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Mac Problems with installing LimeWire for Mac users, generally referring to OS 9 and earlier

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2002
Join Date: April 18th, 2002
Posts: 4
apbatt is flying high
Default Limewire 2.3.3 Crashes system

I have been running limewire since v1.7 and have been pleased by the improvements made, speed increases, better GUI, etc.

2.3 looks really nice.

Too bad it constantly locks up my system.

I have a G4/400 800mb Ram OS 9.2.1
LimeWire 2.3.3 w/80mb of RAM allocated
I use iTunes 2.0.3 (was using 2.0.4 but is buggy) for playback
I have a ton of blank drive space on the main boot volume.
My shared MP3s sit on another 60GB drive.

I have tried upping the RAM
I have tried sharing 0 files (before I was sharing 300+)
I have fiddled with the 'options' settings.

Sometimes it works for hours.

Sometimes it freezes up on boot. When Limewire goes down, it tends to take my whole system with it - I have to use the restart button on the box.

Sometimes the LimeWire screen goes blank - but does not nesc. crash the system at this point. Of course since there is no Mac menu command for quit (how hard is it to add a command-q ?) it is kinda tough to quit out of it. Sometimes resizing the window brings it back to life. Of course sometimes resizing the window is what makes it go blank in the first place.

I can't prove it but there seems to be a connection to running IE5.1 at the same time.

I just downgraded to 2.2 to see if it works any better. If it does not, I go back to 2.1 and then to 1.8. Unless of course 2.4 fixes these problems :-)

I'm not complaining though - just FYI to the limewire people so they can fix the bugs. How much complaining can you do about a free product? I hope all the people complaining in this forum have paid for the pro version :-)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2002
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Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 832
Taliban is flying high

On MacOS you don't have CyDoor but the java banners, right? CyDoor causes problems with the IE on windows systems.

On Linux, I'm having a problem with lock ups as well. There seems to be a serious bug somewhere, however I didn't even come close to verify it, yet.

My current guess is, that it's somehow connected to the requerying or downloading mechanism, since it seems to happen more often, when I have lots of downloads.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2002
Join Date: April 18th, 2002
Posts: 4
apbatt is flying high
Default re: 2.3.3 crash

I'm not sure what CyDoor is so it probably doesn't exit for/on the mac :-)
As for Java banners - the whole deal runs as a Java app on the mac (i have not seen it run on anything else),.

Any idea if LimeWire uses Apple's MRJ or is it a self contained Java app?

I know that as a matter of Microsoft general excellence, many web pages with heavy heavy java scripting cause the mac 5.1 IE to hang or crash.

But as I said, LimeWire still crashes and locks up without IE. IE just seems to speed up the crash.

At the moment I am running 2.2 in the background while doing Photoshop work, so far so good. 2.2 seems to suffer from the same screen redraw problems as 2.3 (dissappearing interface, slow redraw, problems resizing the window) but has not crashed yet.

One odd thing though, since on the Mac side you allocate ram amounts to individual programs (in OS 9 - changed this for OS X), I allocated 85mb of RAM to LimeWire, but when I check on the ram usage it has allocated about 160mb for itself. I went and checked the program's set ram and it was still set to 85. Curious. Is there any other process/programs that run invisibly with LimeWire? I hope nothing as evil/crappy as what Kazaa is doing.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2002
Join Date: April 18th, 2002
Posts: 4
apbatt is flying high
Default re: more downloads

taliban wrote: "My current guess is, that it's somehow connected to the requerying or downloading mechanism, since it seems to happen more often, when I have lots of downloads."

Actually, I noticed that as well now that you mention it. Limewire does seem to bog down when I have a stack of 25+ files in the download que.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old April 18th, 2002
Gnutella Aficionado
Join Date: March 13th, 2002
Location: Aachen
Posts: 832
Taliban is flying high

LimeWire is using the Mac equivalent of JRE 1.1.8 for MacOS. I believe it is Apple's MRJ (which is also source of many performance problems LimeWire users are experiencing on MacOS). Apple stated, that it wouldn't release JRE 1.3.1 or 1.4 for MacOS.

Display errors are probably errors in Apple's implementation of Java and nothing LimeWire does have any influence on.

As for the other programs running with LimeWire, LimeWire starts easily 50 - 200 threads. Some OSs (like linux) consider each of them as a single process.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old April 20th, 2002
Join Date: December 14th, 2001
Location: Galaxy 9
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efield is flying high
Default Re: re: 2.3.3 crash

Originally posted by apbatt
Any idea if LimeWire uses Apple's MRJ or is it a self contained Java app?

One odd thing though, since on the Mac side you allocate ram amounts to individual programs (in OS 9 - changed this for OS X), I allocated 85mb of RAM to LimeWire, but when I check on the ram usage it has allocated about 160mb for itself. I went and checked the program's set ram and it was still set to 85.
LimeWire and IE both use Apple's MRJ.

On the memory allocation giving LimeWire more memory through Get Info just adds to the buffer of memory for LimeWire. So even though you gave it 160 megs, it probably isn't using all of it.

It is possible for LimeWire to run 15 days uninterrupted on the classic Mac OS; currently that is what is happening here.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old April 22nd, 2002
Join Date: April 18th, 2002
Posts: 4
apbatt is flying high

efield wrote: On the memory allocation giving LimeWire more memory through Get Info just adds to the buffer of memory for LimeWire. So even though you gave it 160 megs, it probably isn't using all of it.
The mystery here is not the buffer - if you re-read my post :-) you will find I gave the program 85 mb of ram, but it is *taking* 160 mb. RIght now I am running LimeWire 2.2 with 82 MB allocated, but it is taking (not using) 121mb - WTF?

What version of LIme have you been running for 15 days? What Mac do you have that has not crashed for any reason for 15 days?

I can run 2.2 for a while, but eventually I want to use some other program that it does not play well with and boom (see other posts for boom details)

2.2 does run better since I have changed to 10 downloads max. and serving fewer mp3s.

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