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cflorentin September 12th, 2003 12:39 PM

updating version of java so i can download limewire

I'm not sure where to go to update java. (i tried downloading limewire on my mac osx without doing so, and it didn't work.)


stief September 12th, 2003 08:40 PM

On OS 10.2.6, use the Apple Menu->System Preferences->Software Update.

cflorentin September 13th, 2003 08:41 AM


thanks for your reply. there is no java update available in my systems preferences... there is an option to update mac osx combined 10.2.6. should I do that?

thanks again,

stief September 13th, 2003 08:55 AM

It's what Apple recommends users have. Here's a handy link to watch for second opinions about Jaguar

btw--I didn't quite understand your problem installing. Did you use the "Mac OSX (English Only)" download choice?

cflorentin September 13th, 2003 01:32 PM


Yes, i selected that option, and then a screen popped up with this strange formatting- nonsensical characters. The same thing happened on a second attempt. Any ideas?

et voilà September 13th, 2003 01:39 PM

download LW with mozilla ( or safari instead of internet explorer

Bonne chance

cflorentin September 13th, 2003 02:03 PM


do you mean that I should download godzilla, then try to download LM again? It looks like there is an fee to download LM via

merci bien!

et voilà September 13th, 2003 02:10 PM

Héhéhé, c'est une blague non? J'ai dit, c'est différent.... Ou encore plus simple télécharge safari à, c'est un navigateur ouèbe et avec lui tu vas télécharger LW., elle était bonne celle-là!;)

(à Stief, I've enabled PM)

stief September 13th, 2003 02:25 PM

Ah! merci et voilà! Just checked with Internet Explorer
control-clicking the link and choosing "download link to disk" also works.

cflorentin September 13th, 2003 02:27 PM

merci encore. je suis perdue, mais je vais essayer.

godzilla, c'est mieux, n'est-ce pas?

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