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Mac OSX Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 12th, 2005
Join Date: December 12th, 2005
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svfdfc is flying high
Default Mounting failure when trying to download

I keep getting a "Mounting failed" error when trying to download the install package. It usually downloads only 100 to 180 kb before stopping. I'm using Safari 1.3.1(v312.3.1), OS 10.3.9, and trying to download LimeWire Basic 4.9.37
I've read a lot of the other posts and I don't think I'm even getting to the area where most of the people are having problems.
Is this a user error? I'm fairly new to Macs and therefore somewhat of a dummy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2005
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Safari is certainly the best browser to use to downld dmg's. If you hadn't been using it then I would have recommended it. Might I suggest that instead of double-clicking the dmg, you drag & drop the dmg onto Disk Copy. Open Disk Copy, go to its preferences (command & comma) & click the verifying tab, tick Ignore invalid checksums. Then drag & drop the limewire.dmg file onto disk copy icon in the Dock. It should open then with any luck. (Drag & drop is safer than double-clicking a dmg for some reason)

But upon a re-read of your post, it looks like you're having problems downlding it & you might be getting a corrupt downld or something. Try turning your firewall off if it's turned on (System preferences>Sharing>Firewalls & turn option off.)

Are you using dial up to downld it or a faster connection? Perhaps you should quit Safari, re-open & try again. Perhaps even a reboot. Other things to try, empty Safari's cache or/& reset it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2005
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svfdfc is flying high

I'm using cable connection. I've tried reseting Safari, rebooting, and even the Java fix suggestions in other posts just in case that had something to do with it. I'm able to download and install other things. But for some reason Limewire install package snags up on something.
I'm thinking that I did something bad to the Mac/Limewire gods and they are punishing me at this point. My brother-in-law is pretty good at this stuff so if I don't get it figured out before Christmas I'll have him take a look. I'll be sure to let you know if he is successful. Until then, any other suggestions?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2005
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I just downlded it without problems with Safari 1.3.1(v312.3.3) on 10.3.9. It mounted fine. I'm not sure why my Safari version is slightly different to yours. Have you checked for any Safari updates. Check your Software update program to see if there's any Safari updates. Not sure if this will make any difference or not. Safari update & then (edited! I shouldn't give a direct link to downld url!)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; December 14th, 2005 at 12:30 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2005
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svfdfc is flying high

Nope, same results. Did software updates, the link that you sent, and tried everything over again. Downloads about 180 kb and then decides that it can't mount the disk.
Looking on the bright side, at least it decides to quit early in the download and not at, say 5MB. Now that would suck.
Anyway, unless you can think of something else I think I'll just decide to not have Limewire. I really appreciate all of your help and time though. Mighty kind of you.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 14th, 2005
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I don't know what your problem is. I'd have thought it had something to do with your browser or system abilities with dmg files. You could try Jum's beta builds. But these are betas. No installation necessary. Just drag & drop the program from the mounted dmg. It might be an idea to stop it mounting automatically after downlding. Then mount manually. According to Stief, Firefox is also safe to use for dmg files. You might want to check out the OS X version of it. (F.F. doesn't run well on my system which is why I don't normally recommend it.)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 15th, 2005
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svfdfc is flying high

Just downloaded the new Beta 4.9.38 and it worked fine. No problems with anything. Don't think I'll ever figure out why the other wouldn't work. Again, thanks a ton for the effort that you went to in attempting to help me out.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 15th, 2005
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Thanks for telling me. lol I didn't even know the new beta had come out. Must have been just last 6 hrs or so.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2005
Join Date: December 17th, 2005
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kml636 is flying high

I'm having the same problem! Could this be because I only have jfkldajkfak dial up?

I tried opening the document with disc copier as you described,but it still won't open. Please help, I am desperate! Is there a way to get limewire without downloading from the website?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old December 19th, 2005
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svfdfc is flying high

kml636, I never did figure out the problem. My fix was the beta version. That downloaded fine for ome reason. Not sure about the dial-up thing, I have cable. Lord of the Rings was really helpful but I think we exhaused every option and I had given up when they released the beta version. Have you tried that?
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