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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2005
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Default 4.9.24 so far so good

I have been running 4.9.24 for about 13 hrs now no major issues other than my own mistakes.
I have been running as a UP after I finally got port forwarding to work I do not know why it went Arri when I installed 4.9.24 but for some reason it did. Currently have 32 peers/ 17 levees connected. Search results good DL good 550+ 17 simultaneous DL all completed on first search and 3 only had 1 source showing on search but connected to 2 sources. Only 1 corrupt file.
Just curious I have read that the corrupt file issue has to do with the way that LW writes the file to disc. Is it possible that the reason fore this is that LW tries to write faster than the CPU can write them to disc. The reason I am thinking this is because normally when I am not testing and being a hog I never see a corrupt file message since I installed the 2 Fujitsu SCSI ultra 320 in 0-raid. Before I installed them I would get the message occasionally.
Any way memory usage 77MB not bad bus lesser machines may still have problems with that amount. Still haven't tested in Leaf mode so I don't know what that is going t be yet.
I think I am going to switch over to XP 64 for a while and do some testing on the corrupt file thing since 64 is about 20% at writing to disc than XP.
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Later Grandpa
  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2005
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Hi I've just registered but have been using LW since 4.8.1.After d/l all subsequent beta's, to say it has been a bit of a rollercoaster is an understatement. However as far as i am concerned, I agree with Grandpa, all is running pretty smooth at the moment (connection drops were my main problem) Keep up the good work you guys.
  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
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Limewire has never not worked for me, so I gotta agree with both guys above... I dunno how you guys do it, but with each new release I always find something better in it! Thanks, and I want to be a Beta test! LOL!
  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
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I have been running in Leaf for about 12 hrs now using port forward 6346 still have the same problem of having to reset the router speed test dropped from 570kb DL & 45kb UL to 90kb DL & 45kb UL. I no longer believe this is a UPnP issue due to the fact that I have not run in UPnP for the last 24hrs. LW was still able to DL at 500+ even after speed test said 90kb DL but INTERNET and gaming came to a crewel normally it takes about 2sec for a page to load and it was taking 15 to 30sec. I did not notice any real difference in my CPU speed opening programs and using them I did some photo editing with Adobe photoshop CS 2 on a 11mb tiff photo to check CPU performance an there was no noticeable difference in performance. After resetting router all is fine speed test back to normal Internet back to normal.
Any way search results good DL good 500+ on groups of 15 to 20 simultaneous DL and I did allot of DL of rare files surprisingly no corrupt files and all completed. I did have one fle that was 98% complete and when saying need more sources and when I hit resume went back to 0% and started over more on that in the link below. Memory usage was a little bit higher than I normally see in Leaf 68MB but that could have to do with the number of searches I did and # of files DL 200.
I did not have any Idle disconnect problems this time when I got up this morning it showed LW had 1 connection for 12hrs and the other 4 connected within a few seconds of waking it up.
In conclusion 4.9.24 has had the least amount of problems for me that I have seen in a while. Keep it up guys and I will do my best to try and break it looking forward to the next beta.
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Later Grandpa
  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
Gnutella Jewel
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Everything is running very good but I have yet to test LW as an Ultra Peer with beta version 4.9.24
Grandpa I was wondering does Limewire force you to reboot your router a lot a lot being more than once a day in Ultra Peer mode?
  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
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So far I haven't had to reset in UP mode. But I do not know why I will have to do further test and see if I can force the issue it appears to be more common of a problem when I run in UPnP mode verses port forwarding when running in UPnP at times I have to reset every hour or so.
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Later Grandpa
  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
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Default Backdoor.Win32.Bifrose.D

For some reason bitdefender has been detected the limewire installer as Backdoor.Win32.Bifrose.D I get the same thing for winamp. What is up with that
  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
Gnutella Jewel
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I am running a Linksys WRT54GS which is a wireless router and runs well and almost never have to reboot it unless I am running as an Ultra Peer which would be at least a few times a week depending or how long I run Limewire which is usally at least 15 hours a day and while I am sleeping
  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
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I have a WRT54G with speedbooster and I'm running an UP 24/24, never have to reset the router, FYI. But the computer running LW is not connected to it via wireless but with ethernet. I have also the latest linksys firmware, which can be a factor.

  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2005
Gnutella Jewel
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I'm not sure the difference between the G and the GS I do not have the speed booster model but everything else is probably close to identical with those routers

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