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Mac Problems with installing LimeWire for Mac users, generally referring to OS 9 and earlier

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old December 22nd, 2005
Join Date: December 22nd, 2005
Location: Glasgow - SCOTLAND - UK
Posts: 5
The Mac Man is flying high
Default Mac Crashes - Here's The Solution...!!! Step By Step. Sorry I Forgot to include it

The Complete Un-Intall -> Download -> Re-Install

Well there goes Part 1
LimeWire Un-Installed.

Part 2
Remove "LimeWire" (folder) the application from where you installed it the first time from HD -> Applications Folder -> LimeWire -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 3
Remove ".limewire" (folder) from HD -> System Folder -> Preferences -> .limewire -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 4
Remove "Shared" (folder) from HD -> System Folder -> Preferences -> Shared -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 5
Remove "Limewire 4.0 Installer" (folder) from HD -> Limewire 4.0 Installer -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 6
Remove "Incomplete" (folder) from HD -> Incomplete -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 7
Find anything to do with Lime Wire -> And put it in the Wastebasket.

Part 8
Click "Desktop" -> GO -> Special -> Emply Wastebasket...

Now Everything relating to LimeWire should be GONE, Nothing Left NADA.

Part 9
Click "Desktop" -> Do "Apple F" to launch "Sherlock" -> Type in "limewire" -> Click "FIND" and make sure that everything relating to LimeWire should be GONE, Nothing Left - NADA.

If "Sherlock" finds anything of LimeWire remaining - PUT IT IN THE WASTBASKET -> EMPTY IT -> AND CHECK AGAIN.

Part 10
Open your browser and GoTo:-

Part 11
This should take you to:- -> Click on the Big Red "GET IT MOW"

Part 12
This should take you to:- -> Click on the Little Red "GET PRO" or "GET BASIC" to download a fresh installer of "LimeWire"

Part 13
This should take you to:- -> Select "I will not use LimeWire BASIC for copyright infringement." -> Click "Continue"

Part 14
This should take you to:- -> Select "MacClassic" (Frosen at version4.0)

Part 15
Your Download should begin & end smoothly.

Part 16
You should now be able to see a grey generic file called "LimeWireSoftMC" whereever it is that your browser saves your downloads to.

Part 17
Doudle click on the grey generic file and Stuffit Expander should EXPAND this file to the 'LimeWire_Installer"

Part 18
Create a folder and call it "LimeWire 4.0" and put the grey generic file called "LimeWireSoftMC" and the 'LimeWire_Installer" into it (Keeping both the download and the installer together)

Part 19
Now drag it somewhere on your computer where you can easily find it, I have a folder in my "ToolBox" folder called "MacInstallers"

Part 20
Now -> Go -> Special -> Shut Down and close down your computer.

Part 21
Wait a minute untill your hard diek stops spinning, and then restart your computer.

Part 22
Close down ANY Applications or Programs that launch at Startup.

Part 23
Run NORTON Disk Doctor UTILITIES over your disk (No Computer should be without a copy)
If you don't have a copy call me. I'll send you a copy...!! (**********)

Part 24
Skip the top Action "Checking Media" we don't need that, it's the files on our computer we want to make sure are not corupt.

Part 25

Part 26
Re-Install "LimeWire"


Part 27
GO DO -> Special -> Shut Down and close down your computer - DON'T RESART it SHUT it down.

Part 28
Wait a minute untill your hard diek stops spinning, and then restart your computer.

Part 29
Close down ANY Applications or Programs that launch at Startup.

Part 30
Run NORTON Disk Doctor UTILITIES over your disk AGAIN
If you don't have a copy call me. I'll send you a copy...!! (***********)

Part 31
Skip the top Action "Checking Media" we don't need that, it's the files on our computer we want to make sure are not corupt.

Part 32
Norton WILL FIND a cople of things WRONG - Minor Problems
Check Files
Minor errors were found in the files listed below.
The bundle bit is on, but should be off.
The problem was fixed.
Segate 8Gb HD:Trash:LimeWire_Installer
Segate 8Gb HD:Applications:LimeWire:LimeWire
Segate 8Gb HD:Applications:LimeWire:UninstallerData:Uninstall

Again *** FIX THEM***

Part 33
GO DO -> Special -> Shut Down and close down your computer - DON'T RETSART it SHUT it down.

Part 34
Wait a minute untill your hard disk stops spinning, and then restart your computer.

Part 35
Close down ANY Applications or Programs that launch at Startup.

Part 36
Run NORTON Disk Doctor UTILITIES over your disk AGAIN... YES AGAIN
If you don't have a copy call me. I'll send you a copy...!! (***********)

Part 37
Skip the top Action "Checking Media" we don't need that, it's the files on our computer we want to make sure are not corupt.

