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Shameless325 October 24th, 2004 02:58 AM

you are not connected to the network
This is the alert message each time I try and do a search on files on Limewire which means I cannnot do a search. What do I do, I supposedly fixed the firewall problem I don't know what else to do, because according to the alert I should just go up to File and select connect, but it already says that I'm connected.

Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2004 08:30 AM

When LW is open, click Tools->Options & go to Bug report & click for an example. In the window that appears scroll down to the part that says: "Recieved incoming this session". If it says ‘True’ then LW has no problem with firewalls, but if 'False' it does have a prob.

Remember that after LW opens to give it a few mins to settle down before searching.

Just a suggestion, try out the beta 4.1.7 which is supposed to be easier to connect & search. See here for mofre info:

Shameless325 October 24th, 2004 02:42 PM


Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
When LW is open, click Tools->Options & go to Bug report & click for an example. In the window that appears scroll down to the part that says: "Recieved incoming this session". If it says ‘True’ then LW has no problem with firewalls, but if 'False' it does have a prob.

Remember that after LW opens to give it a few mins to settle down before searching.

Just a suggestion, try out the beta 4.1.7 which is supposed to be easier to connect & search. See here for mofre info:

I tried everything you suggested and the Tools menu shows nothing but Statistics and then I get the error message that my firewalls ARE Blocking but I can't do anything about my firewalls because I did everything that the support page told me to do... this is just too frusterating I just wanted to be able to download TV shows I missed.

Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2004 02:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oh dear Oh Dear Oh dear! Mac only has statistics under Tools! Those instructions were for windows. Silly me!!! For mac OSX, go to LW's Prefs & Bug Report.

Shameless325 October 24th, 2004 02:57 PM


Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Oh dear Oh Dear Oh dear! Mac only has statistics under Tools! Those instructions were for windows. Silly me!!! For mac OSX, go to LW's Prefs & Bug Report.
Okay I've opened up Bug Report and clicked for the example... now what do I do?

Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2004 03:03 PM

You obviously forgot to read back the original part of this thread. You tell me is your result 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'? What type of connection do you have? Do you go thru a router? Are you directly connected to the net or are you on a network? If you're on a network what type of network are you on?

Shameless325 October 24th, 2004 03:45 PM


Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
You obviously forgot to read back the original part of this thread. You tell me is your result 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'? What type of connection do you have? Do you go thru a router? Are you directly connected to the net or are you on a network? If you're on a network what type of network are you on?
Well it's false... why does feel like taking a pregnancy test? Anyway I am directly connected through a network and I have no idea what kind.... do be patient I'm not the most computer savvy person out there, how do I find out what KIND of network I am on? By the way I'm still getting that error message that's making it virtually impossible for me to even quit Limewire therefore I have to shut down my computer manually.

Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2004 04:06 PM


I'm still getting that error message that's making it virtually impossible for me to even quit Limewire therefore I have to shut down my computer manually.
Please give us more details about what's happening here! What are the erroe messages & any othre details you can supply.

As far as the false result goes, then you're being blocked by something. By the sounds of it & at a guess there's a firewall at the end of the network. What type of network is it? Ask your network provider, is it at school, work, etc.?


... why does feel like taking a pregnancy test?
If you were a boy I'd be worried about you! lol :D :cool:

Shameless325 October 24th, 2004 04:53 PM


Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Please give us more details about what's happening here! What are the erroe messages & any othre details you can supply.

As far as the false result goes, then you're being blocked by something. By the sounds of it & at a guess there's a firewall at the end of the network. What type of network is it? Ask your network provider, is it at school, work, etc.?

If you were a boy I'd be worried about you! lol :D :cool:

Errror mesage says "Limewire is unable to connect to hosts on Gnutella network. This is most often due to Firewalls or content-filtering software blocking access to Gnutella. Please review your firewall's options to allow Limewire to access to Gnutella netowkr or speak to your system administrator or ISP to determine if Gnutella traffic is being filtered."

Lovely eh? And even if I click the pesky OKAY button at the bottom of the message it just stays up there making me as said before-- have to shut down the computer manually because it can't process anything except the error message and it's not doing that too well either.

Okay I just walked down the hall and asked a neighbor... the school network blocked Limewire! This was futile to begin with I feel like I just did that whole wanting for nothing thing. I'm sorry I made anyone scramble for answers. Ignorance is bliss right, I still feel deprived though.

Lord of the Rings October 24th, 2004 05:10 PM

This sounds like a severe ram or java issue!!! What's the comp model you have? Java version? Ram? Processor Speed? Available Hard Disk Space?

Oh, I only just realised your late edit! See if you know anyone who CAN connect using p2p. Find out the port they're using, try that for lw. Otherside if they use LW see if you can get a copy of their LW prefs (.limewire). Failing that, see if you can make buddy's with the network support person/tech & see if they'll help you. The recent beta is supposed to make it easier to connect thru firewalls.

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