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LWnut June 29th, 2006 10:44 PM

sEArchIng UsIng IP AddrEss
is it possible to search for an specific LM user using their IP address and if so how.

Thank You all, you guys are great.:cool:

6_pac June 29th, 2006 11:01 PM

Yes, you'll need to know their ip address and both of you need to have your firewalls configured properly.

See this thread: How to use Magnet Links & Direct Connect

LWnut June 30th, 2006 01:47 AM

thanks for the reply 6_pac but i was looking more along the line of browsing a host copying their IP address down from the results tab and searching that same LW user at a later time.

Lord of the Rings June 30th, 2006 04:36 AM

Yes I do that quite often if they have many files I'm after. I make a note of their ip & try to direct connect to them at a later time. Sometimes successful, sometimes not. It depends on many things such as if they have free bandwidth & slots for upld/downld. And of course, whether they're online. Copy & paste the ip into the direct connect search type.

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