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LimeWire+WireShare Tips and Tricks Advanced users meet here to share secrets about pushing LimeWire to the limit.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
Join Date: July 14th, 2006
Posts: 7
(~Miguel~) is flying high
Default Network

Why Does the Network connect then disconnect oh and how do i know if im using a Moden or any other connection?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
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You really need to include more details about your system.
If not then every answer will be a shot in the dark.

Only you know how you are connected to the internet ? We are not psychic here on the forum and therefore can't tell you what kind of modem/router you have

1. What's your connection like - do you have any green bars at all?
Is there a brick wall in front of world ?

2. Do this test & see if it works. What does it say ?

3. What are your details

OS ? (Win XP, Mac OSX etc.)
How much free harddiskspace ?
How much RAM ?
LW & Java version ? (In Limewire press Help>about LW & you'll see)
What Firewall you're using ?
Modem/router brand & model ?
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ?
Connection type ? (modem, DSL etc) + Speed Up/Down if you know
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Has Limewire ever worked for you ? If so how long have you been using it ?

Have you tried using any other P2P apps & if so, do you have the same problems ?

Also include any attempts to fix this. It helps people rule things out
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
Join Date: July 14th, 2006
Posts: 7
(~Miguel~) is flying high

Originally Posted by Sleepless
You really need to include more details about your system.
If not then every answer will be a shot in the dark.

Only you know how you are connected to the internet ? We are not psychic here on the forum and therefore can't tell you what kind of modem/router you have

1. What's your connection like - do you have any green bars at all?
Is there a brick wall in front of world ?

2. Do this test & see if it works. What does it say ?

3. What are your details

OS ? (Win XP, Mac OSX etc.)
How much free harddiskspace ?
How much RAM ?
LW & Java version ? (In Limewire press Help>about LW & you'll see)
What Firewall you're using ?
Modem/router brand & model ?
ISP (Internet Service Provider) ?
Connection type ? (modem, DSL etc) + Speed Up/Down if you know
Where you connect from (home, school etc)
Are you sharing a connection with other computers
Has Limewire ever worked for you ? If so how long have you been using it ?

Have you tried using any other P2P apps & if so, do you have the same problems ?

Also include any attempts to fix this. It helps people rule things out
1.Yeah I have Green Bars but it takes a long time before it could reaach the last one. I Changed my firewall setting so it will allow Limewire to connect to the internet

2. Ive tried the test it works ou it says your test worked

Windows XP
I dont know
448MB of RAM
LW= 4.12.3 Java version= Runtime environment 5.0
Windows Firewall
I dont know
NMSU-NET (University ISP)
Low connection
NO it takes a long time to download and ive been using it for 3 weeks now

Well i answered all questions the best i could except for two. Im not really educated on computers.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? (see image attachment below!)
Attached Thumbnails
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
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If you are using the University Internet Service then there is a good chance that they are using trafficshaping. Is this a service that you ordered or one that you got through university ?

If it is. Do you by any chance have any friends that use the same service you can get to try Limewire. If all have the same problem then it's the ISP (maybe in collaboration with your university) shaping P2P. In your case Limewire
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
Join Date: July 14th, 2006
Posts: 7
(~Miguel~) is flying high

Do you see a brick wall in front of the blue world icon at the bottom of LW's interface? (see image attachment below!)
No i dont have a wall on the globe

Originally Posted by Sleepless
If you are using the University Internet Service then there is a good chance that they are using trafficshaping. Is this a service that you ordered or one that you got through university ?

If it is. Do you by any chance have any friends that use the same service you can get to try Limewire. If all have the same problem then it's the ISP (maybe in collaboration with your university) shaping P2P. In your case Limewire
Yeah i have a friend that has it. No i didnt order anything special. im not sure if i have that service.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old July 17th, 2006
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

Example: Here's an example of how a p2p bandwidth shaper can work against Gnutella: Bandwidth Shaper Sample - typical of how some ISP's & univerities use it (click on link) ie: giving priority to net surfing & low priorities to p2p sharing.

Some Uni's have their own custom bandwidth shapers or p2p blockers.
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