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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 25th, 2008
Join Date: September 10th, 2007
Posts: 2
kretren is flying high
Default The "incomplete" folder for Limewire is HUGE

I have alot of songs. This means a hell of alot of incomplete downloads, and they all go in a folder titled "incomplete" automatically by limewire. Currently I have about 4.5GB of these incomplete files.

I am hesitant to delete these files because all downloads that don't complete (say "need more sources" or "waiting on busy hosts") I just keep because eventually they do find sources and download. I don't cancel them on limewire.

Does the incomplete folder reflect files that I HAVE cancelled and are thus partially downloaded? Or is it the partial files of files that have stopped downloading and I have chosen to keep and wait for more sources?

Of course if it's the former, I'm deleting them and this will give me alot more space on my computer. If it's the latter I have to try and clean up my limewire's partial downloads.

Hope someone can tell me this!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2008
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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incomplete folder represents both partial files & cancelled files.
Check under LW's menu bar, Tools -> Options -> Saving, & see how many days are set for keeping the incomplete files. If any of those files have past their age then LW will have removed their download history from the download preferences file, thus not be of any use.

Also, if the incomplete file is quite old, then in any case resuming it would be quite hard.

What you will find is LW is slow to open compared to before.

Some incomplete files such as 'some' video formats reserve space on the hard disk drive. For example, a 680 MB video file might automatically take up that much space in the incomplete folder as soon as you choose to start downloading it.

Just a hint, if you see someone with lots of files you want, do not download too many at once. Too many hits on their client will automatically ban you from downloading from them for that session.

Not sure if you can see the following image, but 'banned greedy servent' is what I see sometimes when the person has tried to download a large number of my files all at once:

Provided a different image any way. In this case, the person was already downloading from me, but chose too many more:

Attached Thumbnails
The "incomplete" folder for Limewire is HUGE-greedy-clientb.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 26th, 2008 at 02:54 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2009
Join Date: May 1st, 2009
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diamondmind50 is flying high

So what is the criteria for becoming a greedy servent? Number of downloads or MB?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 25th, 2009
Lord of the Rings's Avatar
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It's more to do with how often LW is being 'hit' at by same host's program over a period of time. How much I'm not sure, I'll find out.

I do have some more recent snapshots of a few people who had that happen with me. This time I had set uploads set to not auto-clear after completion. The order showed messages: Uploads Limit Reached, then Banned Greedy Client. Depends where the files are queued on the list as to what order it happens in. After Limit was reached, some of their downloads may still continue. However if there are too many files in queue at once then LW may ban them due to the amount of times that client is attempting to hit itself into an upload slot. LW bans according to how many times it's being 'hit' at by a particular client. If it's too often over a short period of time, then it will consider it a poor behaving client & ban it.

I've left the attached images inline because they are a little large.

I have between 3-4 upload slots depending on day & time of day (such as if it's during peak hours I sometimes cut back.) That should give an average of 25-35 KB/s per upload.
Attached Thumbnails
The "incomplete" folder for Limewire is HUGE-greedy-client-1.gif   The "incomplete" folder for Limewire is HUGE-greedy-client-2.gif  

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; May 25th, 2009 at 06:25 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 26th, 2009
Join Date: May 1st, 2009
Posts: 9
diamondmind50 is flying high

ahhhh yea thats right... i remember seeing that on MP3 rocket because I have mine set on there to not autoclear

I will have to check it out and do the math
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