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Dark Guy November 11th, 2006 09:39 AM

Blue Stars
I've found some files with blue stars instead of Yellow ones, some guys tolled me that those blue stars assure u a down of 5 Mb's in 2 or 3 seconds, Unveilebable, don't u think so.

I'm a little bit :confused:

Thanx for your answers....

Sleepless November 11th, 2006 09:53 AM

Files that have blue stars are local, meaning you don't go through the internet to get them, but only to the same router/server that you connect to (LAN: Local Area Network).

The files that you normally find in Limewire, The ones with yellow stars), are from someone you connect through the internet to (WAN: Wide Area Network).

Dark Guy November 11th, 2006 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sleepless
Files that have blue stars are local, meaning you don't go through the internet to get them, but only to the same router/server that you connect to (LAN: Local Area Network).

The files that you normally find in Limewire, The ones with yellow stars), are from someone you connect through the internet to (WAN: Wide Area Network).

Thanx for your help sleepless, i was wondering what was those blue stars, and another question, ¿Does the blue stars appear in slow connections too?, for example: Dial Up....


Sleepless November 11th, 2006 10:28 PM

No. Only where there a router/server involved or if you are directly connected to others

You have to be on a network for them to be there

If you get blue stars it doesn't matter what internet connection you got, because you never get to the internet. If you have dial-up but connect to another computer on LAN you get top speed like 100 MBit or 1000 Mbit

BTW a really fast internet connection is e.g 16 MBit. Fast Dial-up is 0.056 MBit

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