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toes-m January 21st, 2007 05:05 AM

Download/Uploads Speeds
I have a broadband connection of 4mb cable modem my settings in limewire is as follows

Upload = 3.85 KB/s ?
Dowloads = unlimited ?

can someone tell me if i have set it up right hopefully someone with the same 4MB Cable Modem Connection


birdy January 21st, 2007 01:51 PM

You'll need to do a speed test to find out your actual download & upload speeds.

Now check out the first few posts (by murasame) here for some good info & tips
Configuring LW for best performance

And a bit more info about speed settings in LW

supaman900s January 22nd, 2007 12:03 PM

I went to that speed test site and i could not figure out how to test my connection speed, could you help out and give some basic instruction?

Alex1 January 25th, 2007 05:52 AM

All my downloads are pretty much dwelling at 3-4KB/s, i did the speed test and my download was 359kbps and my upload was 97kbps... now i read somewhere that a kbps is like and 8th of an byte? so is my speed only like 10KB/s?? i used to have around 50 for everything.. now i only sit at 3. Please help!

biddy79uk January 25th, 2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by supaman900s
I went to that speed test site and i could not figure out how to test my connection speed, could you help out and give some basic instruction?

click on the triangle (pyramid) closest to where you live
and let the comp do the rest,,,,,
scroll down a little when all is finished and you will see your results:idea:

biddy79uk January 25th, 2007 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Alex1
All my downloads are pretty much dwelling at 3-4KB/s, i did the speed test and my download was 359kbps and my upload was 97kbps... now i read somewhere that a kbps is like and 8th of an byte? so is my speed only like 10KB/s?? i used to have around 50 for everything.. now i only sit at 3. Please help!

:welcomeani: after you have done your test
see what your results are,,
devide by 8 for d/load and your upload should be around 80%
of your d/load speed-(hope this helps)

supaman900s January 25th, 2007 08:31 AM

Server-New York ~150mi

So what all this mean?

muhctekdano January 25th, 2007 10:14 AM


If you picked the server nearest where you live, these speeds are your approximate maximum upload and download speeds. Note that these speeds are given in kiloBITS.

Divide by 8 to convert your speeds to kiloBYTES. These are the units expressed in Limewire and pretty much everywhere else!

So...the max speed you can achieve in Limewire is 188 kB/s down and 47 kB/s up.

Just because this is your max does NOT mean any file you try to download will attain these speeds. Remember, you can't download a file any faster than anyone else can (or is willing to) upload it. I have 3Mb/s cable internet, and right now I am downloading several files at only 3-4 kB/s...this is normal for some files. Also, the more distance between you and the host, the slower the download can be.

Hope this helps :D


lbmalibu February 6th, 2007 01:45 AM

I'm a newbee to frostwire, but opening my xp (sp2) firewall ports 6340 through 6349 (both tcp and udpfor each) seems to have solved my connect and speed issues. Go to Start|Control Panel|Windows Firewall|Exceptions and "Add port ...". I also I installed the "Event ID 4226" patch at . Select "patcher" under "Needed Things". I got this info from an old post from zap back in 05' (I think).

Alex1 February 7th, 2007 10:11 PM

Hmm ok well looking around i just realised that at the bottom left of my limewire window, it shows that i have a firewall up... now i checked my windows firewall, and that said it was all ok. i use avg free edition as virus protection, and i don't really know why i have a firewall up. thanks

birdy February 8th, 2007 01:01 AM

If you're using a router, it probably has an internal firewall. Give some details so that people can help you more;)
System details - help us to help you

badmofo666 February 9th, 2007 01:15 AM

why not just set both to unlimited?

1 byte = 8 bits

and just to confuse you... 1 nibble = 4 bits

"b" usually means bit and "B" usually means byte.

I have a cable connection through Roadrunner and I can get about 500kb/s down, and 43kb/s up. Before I set up my router with flow-control, I would limit up to 35kb/s so I could browse the web faster while uploading.

muhctekdano February 9th, 2007 08:28 AM


"b" usually means bit and "B" usually means byte.

I have a cable connection through Roadrunner and I can get about 500kb/s down, and 43kb/s up.
Usually...but not in your post? :cool:

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