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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2007
Join Date: May 25th, 2007
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pissedoffcustomer is flying high
Default LimeWire's PHONE NUMBER


Last edited by birdy; May 26th, 2007 at 04:20 PM.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2007
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If that's the number that appears on your credit card's not a tech support number but probably a billing enquiry number. So it's not going to help a lot of people!!

If you have a problem with LW, maybe you could tell us what it is? Or not, it's up to you. We don't work for LW but we do try & help pissed off people, providing they don't try to rip our throats out
  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2007
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Hmm,....looks like an IP though....

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2007
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pissedoffcustomer is flying high

It isn't officially a tech support line, but it quickly becomes one when an angry customer disputing their credit charge calls. Email responses to tech support issues don't always work, and I want customers to be able to reach LimeWire if they need to.

This number didn't appear on my credit card statement. In fact, LimeWire shockingly refuses to supply even credit card companies with a phone number. LimeWire is evidently trying very hard to avoid addressing tech support problems.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2007
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Originally Posted by foolofthehill View Post
Hmm,....looks like an IP though....

212 numbers are New York numbers

pissedoffcustomer, are you going to tell us what your problem is, or just have a rant???
If you tell us what your problem is then you never know...we might be able to help you. Or are you just going to rant & carry on?

If we're ever going to be able to help you then we need details about exactly what has pissed you off. Or are we supposed to guess??

Either explain your problem or stop posting.
  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2007
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Originally Posted by birdy View Post
212 numbers are New York numbers
Hmm,....and that's the phone number of The Mood Disorders Support Group of New York City....

That might be helpful as well,

(212) 533-MDSG 533-6374

"Never Argue With An Idiot. They Will Drag You Down To Their Level, Then Beat You With Experience"
  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2007
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2007
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FOTH...hate to say it but I think you've been in the humidity of Thailand for too long.
Do you know if there's a support group for people in W.A.?
I could go for that one...
(sh*t I posted the reply before looking at the smileys...just imagine the *eek* and the *LMAO-rolling on the floor one*)

Last edited by birdy; May 26th, 2007 at 12:22 AM.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2007
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Originally Posted by birdy View Post
FOTH...hate to say it but I think you've been in the humidity of Thailand for too long.
Do you know if there's a support group for people in W.A.?
I could go for that one...
(sh*t I posted the reply before looking at the smileys...just imagine the *eek* and the *LMAO-rolling on the floor one*)
That's the only thing I could come up with....
Kinda outdated though,...might well be possible that they have moved to Canberra to be closer to your Prime Minister......


December 1998

The Depression and Mood Disorders Association has a number of groups operating in the Sydney area. We are keen to start up new groups and have been having workshops to explore ideas about what kind of support is needed for people living with mood disorder and their families.

We also publish a newsletter MANDA - available at a concession rate if you are a member of the NSW Association for Mental Health. Contact NSW Association for Mental Health 02 9816 5688 or Meg 02 9660 7413 for a copy of the latest newsletter or send us the subscription form which you will find at the end of this list.

Self help and support groups are coordinated by volunteers. We do not receive any funding to run the groups so dates and times of meetings and contact people may change from time to time. The Mental Health Information Service has an up to date listing of current support group volunteers.

We do not have a particular viewpoint about the treatment of mood disorder. We believe that access to information and support enables people to make up their own minds about the kind of treatment, management or medication which is best for them.

For information about current support groups and up to date changes to meeting arrangements contact :

Mental Health Information Service 02 9816 5688

free call 1800 625 409 (Country NSW)

* The North Shore group. This group which meets at a coffee shop has been going for nearly four years and has a steady attendance of up to ten people. Tony is the contact: for this group 02 99 55 9658.

* The Northern Beaches Depression and Mood Disorders Group meets on the last Tuesday of the month at north wing lecture room at Manly Hospital. There are usually guest speakers at this group. Topics include coping with mood disorder, new programmes and personal accounts of living with mood disorder. Robert Pringle ph.: 9466 2502 is the convenor and is also the DMDA representative on the Mental Health Association NSW Inc's Board.

* The Gladesville group is the longest running group of the DMDA and meets on the first Sunday of the month at Friendship House, 60 Victoria Rd Gladesville. Everyone gets a chance to talk about themselves and what has helped and afternoon tea is always wonderful. Ingrid is always available by phone on 9888 7274.
* DMDA Management and planning meeting There is a management meeting every second month to discuss issues arising from support groups, other projects of the Depressive and Mood Disorders Association and development of new groups. This group usually meets Friendship House 60 Victoria Rd Gladesville. Contacts: Meg Smith on (W) 02 9772 9299 or (H) 02 9660 7413

* Depression and Anxiety Self Help Support Group for sufferers and their families and friends meets 3rd Sunday of the month at Friendship House 60 Victoria Rd Gladesville between 2pm and 4pm. Refreshments provided. Contact Mental Health Association NSW Inc02 9816 1611 or 9816 5688. or the facilitators Nina 9438 5540 and Jan 9692 9400

* Newcastle MANDA and Hunter branch of Mental Health Association NSW Inc Contact: Robyn on (02) 4951 3589. This group has recently reformed and is growing rapidly. Publishes newsletter Seesaw . PO Box 2017 Dangar 2039

* Illawarra and Wollongong Mental Health Network (02) 4271 2396; PO Box 327 Warrawong 2502. This is a group for people who have had a mental or emotional illness, their friends and supporters.

* Wollongong/Nowra Wollongong Mood Disorder group meets monthly. Contact Louise on (02) 4227 1150 evenings or weekends

* Sutherland Depression and Mood Disorder Support group meets monthly at the Uniting Church, Flora and Merton Sts Sutherland. Contacts: Elizabeth 9589 1994

Other support groups for people with mental health issues:

* Northern Beaches Mental Health Support Group meets monthly month at Dee Why Senior Citizens Centre Dee Why 34 Howard Ave, Dee Why at 7.30 pm. Contact Pat Boydell 9972 1353

* Australian Society for Students with a Mental Illness (ASSMI) holds meetings and social get togethers for students. Contact the secretary PO Box 4082 Denistone East NSW 2112 or email Yvette for information about the group: ph 98783114

* Association of Relatives and Friends of the Mentally Ill ph. 9805 1883 (24 hrs) is at Block C Nurses Home Macquarie Hospital, Wicks Rd North Ryde. PO Box 302 ph 9887 5897 ARAFMI runs a number of support groups for relatives and friends of people who have mental illness and has a 24 hr phone line staffed by volunteers.

* NSW Consumer Advisory Group PO Box 1108 Rozelle 2039 ph 9556 9219 acts as a bridge between consumers of mental health services and State and Federal governments.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2007
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Where's the bloody QLD numbers....

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