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Mac OSX Problems with installing LimeWire or WireShare for Mac OSX users

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2006
Join Date: October 21st, 2006
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petportraits is flying high
Angry Where is the Firewall?

I've just installed FrostWire on my G5 iMac (OS X 10.4.8) - it ran fine yesterday and really impressed me.
When I started up today a firewall has been detected and I am un able to connect.
All settings are the same as they were yesterday, I've checked, and the firewall is turned off in my system preferences.
What has happened?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2006
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If your connection device uses UPnP, then it might be unreliable. For some people UPnP will not start working for a few mins. Some people it works unreliably all the time. So they need for port forward.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2006
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In reply to your Personal Message, your issue seems to be your ISP, Plusnet. They're discussed in 2 posts here ISP's known to BLOCK or Filter p2p or specifically Limewire. Both posts are on page 1. Plusnet apparently block ports.

Repeat of pm:

After investigating your modem, I awoke to the probable cause. Your isp. See

So try going to LW's preferences, Advanced>Firewalls & change the listening port to a high one between 49152 - 65535. Try port 64049. You should restart LW after making the change. Let us know how it goes.

Oh & it might be wise to change connection port also. If you're not sure where to find this option, see Manual port forward instructions & sample image but ignore the manual port forwarding.

Oh I forgot to mention, you will need to add the new port number in your OSX firewall. Sorry I said LimeWIre but you're using FrostWire aren't you. Same thing. (almost)

Last edited by Lord of the Rings; October 21st, 2006 at 11:08 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2006
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Smile Where is the Firewall - Problem solved!

It's late on a Saturday night, but I just had to say "thanks for your efforts" your instructions worked perfectly.
I would never have been able to sorrt it out on my own - I owe you big style!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old October 21st, 2006
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Good to hear, & thanks for letting us know.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2006
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Unhappy The Wall is back!

All went well last night and again this morning, I stopped for lunch and when I came back, there it was again - "The Wall" has returned.
It still appears even when I disable the firewall in system preferences.

I have screen-shots of all the prefs windows but I don't know how to attach them to this message, so I'll try to describe them to you.

In system prefs - personal file sharing is ON
Firewall is enabled for personal file sharing, iTunes and Gnutella/LimeWire
iTunes - TCP port Number is 3689
iTunes - UDP port Number is blank
Gnutella/LimeWire - TCP port Number is 64049
Gnutella/LimeWire - UDP port Number is 64049
Advanced options - none are selected
Internet sharing is OFF (You cannot start internet sharing because you have not selected a port over which to share your connection)
Internet settings show Voyager 105
Built-in ethernet and Built-in Firdewire ane NOT selected

In FW prefs - Listening port is 64049
Router configuration - UPnP is selected
Manual port forward is NOT selected but is set to 64049 also

These settings are locked and have worked succesfully since your last instructions.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2006
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Personal file sharing option is for sharing over a LAN/WAN afaik. So I don't use it ... at least only occasionally. I use a zip disk to move most files between the 2 networked computers. lol

I don't see anything wrong with your settings in System prefs or LW. Perhaps try manual port forward setting & see if that makes any difference. Though it shouldn't be necessary. Else try another port.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2006
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Another Plusnet user found success using port 4915 last year sometime.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2006
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I have made the changes you suggested without changing the port settings and the problem persists. When you say to "try another port", does that mean that I can enter ANY number, say between 49152 - 65535 as you first suggested?
And I assume that I should amend the port settings in preferences also?
I still do not understand the subject of ports, as you will no doubt of gathered, so thank you for bearing with me.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old October 22nd, 2006
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That range of ports are free. Not used for any official purpose. And these are also usually the very last that are blocked by ISP's. Not to say that Plusnet has not decided to block this range after they found you changed ports whilst using LW.

It might be worth calling Plusnet & asking them for a recommended free port to use for p2p purposes, & tell them you're finding some of these free range ones are being blocked & to thus, open them up for you. Speak to a technician there, not someone at the front desk.

The reason ISP's are starting to stop p2p sharing programs is they use a lot of bandwidth & some ISP's are finding they're running out of bandwidth. Their biggest income arrives from businesses so that's who they give priority to.

Something else you can try is connecting at non-peak times. See if it makes any difference connecting during day or evening, etc.
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