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Xcom46 October 18th, 2007 11:35 PM

Tips on how to Transfure Music From old to new Pc
Ok Here is a Tip That i found out the easy way to do than doing the flash drive and other crap.If you still got every thing hooked up like screen mouse and stuff.Get a Crossover cable and plug either end in the computer ethernet ports.A crossover cable is basically a regular Cat-5 ethernet cable with the internel wire's crimped in the oppsite order on either end.You can get them at most electronics Stores for about 10$ to 15$.A little cheaper than buying a flash drive or externel drive.

Chris b......

Remoc October 19th, 2007 06:55 PM

Why buy another cable that will lay around the the house, for a one time use, for $15.00 when you can buy a 2gb flash for... - Kingston 2GB DataTraveler USB 2.0 Flash Drive - DTI/2GBKR

And use this for all kinds of stuff. What are you going to do with another cable?? Add to the pile that you already have. Makes no sense.

ukbobboy01 October 20th, 2007 04:29 AM


The beauty about computers is that there is no right or wrong way to achieve what you want to do, all you have to do is choose a way that is convenient or easy for you to use.

So, using a cable, flash drive, CD/R or whatever it doesn't really matter, all that matters is that it works.

UK Bob

Peerless October 20th, 2007 09:29 AM

actually a simple crossover cable is a great quick way to do it...transfer speeds will be uber fast, and once the hurdle of having configured the two computers to talk to each other is crossed (which XP will do pretty much automatically) then it will be time taken to burn media and then transfer, etc....of course if one has their computer buried in a cabinet then there is the issue of hooking up the cable....I prefer an external drive for such transfers for various of which being I only have one online computer, the others never go online, have no firewall of AV, and are stripped bare for performance..i.e. I do not want them in any way connected to this machine which at any given time might be infected at the OS level...

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