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  #41 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2002
Join Date: January 8th, 2002
Posts: 12
Gurm is flying high

Ok folks, we're all missing a vital point here.

I'll summarize very quickly.

1. Ultrapeer is a great idea.

2. Version 2.02 Pro doesn't do crap. I get no results for my searches, my total download bandwidth is lower, etc.

What's the fix? Someone mentioned a configuration file edit... let us in on it, even if the powers that be aren't thrilled... it'll prompt them to FIX their program maybe.

- Gurm, going back to 1.7 unless something happens pretty damn soon.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2002
Join Date: January 8th, 2002
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Gurm is flying high

Note Bene:

Tried forcing supernode. Doesn't help, searches are still tiny or nonexistant.

- Gurm
  #43 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Network Size

Maybe you should have a look at

if you wanna know why you can't find anything.

Limewire works, but the gnutella net needs more users!!!!

Did anybody talk to Morpheus/Musiccity yet? How are they going to implement gnutella in Morpheus 2.0? will it be a full featured gnutella-node? Or just a "freeloading app"?
  #44 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2002
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Default ignore those statistics!

No, no, no, those statistics are all wrong. Our crawler is no longer capable of crawling the whole network. We should take those darn numbers of the web page.

To give you a better estimate of the network size, alone records over half a million unique hits a day. And that doesn't count the majority of BearShare users.

If you're getting few results, it's probably because you're a leaf node connected to a dud ultrapeer. We hope that 2.0.5--in beta today--will make the average ultrapeer better. We also have some more tricks up our sleeve for 2.0.6/2.1.0.

As mentioned previously, you can force LimeWire to be an ultrapeer and avoid leaf mode, though that requires hacking your limewire.props file.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old January 8th, 2002
Join Date: January 5th, 2002
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colin1497 is flying high
Default Improvements

Can you elaborate on the anticpated improvements?

  #46 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2002
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crohrs is flying high

Colin: the code I'm working on now allows leaves to have multiple ultrapeer connections. So you get more search results and don't notice ultrapeer failures--without an increase in bandwidth!
  #47 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2002
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TruStarwarrior is flying high

Now THERE is something to be excited about!

  #48 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2002
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VTOLfreak is flying high

Did you guys change installer type with BETA 2.0.5 ?
WinZip 8.1 can't crack it open anymore ...

I really hate installers , just give me a good ol' .zip file .
If some program needs an registry entry I'd rather make it by hand instead of some installer doing it for me .
You can never now exactly what an installer does besides installing your program .
  #49 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2002
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No, we didn't change the installers. Are you looking for
  #50 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2002
Join Date: January 8th, 2002
Posts: 12
Gurm is flying high

Ok, thoughts:

1. If the newer versions fix things, great. 2.0.5, however, didn't do squat.

2. Results talk. If I do a search for "Lord of the Rings" on version 2.0.5, I get about 20 hits... the same search on 1.7 gets like 2000 hits. This is flatly unacceptable. Note that on 2.0.2 pro (which I paid for) I get ZERO hits.

Now, questions:

1. Do Ultrapeers talk to each other? Or am I connecting to an Ultrapeer who talks only to the other 49 leaves? That's what it seems like - as though I'm only getting the contents of about 50 machines, instead of the thousands from previous versions. Shouldn't ultrapeers talk to other ultrapeers? I mean, seriously...

2. When can we expect a pro version of 2.0.5 (or higher)? Or can I just hack the prop file? I see an adware enable/disable switch in there! (Oops, am I letting the cat out of the bag here?)


I don't care HOW you do it, just make it so we can find files again, PLEASE? I mean, did you TEST version 2.0? Did you try running searches with it before you foisted it off on us? I can't believe you did, otherwise you never would have released the stupid thing.

- Gurm

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