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auldonion April 15th, 2008 09:00 AM

How to get more than 8 sources?

I was wondering how you can get more than 8 sources when downloading a file on LW. Cause I'm using really fast internet at my University (20,000kbps d/l speed) and I just wanted to know how to take full advantage of that.

Also, how could I set the connection speed to T1 or T3 or higher? I can only see an option to either choose 'broadband' or 'dialup' when I goto tools/options/speed.

I'm also using Limewire basic on Windows XP.

Xcom46 April 19th, 2008 04:35 PM

Well if your useing basic like most people are than you really cant no more than 8-10 any way.

And the T1 and T3 settings are on older lime wire's i think any thing past 4.14 versions.

Do's this help.

Sleepless April 19th, 2008 07:14 PM

Just go back to an older version. Trust me Limewire has not improved lately.

Download LimeWire Basic 4.12.6 -

This should explain better why I recommend an older version:

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