 35 connections and I am looking for a rare file I will disable ultrapper and run in leaf. But if I am looking for comon files I wil stay in ultrapper because it does not seem to matter even if it says there are only 6 or 7 sorces for a certain file when running in ultrapper I will usually get 8 connections and DL at speeds between 40kb/s and 200kb/s so I do not see where it ruins my ability to DL files.

Latter Grandpa

shawn67 July 24th, 2005 03:13 PM

Grandpa I had 33 peers and 13 leaves when I ran the search in ultrapeer mode (limewire had been running for about 13 hours). Statistics showed I was at the 4000 host cap. I must confess that when I ran the search in leaf mode I dont think everything had completely settled down but still an 2:1 ratio of difference is not good.


ultracross July 24th, 2005 03:15 PM

1. Overwriting a file will _sometimes_ causes the icon of the search result to immediately goto a green check. Although it is still downloading, the icon should be displayed as a manilla folder. still seeing lots of these icon bugs.

2. The priority/queueing of downloads were for some reason out of sync and skipping a few numbers... it would skip numbers. ie: 1..3..4..5..7 etc.. i wish i took a screenshot of it.

3. I have a folder in my library that is called "2.1.0", the right pane cuts off the last decimal ".0" of my folder name. (its now doing it with any last digit)

4. I noticed an upload that kept going frm 95% to 100% about 10+ times before killing the connection to avoid wasting bandwidth for other uploaders.

5. I noticed an upload that was crossing over 100%.. screen shot:

shawn67 July 24th, 2005 07:25 PM

Maybe you guys need to start from scratch....
The other big issue is the fact that I can begin downloading a file get to 20 or 30 percent and then it becomes disconnected by the network and then when you do a subsequent search limewire will find the file that is still in your download que but it will have a broken symbol and when you hit the continue download button it will say "You are already downloading "XXXXX.XXX" so now I have to cancel the download "and get rid of the 15 or 20 percent already downloaded" or hope I can find it some where else. this is a BIG PROBLEM


zab July 24th, 2005 07:41 PM


2. The priority/queueing of downloads were for some reason out of sync and skipping a few numbers... it would skip numbers. ie: 1..3..4..5..7 etc.. i wish i took a screenshot of it.
This is normal - depending on the number of free upload slots you have and how active the other side is, the downloader at position 2 may sometimes get ahead of that at position 1. Nothing to worry about.


4. I noticed an upload that kept going frm 95% to 100% about 10+ times before killing the connection to avoid wasting bandwidth for other uploaders.
It is possible that the data was just getting corrupted along the way, or the downloader was buggy. Its also possible the other side got different hash tree for the file.


5. I noticed an upload that was crossing over 100%.. screen shot:
The progress displayed depends on how much data the other side claims to have downloaded. It doesn't mean that you have uploaded more than 100% to them. (i.e. they could very well lie)

zab July 24th, 2005 10:04 PM

Re: Maybe you guys need to start from scratch....

Originally posted by shawn67
this is a BIG PROBLEM
I am happy to inform you it will be gone in the next beta :)

RobertWiblin July 25th, 2005 02:38 AM

I'm still getting those disconnects that were meant to be fixed.

deacon72 July 25th, 2005 11:34 AM

As, in my mind anyways, an experienced user, I find that the PRO BETA ver. 4.9.7 is the worst "improvement" ever. Did I say "improvement". What am I?? A damn politician?? My searches show as many as 29, 30, 45 resources for a download, but when I try to download it it say "need sources". Huh?? I have successfully downloaded pretty much what I wanted, but now?? And my computer's resources went to hell. There is just no way I can run LimeWire and surf the net at the same time. It takes too long. And playing a game is virtually impossible. The game freezes because LimeWire Pro ate all the resources. I don't usually complain, but this is B A D!!!!

I am running a P4 1800@400mhz with 1 Ghz Ram with WINXP+ & 2 HDDS (102 GB & 80 GB) with a very clean Cable connection.

Now you show me where I should pay you $14.50 for a renewal or is that why I got a price break. This BETA Sucks worse than the RIAA and that is going aways.

Go ahead someone, give me a few platitudes to salve my soul while I go to Hell with this program. I'm going back to basic. Leastways I don't have to pay to get my computer screwed up.

sdsalsero July 25th, 2005 02:20 PM

People unclear on the concept...
Folks, folks, please calm down. This is a *BETA* meaning it is for TESTING. I'm sure that the programmers are concerned about all your reports of problems and are looking into it. If you're not willing to experience problems, however, you should NOT be running the beta. If you weren't having problems with the stable version, just go back to 4.8.1.

Me and the other beta-testers will help them figure-out what's wrong with the current 4.9. When 5.0 is eventually released, it will work perfectly.

fabion July 25th, 2005 03:20 PM

Hi deacon72 and the rest in this thread.

I'm sure the developers are working there best to get these bugs worked out. It just doesn't happen overnight. Patience is a virtue and I'm sure the developers will get it sorted out and fixed.

That is why they release beta versions and let the experienced users and beta testers use it. That way they can get the bugs worked out for a better performing application.

I have yet to see any new software versions come out that didn't have some bugs, whether they be free or comercial products.

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