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richiestang_78 April 8th, 2003 12:05 PM

Error type 1
Ok I just downloaded the newest version of limewire and installed it on my computer. Wish I could still use the old 1.7 still, but anyway now when I try to start the program up all I get is an errortype 1.

trap_jaw April 8th, 2003 12:23 PM

richiestang_78 April 9th, 2003 10:21 PM

Help me out
Alright I downloaded the newest MRJ from the link you gave me. Limewire still gets error 1 and I dont know how to put more memory to this file. I cant find it cause I have no idea what to look for. Tell me how to get this stupid program running please.

Joakim Agren April 9th, 2003 10:59 PM

Re: Help me out

Originally posted by richiestang_78
Alright I downloaded the newest MRJ from the link you gave me. Limewire still gets error 1 and I dont know how to put more memory to this file. I cant find it cause I have no idea what to look for. Tell me how to get this stupid program running please.

I also participated in this thread that you should read:

It describes the process of giving MRJ more memory and also where it is located.

richiestang_78 April 10th, 2003 02:15 AM

still nothin
OK I set the perferred memory for Apple Applet Runner to 32000, restarted my comp and still the same message. I really need to solve this cause its driving me nuts. Wish Kazaa was for mac. So please help.

spearson April 10th, 2003 03:51 PM

When do you get this "type 1" error? As soon as you start up LimeWire? You could try this. Search for LimeWire on your Mac and delete everything that has to do with it. Re-download the latest version of LimeWire from the download link in my signature and install it. Let us know if that helps.

richiestang_78 April 10th, 2003 05:01 PM

Still nothing
Ok deleting everything and installing it was the first thing I did. I get the error right after the limewire box with the clock goes away then the Limewire has unexpectebly quit doing to an error type 1. I hate limewire, why the stupid mandatory update. 1.7c was all I needed.

stief April 10th, 2003 05:37 PM

Limedude, might this thread help. If it's not the usual installer/java problem, maybe an extension confict like the FaxStf one.

richiestang_78, someone (Kathy W I think?) recommended 60,000k of memory be allocated.

When you figure this out, post back with a solution to help others. Listening to rants gets pretty tedious when there are some really good ones around. Mark Twain's are my favourites.

(sorry--just passing through looking for the links to the old versions. Pardon the interruption)

richiestang_78 April 10th, 2003 06:11 PM

I know that this problem can be fixed and I have done everything down to the letter that I have read but same error everytime.

stief April 10th, 2003 06:35 PM

Aha! You set the memory for the applet runner, right? Reset it to the preferred, and give LW the memory. Did I miss what machine/OS version you are using?

Here's what an old Apple Error Codes '98 says about Type 1 errors:

ID=01 Bus Error
This means the computer tried to access memory that doesn't exist. You can get this error on almost any Macintosh. If one of these computers tried to access one or more bytes beyond the total number of bytes in RAM, you see a bus error. You should never see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, because address references that are out of bounds "roll over". This means if one of these computers tries to access one byte beyond the total bytes in RAM, it actually accesses the first byte in memory. If you see this error on a Macintosh Plus or SE, it's reporting the wrong error or having hardware problems.

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