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banished August 15th, 2005 09:02 PM

search field and autoupdate? plzzz
this program is cool, really. But there's still problems to deal with, especially when dealing with the search field.
i.e., when i insert a word to check the hosts for a certain file; my search results are not what i expect them to be, as i see the main window filled with porn movies and crap like that. Surely, sometimes it even works, but just very very seldom. most of the times the search result window gets filled up with files that do not even contain a single word of the ones i may have writen in the searchbox. This is really frustrating sometimes. Imagine if some friend finds you having a window full of wicked filenames... that's embarrassing, really.
but, up now, everything has been going great.
What i do not understand is that this kewl prgm lacks the update option. It's a shame to always need to visit the homepage to get to know that a new version might have been released whilst you've been suffering under some certain bugs of the software(such as the search results, for instance)... Now, it's 3 days i've discovered about limeware, thought i had the latest version, but today i see a new version winking at me; which i am afraid to install upon the existing software, since i have about 5 uncompleted files unleashed in my pooter. Am afraid to lose what i've been sipping from others' leaks within these three days...
I hope the developers of limewire will be as kind as to offer us the autoupdate option... anyway, they've done a great job so far... best regards...

ultracross August 15th, 2005 11:52 PM

1) you should really choose the media type of the file your looking for.

2) the auto update mechanism has already been added to the beta releases. the next version should support full downloads of the installer off the network IIRC.

banished August 16th, 2005 11:48 AM

i did get limewire from this site; i actually got the beta version 3 days ago, but seemingly i didn't have the one i supposed to have got. As for the issues you have so kindly tried to answer above...
Yes, now I do have the version 9.24b... To be honest? I donot see any updates(let alone autoupdates) option anywhere in this softie. Really, there's just a little option that you may tick in order to be notified of other new versions or beta versions...
As for the search issue... Really, honestly i do try it that way. firstly i check the kind of file i will be searching for, then i type down the possible name of that file, or the exact name of it... But still, the same things appear all the time.
You could just try by using common words that in reality have nothing to do with pornography; such as: apokalypse, etc, and see the results yourself.
Or, try to look for the same file as i have done, "they call me trinity"... i believe, whatever your inquery be in the searchfield, the results will be overfloaded with porn...
Anyway, thankyou for taking your time and answering me. That was kind of you.

banished August 16th, 2005 03:04 PM

real problems this time!
now i am facing problems with the downloads...
although i have no files in the shared box, still the graphic of my outgoing packages when i start limewire is almost higher than the incoming bytes. but there's no files uploading from my computer!!! Except all this, my download speed has dropped to the ground. it hardly exceeds 3 kb/s. How can i fix this? Even by deactivating my firewall my download speed using limewire doesn't changem at all. but my browsers and other downloadings work just as fine as before. my internet connection is a broadband, and such download speeds are a real blasphemy.
Why when i exit limeware from my system tray icon, and i don't have any IE(internet browsers, whatsoever) open, i still can see an internet explorer process running in my task manager?
Next thing i wanted to know is the why of the fact that ypsr(yahoo antispy) detects limeware as an adware.... limeware is much older than yahoo antispy; thus, should be something dealing with the experience of other users as well... Is any one who can be as kind as to give me any answers to these?

kmag August 17th, 2005 05:14 PM

Re: really

Originally posted by banished

Yes, now I do have the version 9.24b... To be honest? I donot see any updates(let alone autoupdates) option anywhere in this softie. Really, there's just a little option that you may tick in order to be notified of other new versions or beta versions...

Once the LW developers are convinced that a new version is good to go, they'll trigger a message that there is a new version available. If the update message is for beta versions of LW, and your client is set to ignore beta updates, then you won't get notified. There isn't a way to turn off notification of new official versions of LW.

banished August 18th, 2005 08:23 AM

Re: Re: really

Originally posted by kmag
Once the LW developers are convinced that a new version is good to go, they'll trigger a message that there is a new version available. If the update message is for beta versions of LW, and your client is set to ignore beta updates, then you won't get notified. There isn't a way to turn off notification of new official versions of LW.
Hi, thanks for your answer, very kind of you...
but as you may well have read above; this isn't a concern about updates anymore...
I am experiencing very low transfer rates; at most, 5 kb/s(that's what i see on bottom of my limewire now)... This is an insult to my connection speed which may exceed 512kb/s... and it really used to exceed this figures the first days i was using limewire... But now, it's all so tiresome.
I've tried them all, there's really nothing left to be done; no way that i can't control my firewall; my firewall is very obedient and does exactly what i tell it to do. but my downloads creep at the speed of a snail.
Is there anybody that can give me a clue?
It might even be my internet provider that maybe has understood i am using a p2p prgm and that i am sharing files with others; but it wouldn't be a problem at all, i guess, since i don't have any download limits in my contract. And for more, all other downloads work just fine!
Anybody can help me? I'd be very grateful... please?

kmag August 18th, 2005 11:10 AM

You may be experiencing "bandwidth shaping", where your ISP doesn't block the ports, but your ISP may be severely limiting the bandwidth on the standard Gnutella port used by LW.

ultracross August 18th, 2005 12:51 PM

it is true that you are experiencing low transfer rates, but its not as low as you seem to have put it. you are confusing kb/s with KB/s, they are 2 very different measures of speed. your connection to the internet may be 512Kb/s while your speed is 5KB/s.. although it is still rather slow for your connection, as kmag said, your isp is probably filtering/throttling your p2p usage. i have a 3Mb/s adsl connection, which translates to a 384KB/s connection, i can further reduce this translation to 3072kb/s or, 393216 bytes/s, or even 3145728 bits/s etc..

banished August 18th, 2005 07:25 PM

hello there... Thanks for your answers.
I do understand the difference of kb and KB... a byte=8bits...and so on. It is not what i was talkong about, since i explained very well that other downloads(example, redownloading limewire from the website would take me much less than a minute)...
What i said is that my download speed through limewire as a prgm has shrinked to surreal levels of even less than 12 times slower... It could be that my isp may be filtering my bandwidth... Yes, but a friend of mine, who uses the same isp as I do, and who told me about LW is having heaps of fun all day long by up/downloading songs and movies...
How come they'd redcard me while he keeps on playin? He's actually using LW ages before I installed it on my pc, even before i came to hear about it.
Is there any solutions to this? Maybe by changing my IP address?
Another thing; if i have LW running in my system tray and i click on the LW icon on the desktop, i get 2 LW processes running at the same time, as well as 2 LW icons in my system tray... And if i click again in the icon on desktop, i get three limewires, four, five six etc... depending on the clicks. that means trouble; right?
Thanks for your attention... ;)

banished August 18th, 2005 07:27 PM

PS: why does yahoo antispy detect LW as adware?

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