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Mac OSX Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high
Default Lime Pro 4.6 and 4.8.1 quits constantly

using a dual 450 os 10.3.8 and a Titainium 1.5ghz os 10.3.4

I upgraded to limewire Pro 4.6 and it would quit after a while then I went to 4.8.1 because I thought they might have fixed the bugs but still the same problem.

Using activity monitor it looks like Limewire is using a lot of cpu power and lots of threads(whatever they are)

after downloading some files it just quits.

I have about 2200 incomplete files which doesnt help but I have spent ages finding them and dont really want to delete them. I have taken out files that I was sharing in the hope of easing the burden - SHAME ON ME!! I'd prefer to have a program that worked well and that I could share everthing I have.

nothing else has been running on the dual 450 but I think one quit might have been caused by Software Update launching and daring to use some cpu power.

Help, please correct everything in the next version of Limewire and solve world hunger too!!

Peace and love and wellinton boots!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old March 16th, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high
Default onr more thing

I forgot to mention that i have run various versions of Limewire 4 without any problems its just 4.6 and 4.8 that I have had problems with

great program by the way - well done!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2005
Join Date: March 23rd, 2005
Posts: 1
profolio is flying high
Default More of the same

It seems there is a serious Java issue at play between Limewire Pro 4.8 and OS X 10.3.8
It's the only misbehaving app. on my box ( even Acquisition runs neatly) that stalls and quits constantly. Support from Limewire seems to be non-existant at best.
I think they should be more upfront about known bugs.
G4 twin 867 running 10.3.8 1gig ram
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old March 23rd, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high

it was on os 10.3.4

I thought there was tech support when you bought the pro version but thats not the case so I wish they could just come clean and not offer it as a feature of buying the pro version

is there any solution if it is a java related problem?
like matching versions etc

Im just waiting for the next update but by then I think my 6months of free updates will be up which is annoying to say the least
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2005
Join Date: March 31st, 2005
Posts: 1
ollieh is flying high

hey hey i think i solved it. I had exactly the same problem. So i downloaded java update 1.4.2 and voila works perfectly.
I'm running a ibook g4 with mac os x 10.3.8
And limewire is working fine
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high
Default i have java 1.4.2 too

i have java 1.4.2 too so I am wondering if I have to delete old versions

how did you check your version was it with system profiler?

how many download files do you have in line waiting to download?

It seems when i launch the program and it queues everything up and then starts to download some.
it puts everything its checked into a "needing more sources" status

if I select a bunch of them and then hit resume it starts to look again and then puts them into the "awaiting status" category

its usually on this resume button that it can crash a few minutes later - like it just cant deal with new stuff in the queue or a change in order

I had about 3000 files waiting and deleted them from the search page down to 1500, but the ones i deleted are still in the library so I can load them sometime later

I have emailed Limewire several times and no answer
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2005
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stief has a spectacular aura about

OS X can has a limit of 1,024 connections, IIRC.

So, you have far too many incompletes, especially if each one needs more than one connection.

Quit LimeWire and find the incomplete folder. Sort the list so you can delete all the zero KB files and try again. The fewer incomplete files, the better LW works. Try to keep under ten.

For Java versions on OS X, you don't delete old versions: all are needed in case a particular progam needs an older version.

To check your version, just look in the About LimeWire box when LimeWire is running.


You can also check with the Terminal (in your Utilites folder). Open it and type exactly (there's a space in front of the minus sign):

java -version

then hit return. Copy the results to Textedit, and quit Terminal. You'll probable see something like
java version "1.4.2_05"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_05-141.4)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-38, mixed mode)
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high

thanks stief

I checked in about limewire and java is 1.4.2_05

which I think is the most up to date but I am going to try the latest java download and see if it says I should install it

regarding the about of in completes

I have set the auto delete to after 155days but there are still incomplete files in there from last august - so I dont know if its a bug in the software that they arent getting deleted?

its a little annoying that after spending ages searching for files and then hitting download that you end up deleting them

also there are some strange things about Limewire and I dont know enough about how networks function to figure it out. For example I am watching a file downloading but if I go search for this movie file it doesnt appear, in any permutation of search??

I couldnt really find a good explaination of the idea or mechanism behind selecting a "needs more sources" or "awaiting sources" file and clicking resume

has anyone figured out how to get a file that always appears in a search result but yet never gets downloaded

also if you set your anti-leech setting to 600 files you find people with 10 or no files on offer downloading from you???
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 31st, 2005
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Quite honestly, I'm quite surprised your LW is still working if there are hundreds of old files waiting. SO much in the code has changed, with more to come. Frankly, I'd just create a new OS X user account and install LimeWire there, and start fresh, or at least trash the old incomplete folder, and a brand new one will be created. The two files that store all the info about incompletes are the downloads.dat and downloads.bak files. I'm guessing they are a mess! The annoyance at losing all that research will probaly be repaid by a fresh start. YMMV.

Anyway, the old incompletes are probably useless by now, since those files are probably either gone from the network or are being hosted by a different IP. There aren't many hosts who keep the same static IP--most ISP's give out dynamic IP's, and many change nightly. I suspect LW is already ignoring those files.

The code behind the "Awaiting/Need/Resume" messages is often tweaked and improved, so it's difficult to know exactly what it means from version to version. Heh--the FAQ can't even keep up! The good part is that the versions keep improving, as the overall net growth shows.

As for the searches, a good busy host won't return results (those serrvents that return results for files, even though all the slots are filled, used to be far more annoying.

For the files that always show, check the file size. Some spammers have figured out how to show the name you type, but the file is spam. Control-click the file and choose a bitzi search to get more info.

As for the anti-leeching, it was deactivated for a while, and I don't think it works the same way it once did (if at all). Just ignore it, and let the network take care of it. I think sharers tend to attract better connections, so anti-leeching is in effect handled elsewhere.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2005
Join Date: March 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
bigearedone is flying high

forgot to say thanks for the advice so far stief - you seem to know more than use mere mortals. or perhaps you read the manual, ehem,

just on the point of limewire not being able to find a file that you have requested because the person sharing the file has logged back into the system and is now on a different IP address that his isp randomly assigned to him

Surely this cant be the case??

I mean it would be a really basic problem to fix if developping software

like when a user puts new files into their shared folder and hits refresh/update in limewire then the software would give each file a unique ID based on the name, no of bytes, file type etc and the ip address could be in there but not high in priority as a condition of finding the file ever again

if one finds a file based on the name surely Limewire is capable of finding it by name again

If its the case that Limewire finds the same file but at a different IP and isnt smart enough to dump the other file from the old ip and to see that the file on the new ip is the same and to then continue downloading it - then thats not a great situation.
Its impossible to know which incompletes fall into this category?

I know that if I have a file that is incomplete and have had it for months and decide to do a new search and click on a file with the same name to download, Limewire will warn me that I am downloading the file already

anyway to end this ramble I just think that a unique file id would mean that the change of ip for a bunch of shared files wouldnt matter - could that be possible? it would certainly then be based on a realistic understanding of the how the shared folders are existing and being used

the other annoying this is that some people have figured out how to take searches that people are doing and dynamically rename files that are actually their own ads

thre must be a way to stop this clogging things up?

I dont know how they end up being on so many peoples computers either. If you search for something really obscure and suddenly there are 47copies of a small graphics file which contains an advert??? the trick cant be renaming the files on other peoples computers? perhaps this ties into the unique file id topic

it would be great to be able to hold and extra key down when deleting a download and get it to delete the file and ref in the incomplete folder?
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