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ngnm November 18th, 2007 06:49 AM

trouble re-connecting for downloading a movie
I was downloading a movie but suddenly i was rebooted. On re-starting my computer, I tried to restart the download, but it wont start. I can see many files of the same movie (created by aXXo), but I cant restart the download.

I have already downloaded about 75% and dont want to start afresh.

Can anybody help???:(


6_pac November 18th, 2007 11:42 PM

Try restarting it from your "Incomplete Files" in the LW Library page. Right click on the file and have it "Resume". Then search for the file again from the search page. If it says "Needs More Sources", right click on the file and have it "Find More Sources".

ngnm November 19th, 2007 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by 6_pac (Post 297748)
Try restarting it from your "Incomplete Files" in the LW Library page. Right click on the file and have it "Resume". Then search for the file again from the search page. If it says "Needs More Sources", right click on the file and have it "Find More Sources".

I did all that and it won't start downloading.

I searched the movie by it's name and found the file being downloaded at multiple places by lots of users, but my file simply doesn't connect

Please help!:confused:

6_pac November 20th, 2007 11:20 AM

Try checking the file on Bitzi. Right click on the file and go to Advanced>Lookup File with Bitzi, and see if it's been rated.

It's possible you were d/loading a version of the file that had only one host and that person hasn't been back on LW. If that's the case, it could be a while before you connect to them again. You may want to start a fresh d/load with a file that has several hosts available. Check the file with Bitzi before you start d/loading.

See: How to use Bitzi Web Lookup

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