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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2006
Join Date: October 10th, 2006
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bohlte21 is flying high
Default Licenses

I got a virus on my laptop recently and had to wipe out everything. Now that I reinstalled LimeWire, whenever I do a search my songs come up but they require a license to download and listen. Is there anyway to do a search without those songs that require a license?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2006
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Go to tools > options > searching > and untick the box and select apply...

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You die for nothing...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 10th, 2006
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bohlte21 is flying high

thanks WW!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2006
Join Date: November 4th, 2006
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kbb81864 is flying high
Default I am confused

Excuse me for being a newbie, I just paid for Limewire Pro for the sole purpose in seeing how it works on Linux since my wife is ready to move from windows, need I explain More! Anyway, she has 360sharepro which is offered on the same site as Limewire Pro. Here are her concerns as well as mine.
  1. With her Sharepro she rarely if any recieves this annoying pop up that states it can't find a lincense, proceed anyway? On occassion sharepro does say something but very rarely.
  2. Limewire Pro asks this for pracically every song
  3. It was suggested on this forum to disable the pop up, does this not go against the License agreement? I.E. copywrite.
  4. Sharepro and LimeWire are very similar in format, design etc. although one is for Windows and the other is for Linux. Why the difference in the License agreement?

I guess what I am trying to get here is, My wife doesn't care about the system she is on as long as she can do her music thing, but she has shown me signs of concern on the License thing. I have been testing LimeWire Pro, and it does run great, alot of music can be found, but I agree with her, the License thing does concern me too, reading all the stories and all.

Why did I pay for this.....One, I believe in GPU and donating, plus I wanted to see if Pro was much differnent from basic. The only similarity is that License thing.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2006
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Originally Posted by kbb81864
Anyway, she has 360sharepro which is offered on the same site as Limewire Pro.
that is a scam site...LW and 360 are in no way affiliated with each other

acquire LW pro here:
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2006
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kbb81864 is flying high
Default I disagree

Maybe I was wrong on only one aspect of my statement, and that was comparing 360 to LW. When I went back on the official 360 site and linked to the downloads the site was also offering links to other file sharing applications. The LW link takes you to the LW site. So it is not a apologies for the wrong use of words when I typed. Anyway, my question was still not answered, If you turn off the popup that states no License found for this, proceed anyway?........does that solve the license problem? So that everyone using LW can download with no risk? Or is it just getting rid of a nuisance. That is all I was trying to ask. And in comparison, 360 hardly ever asks.: But that doesn't mean their right either.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2006
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Check your local copyright laws. In my country it's not illegal. In some countries it is. Also, if you hear a song on the radio then chances are it is copyright .. or if you can purchase it. Google the item to find if it's copyright or not.
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