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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2007
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Default A warning to those who have homeowners insurance from Farmers, State Farm or Allstate

Read your policies carefully!

Here's my story:

Around the beginning of June a severe thunderstorm blew through central Texas..the type with unbelievable winds associated with it...branches and limbs were all over the whole neighborhood...

about 2 weeks after that I had just won a bid on Ebay for a rather unique piece of wood which I plan to use for the top on a Les Paul style electric guitar...I was showing my wife the online pictures and she mentioned that I hadn't ever really shown her the Koa wood I had gotten around the new year for an, I unpacked it and showed it off...upon repackaging I noticed mold growing on the box and was rather concerned....further investigation led to the knowledge that water had gotten in and had soaked one corner of this room I use for computer work and storage of stuff...mold was growing under a cherry cabinet I have on the floor (which is now ruined) for use as a filing cabinet, and boxes of personal papers were also soaked and contents damaged...the adjacent room is my garage where I have some rather tasty woods stored and some of those were also damaged...after moving stuff around the water quickly evaporated and that was that..

I made a claim with my insurance company, Farmers, and a rather jerkwad adjuster came out and told me my claim would be denied as this type of damage was excluded...why you ask?...because there was no physical hole in my roof...the fact that horizontal rain had blown under some shingles or flashing makes no difference..there has to be physical damage to the structure for wind blown rain to be covered...WTF????...that has got to be the most criminal exclusion I have ever heard...on top of the fact said adjuster actually tried to get me to say this was 'fair'...FAIR???...fair is the fact that I didn't bust a cap in his sorry head for his smug a§§ attitude...what a pr!ck...he really blew it when he said 'what concerns me is that there is no mold or anything growing on your ceiling or walls'...concerns you?...more like you know that that proves this water penetration was a one time thing caused by a severe storm, not a leaky roof you fracking pig!...he even had the audacity to imply that maybe the water had gotten in through the limestone walls of my house ...

I've called agents for the others of the big 3 in Texas (State Farm and Allstate) and they also have this criminal exclusion...I mean really, this makes me think of the movie Tommy Boy where Tommy goes off on his theory of the Warranty Fairy...well I'm thinking of the Insurance Fairy now...what a farce...totally worthless insurance coverage...of no use except to make you think you are safe (until you actually find out you are just throwing money away for coverage that isn't there when you need it for a justifiable reason)

Here's the real kicker...a while back a hurricane (the one that blasted the Texas coast) was projected to have effects up here in I called my agent and asked him what was up...I walked away from that conversation thinking I was covered...either my agent is clueless or he's a lying monkey..either way my relationship with Farmers is over...for homeowners, auto, and life insurance...they will not get a single dime from me ever again...apparently Nationwide Insurance does cover a loss just like this, so guess where my $ are going???

to Farmers (and the other 2), my agent, and that worthless adjuster that was sent out:

I've got a barbed broomstick lubed with chunky peanut butter and the bristles soaked in gasoline ready to shove right up your hairless a§§ a light LOTR??? It would truly be a grand sight to see those pr!cks running around with a flaming broomstick stuck up their a§§es and them trying to decide whether to rip it out or burn alive...

Hell, they actually deserve the Vietnamese torture know, being tied to a big wooden X, and a bucket tied to their scrotum...then a rock is added every day...after about 2 weeks after gangrene has fully set in, their whole intestinal tracks will fall out and they will die in excruciating agony...yeah...that's about what they deserve...

The only thing good about this whole scenario was having spent around $200 on a piece of gnarly Myrtle wood which led to me finding this all out before the $500 of Koa was ruined...

And what's really lucky is that I didn't have my ~$20,000 of guitars in that area..if they had been damaged and not covered, I would already be on national news for what I would have done to those insurance pr!cks...may they all rot in hell, along with the Texas Insurance Commission for allowing this type of practice...they are just as bad as lawyers...worthless vampires sucking the life out of real people...they all belong chained to a chunk of cement on the bottom of the ocean as lobster or crab food....

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This

Last edited by Peerless; July 1st, 2007 at 08:28 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 18th, 2007
Join Date: August 17th, 2007
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lindaviens is flying high

nothing else to say than l would love to see what you would do to em after reading this story, and be sure that i'll go right away read my contract with my personal insurance company and go ask some REAL question to my representant. And he's better to get some REAL answer, writed down on something official >.>
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 18th, 2007
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You should take it to court. That's bogus. I would sue those a.s.s.holes for what everything is worth. That's BS.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 21st, 2007
Join Date: August 20th, 2007
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sgttom is flying high

I Hate Insurance Companies! All Of Them!

The only thing insurance is to them is to insure that they don't pay your claims, and to insure they get rich.

Ought to shoot the lying bast@rds. Oh yeah, I've got State Farm. My premium has increased afain this year. Never made a claim. Go Figure!

