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Lord of the Rings November 17th, 2022 04:36 PM

Morpheus settings query
I need some confirmation about Morpheus behaviours.

1. Is the host connection data is stored in AppData/Morpheus?
2. (a) Within the program folder there are equivalent host and gwebcache (gwc) files. Are these used at all?
(b) I’m guessing at some point these files were utilised from the program folder. With which Morpheus & Ultra versions did they change to the new location (appdata) if at all?
3. What is the difference between and
4. Are these host files updated during or end of session?
My recent sessions suggests the host files are not updated in any way.
5. Is there a method of viewing connected hosts within Morpheus?

There does not appear to be any presently active gwc’s that support Neonet.

Reason for my query: I am planning on putting together a cache/host connection installer. This one will access g1 hosts from a specific g1 gwc. I am unable to do this for g2, thus g2 will need to rely on an updated gwc webcache file.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gnucleus test:
I have tested this with Gnucleus v.2. Unfortunately with gnucleus the g2 hosts need to be physically within the host file. Gnucleus appears to be failing to obtain (or at least connect to) g2 hosts from gwc's. Including specific g2 gwc's. Not even temporary connections show in the g2 host connected nodes window. These have been from 1 to 4 hour sessions. So this is not conclusive. AFAIK accessing gwc's is once per hour standard.
Manual input of G2 hosts finally worked after several sessions over 4 days. But that means manually adding myself. First input and two almost immediate connections.
This Gnucleus was port forwarded so in theory should not be firewalled. Edit: Log suggests all G2 communications in & out are UDP. Something is amiss.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

My test of replacing all host files within both Morpheus' appdata and program folders with g1 only hosts did not affect ability to connect to g2 (was quite fast.) That hints at Morpheus working ok with accessing g2 hosts quickly from gWebCache. 6. Unless Morpheus is saving previously connected hosts elsewhere during shutdown such as in a settings file and not the host file?

BTW I am intending to shift all of the gnutella network connection installers I offer to a similar online process so I will no longer be required to periodically update static connection installers.

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