Part 38
This time it should come back... "No Problems Found"
If it dosn't - Run "NORTON Disk Doctor UTILITIES" until it does!!

Part 39
GO DO -> Special -> Shut Down and close down your computer - DON'T RESTART it SHUT it down.

Switch Off your modem (if it is external) and Pull Out the power cable on both the computer & the modem.

Part 40
Go feed the kids or have a cup of tea or something.

Part 41
When you come back - Restart your computer.

Part 42
Close down ANY Applications or Programs that launch at Startup.

Part 43
Click on "LimeWire" once GO File -> Get Info -> Memory

Part 44
Increase "Minimum Size to 6144
Increase Preferred Size to 10240

Part 45
Launch "LimeWire"

(for the techies out there:- while holding down the "ctrl" ket to launch the Java Console)
LAX Version = 5.0
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator.showDialogs ForFirstVisibility(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator.access$000(
at com.limegroup.gnutella.gui.GUIMediator$
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities.processRunna bleEvent(Compiled Code)
at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$RunnableTarg et.processEvent(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Compiled Code)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Compiled Code)

Don't try to do anything yet - IT WILL LOOK LIKE IT IS HANGING BUT ITS NOT
NOTE:- That the little spinning "Lime" in the window has STOPPED
(if you click on anything it just takes about a minute or two to execute)

Part 46
When the window for the UPGRADE OPTION comes up in the BASIC version -> Click "Later" ONCE and leave it - It Will Look Like Nothing Is Happening - BUT DON'T FORCE QUIT

Part 47
It is working - JUST REALLY Slowly - WHY - Don't ask me I don't know.

Part 48
Now go pick up the wife from her night out or do something interesting because it can take more than an hour for "LimeWire" to get past this part of the launch proccess. and get connected to the "LimeWire" network

Part 49
Once it does - You'll know when it has worked - It will say "Good" - "Excelent" - or "Turbo Charged" down at the bottom left hand side of the "LimeWire" screen.

Part 50
AGAIN don't try to do anything with "LimeWire" Just Yet

Part 51
GO to the menu at the top of the "LimeWire" screen GO Tools -> Options -> This opens a preferrence window - inside Select "Connections" - on the right hand side "UN-TICK" - "Connect on Startup" -> Click "Apply" -> Click "OK"

Part 52
Go -> FILE -> Close.

Part 53
The next time you launch "LimeWire" it will start up - but it will not try to get connected to the "LimeWire" network.

Part 54
Now Re-Launck "LimeWire" - Wait for the "Upgrade To Pro Option" window in the Basic version to launch - You will notice this time that the little spinning "Lime" is now SPINNING -> Click "Later"

Part 55
"LimeWire" should now have launched properly and be stable enough for you to try connecting to the "LimeWire" network

Part 56
Go -> File -> Connect

Go -> File -> Disconnect

Go -> File -> Connect

If you can do this a couple of times - You've CRACKED It.

Part 57
In fact KEEP DOING IT until you get an "Excellent" connection

You can now make your selections and happily download into the sunset untill you're heart is content.

Before you qiut "LimeWire"

Go -> File -> Disconnect
(wait until it "Disconnects" (it will tell you (in RED) down at the bottom left hand side of the "LimeWire" screen.

Go -> File -> "Close"

This way you should have no trouble using it when ever you want - Good Luck..!!!

- - - - - - - - E N D - - - - - - - -

I know that this is a real pain in the A**E but it seem to be the only way to get "LimeWire" into a stable enought state to work consistently over & over & over again, day in, day out, week after week on a MAC

If this helps even ONE of you out there with your Mac Hangs, Freezes and crashes then my three days of watching paint dry with all of the crashes, hangs and force quites I had to go through have been worth it.

All The best

The Mac Man
Robert G. Johnston.

Last edited by murasame; December 28th, 2005 at 12:06 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2005
murasame's Avatar
The Soulforged
Join Date: February 12th, 2004
Location: Paris, France
Posts: 1,758
murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I'm soooooo happy that I don't haveyou Mac!
So far, my Mac has hanged only once in 2 yrs (ever since I bought it) and that wasn't because of LW...

Also, LW is working steadily, when I wan't it too, without having to do all this stuff....

Anyway, I also hope that this helps somebody out there, but I also hope that nobody ever needs this guide, for their sake.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 26th, 2005
murasame's Avatar
The Soulforged
Join Date: February 12th, 2004
Location: Paris, France
Posts: 1,758
murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Oh I did.
I'm the one who merged them.
And btw, Mr Mac Man, in the future do remember to click on "Post Reply" and not on "New Thread" when you are trying to reply to someone's post.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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