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LimeWire+WireShare Tips and Tricks Advanced users meet here to share secrets about pushing LimeWire to the limit.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 2nd, 2008
Join Date: January 31st, 2008
Posts: 3
scax is flying high
Default changing file information when you download them

have you ever come across a file that was given the wrong name? You add the song, for example, to iTunes but there's no information under artist or song name, just "track 1" or something?

So have I, many many times. Is there any way I can download files so their information is accurate? I don't merely mean clicking "download as" because that just changes the file NAME, not INFORMATION.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 3rd, 2008
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There's different types of id3 tags and different versions of them. Unfortunately iTunes reading of id3 tags is limited to 2.2 I think from memory off-hand. iTunes also has its own extra method of describing files different to other audio programs. What you can do is copy the information and use it to describe the file. ie: in Library window, select the file and choose Describe button.

Other than that, use a separate id3 tagger and make sure it's tagged in both types of id3 and lower the tag version.

But no simple answer otherwise.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 3rd, 2008
Join Date: January 31st, 2008
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scax is flying high
Default well...

I sorta did that. After adding the file to iTunes I would right click it and select "Get Info" and change the information from there. But that process takes such a long time (I have like 5000 songs) and if you remove the song and re-add it for any reason the information is reset.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 3rd, 2008
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Originally Posted by scax View Post
IAfter adding the file to iTunes I would right click it and select "Get Info" and change the information from there. But that process takes such a long time (I have like 5000 songs) and if you remove the song and re-add it for any reason the information is reset.
Yes I've had the same problem. And re-added the songs to iTunes after moving to new location.
I am on a mac, I use Media Rage to tag songs which can also do albums. I was suggesting using the Describe function from the LW Library window.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 4th, 2008
Join Date: January 31st, 2008
Posts: 3
scax is flying high
Default oh

Lol, my bad. Yeah that looks like it works but it'll take so long :\

..Maybe during the summer I'll deal with it lol.

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