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Mac OSX Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Mac OSX users

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
Join Date: July 15th, 2006
Posts: 8
momfig is flying high

I am a new user of LW and have done all of the above things. LW downloaded and I can do searches, but on the bottom of it's window, it say's that it detects a firewall. I did the changes metioned above and added LM to me firewall list and it has a check mark by it. Any idea what to do next? I am a mom trying to set this up for my son to use ( me to ) and he is getting impatiant. Please help!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 15th, 2006
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I only sometimes use the OSX firewall. If you temporarily turn the OSX firewall off & still have a firewall indication, then the firewall is most likely due to your modem/router. Most high speed modems & routers have internal NAT firewalls. If your connection device has UPnP ability, then make sure this is enabled because LW is UPnP capable (UPnP means LW can request a port being opened for it by the device whilst LW is open.)

If your device doesn't support UPnP, then you may need to forward a port. More details in sections 2 & 3 here Connection problems? Check here first! (click on link)

Do this simple test for us. Using your browser go here: The page should say 'Your test worked!'. What happens when you go there? If you received a blank page, then it sounds like your connection device is at fault. You'll definitely need to see details in above paragraph.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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momfig is flying high
Default problems downloading

thanks for the info- I followed the instructions for my firewall set up and did the test you indicated. It said that the test worked. In LW I no longer have a firewall detected. So I did a new search, selected a song from the search list and selected download, but nothing happened. How do I find out if I set something up wrong? I can search for songs, but nothing downloads for me.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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1. Check License requirement (click on link) & make appropriate changes to settings.

2. There are fake results being spammed for copyright files. Noticeable by receiving perhaps 100 hosts for one file, 99 for the next, etc. Instead, choose those with perhaps 10 or 20 or so hosts from under the # column of the search results.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
Join Date: July 15th, 2006
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momfig is flying high

Thanks for getting back to me. I went to the site you indicated and under searching I have checked to let me know if a license is required. i also did the bug report and it says "false". Now when I open LW the fire wall warning is on again. I went to sharing - firewall - and I have G/LW selected.
Also, I was reading your other postings and you say that LW Pro is only 18.88. I just payed 24.44 to Have I been scammed? If I have, maybe that is why I am having so many problems.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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Oops! Yes, that is a well known scam site; Known Scam Sites (click on link). For tips, see the rest of that thread. Especially the last few pages. Also see get your $$$ BACK!!! (music members) which has more tips about getting your money back.

Can you tell me what brand & model of modem/router you have?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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momfig is flying high

Thanks again for the info. I called my cc company and they said that I have not been cahred yet, but that I need to give them a phone # for All Cool Music to be able to cancel. I told them that I would try to get one. I emailed them, but i have a feeling that I will not be hearing back from them. Can you tell me how to get the corrrupted LW off of my mac? Can i just trash the whole file?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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Yes trash the LW program folder! Also ... delete the LW Preferences folder found here: /Users/your_username/Library/Preferences/LimeWire

BTW get LW Basic first ... if you like it & can sort your issues out then later consider getting pro. Basic is free:

BTW can you tell me about the question I asked above about your connection device?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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momfig is flying high

Why do you want this info
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2006
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Originally Posted by momfig
Why do you want this info
You have a firewall problem. Chances are it may well be your connection device. It may have an internal NAT firewall. I thought I explained that on the previous page.
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