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 1st, 2007
Join Date: September 1st, 2007
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CaligulaX1 is flying high

Peerless, I think you made a wise decision to switch to Nationwide. The only reason I don't have them now is that they don't offer coverage in this wonderful armpit of a state I now live in. When I lived in Chicago, I switched to them after I rear-ended this dumb biatch with my Landcruiser after she slammed on the brakes at a railroad crossing claiming there was a train coming, where there was no train. Come to find out she has a fear of crossing train tracks thus the reason for slamming on her brakes, and me slamming into her at 10 mi/hour-causing $5K in damage to her car, where both of her side view mirrors just fell off of her toyota camry, and barely scratching my heavy steel bumper. Anyway, after USAA raised my rates, I switched to Nationwide, after which I realized that USAA was ripping me off by more than $600 per year!!

I went back to USAA after moving to the East coast and finding out Nationwide doesn't offer coverage in this state due to high rates of insurance fraud. After seeing Progressive's commercials running repeatedly, I switched to Progressive after USAA was about to renew my policy and RAISE my rates with no reason for the increase or why my rates were so high. Now, I am a single male over 30, with NO accidents, a safe driving course to my name (elective to reduce my rates), and no tickets, and went from a fully loaded X5 to a four cylinder Acura with no reduction in rates! Progressive saved me over $600 per year, with BETTER coverage, even offering certain coverages that are not even available with USAA, such as total vehicle replacement coverage where if you have a newer model vehicle (within last 1-2 years) that is totaled in an accident, they will pay for the vehicle replacement and not just the blue book amount.

I would love to see Peerless stick it to those USAA pricks in San Antonio for ripping me off!!! If I still lived in Corpus Crappy, Texas I would do it myself!!

Last edited by CaligulaX1; September 1st, 2007 at 08:04 AM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 22nd, 2007
Join Date: November 22nd, 2007
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loosecannon is flying high
Default MY Concern

Peerless - I agree with you completely about the insurance companies and their attitude to almost any kind of settlement due to water damage. My concern is that if you REALLY cleaned up the mold mess, and I'm not talking about with just bleach and junk. To see what I'm speaking of ( and I'm not selling ANYTHING ), go to my wife's website and check out what mold did to us. We are actually dying because of the insurance company and the medical community's attitude. When I first started finding out about this stuff, it scared me. Check out Toxic Mold - It CAN Poison You... and you may check your cleaning job again. Just a tip from a fellow guitarist. Any contact info you may need is there, also.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 19th, 2008
Join Date: May 26th, 2008
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Freddy21 is flying high

well, some of the insurance company are not good
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2008
Join Date: June 20th, 2008
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reddcabbagge is flying high

its not just the insurance company, that screws you over , it is also the state that you live in, may have rules that prevent you from sueing , I live in Iowa , we can,t sue an insurance company directly, we have to go thru the state office, so check with your state to see what they allow
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2009
Join Date: August 6th, 2008
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Wiltedrose is flying high

Originally Posted by CaligulaX1 View Post
Peerless, I think you made a wise decision to switch to Nationwide. The only reason I don't have them now is that they don't offer coverage in this wonderful armpit of a state I now live in. When I lived in Chicago, I switched to them after I rear-ended this dumb biatch with my Landcruiser after she slammed on the brakes at a railroad crossing claiming there was a train coming, where there was no train. Come to find out she has a fear of crossing train tracks thus the reason for slamming on her brakes, and me slamming into her at 10 mi/hour-causing $5K in damage to her car, where both of her side view mirrors just fell off of her toyota camry, and barely scratching my heavy steel bumper. Anyway, after USAA raised my rates, I switched to Nationwide, after which I realized that USAA was ripping me off by more than $600 per year!!

I went back to USAA after moving to the East coast and finding out Nationwide doesn't offer coverage in this state due to high rates of insurance fraud. After seeing Progressive's commercials running repeatedly, I switched to Progressive after USAA was about to renew my policy and RAISE my rates with no reason for the increase or why my rates were so high. Now, I am a single male over 30, with NO accidents, a safe driving course to my name (elective to reduce my rates), and no tickets, and went from a fully loaded X5 to a four cylinder Acura with no reduction in rates! Progressive saved me over $600 per year, with BETTER coverage, even offering certain coverages that are not even available with USAA, such as total vehicle replacement coverage where if you have a newer model vehicle (within last 1-2 years) that is totaled in an accident, they will pay for the vehicle replacement and not just the blue book amount.

I would love to see Peerless stick it to those USAA pricks in San Antonio for ripping me off!!! If I still lived in Corpus Crappy, Texas I would do it myself!!
The reason you hit her is you were not paying attention, or were tailgating her. Don't blame your bad driving on the woman. Were you talking on your cell phone when you hit her??
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old July 14th, 2009
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and its also quite possible that she slammed on her brakes on purpose just to get rear ended...

So Long and Thanks for All the Files

Beware of the big 3 insurance companies in Texas! Read your policies carefully (maybe you'll need a lawyer) Allstate, Farmers & State Farm are overextended and their 'coverage' is worthless...a true waste of your money Read This
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