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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2007
Join Date: January 21st, 2007
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nk33 is flying high
Default Boolean search

I have trouble searching as when I search I want Limewire to only give me results of EVERY word I type in.

For example, if I type in "janet jackson", I only want results with BOTH those words in it, I don't want files with janet or jackson, I want janet AND jackson to be in all the file names.

Can anyone help me with this?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2007
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Thats the way the search works. Try to be as precise as possible, but you'll still have to sort through them.

This thread has tips on searching: How to find music
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2007
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But if you search by an exact song, your search will probably give more exact results...
(But less of them)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 9th, 2007
Join Date: January 21st, 2007
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nk33 is flying high

I hate to say this but that is ridiculous. The problem you have then is that you always get a whole load of completely irrelevent results simply because they contain a word which is popular. This means there is less space left for the results you want.

With Kazaa lite it only found results with all the words you type in. There must be a way to perform a search like this in Limewire, and if there isn't then shame on them for not doing so...they should include it in a future patch or something.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2007
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There are several 'reserved' characters that are not allowed in PC filenames, such as ? and : (and many more!) that could be used as de-limitters for strings. Perhaps the problem is in finding such characters that are also forbidden in filenames for other computers (Mac, Wang, etc.)? If non-conflicting de-limitters could be determined, then the 'standard' BOOLEAN connectors of {& && | || !} could be used in forming search requests.

BTW, this is one of my 'pet peeves' about LimeWire ... the inability to state something like :ray peterson: !oscar ... or similar. The "Janet Jackson" case is even more severe, due to the common nature of both names for this performer.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2007
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Hi people - in regards to previous advise re: being more specific (in search terms) and searching for exact song (to yield more exact results).
I get specific, and I get an error box stating "SEARCH TOO SPECIFIC!"

So, what exactly IS too specific? And why is this particular issue so random? For example, I know the exact song I want, the exact artist who sings it, etc etc....error message "too specific" appears. I search again, trying to search for diff song from same artist, same album. No error message. I'm so confused!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 3rd, 2007
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Originally Posted by wishing well View Post
Hi people - in regards to previous advise re: being more specific (in search terms) and searching for exact song (to yield more exact results).
I get specific, and I get an error box stating "SEARCH TOO SPECIFIC!"

So, what exactly IS too specific? And why is this particular issue so random? For example, I know the exact song I want, the exact artist who sings it, etc etc....error message "too specific" appears. I search again, trying to search for diff song from same artist, same album. No error message. I'm so confused!
There is (apparently) a rather small limit on the total number of characters you may enter in a search request. For example, it is impossible to request "Jeremiah Peabody's fast-acting, pleasant-tasting green and purple pills" as a song title, and "Ray Stevens" as the artist's name ... by a long shot!

Leave out the 'little' words, such as "a'", "the" and duplicated words ("Dee Sharp" is just as good as "Dee Dee Sharp"), and only retain the words that are relatively unique to whatever it is you are searching for, so my example above would be "peabody acting pleasant" for the title, and "stevens" for the artist. That would avoid 'hits' on "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" (the incorrect title for "Joy to the world") and every artist named "Ray" (Charles, Peterson, etc.).
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